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Rudolf Hucker

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Everything posted by Rudolf Hucker

  1. ... whilst their appearance rivals the Addams Family
  2. He'll have to look at a map to find out where St George is.
  3. Agreed Tone, I too would prefer to pour bleach down the eye of your knob.
  4. Just got in. Been listening to the commentary in the car. What is Hoskins on? He's meant to be painting a picture for us - acting as our eyes and ears. I quote: "Agard on the left touchline, passes inside to Freeman who spins very well and knocks it back to Joe Bryan who runs into a brick wall [long pause; no continuation]." Either: a) WTF is Hoskins talking about? He's talking bollocks. OR b) WTF is Bryan doing and why is he running off of the pitch? OR c) how has Orient got permission to build a brick wall on the pitch?
  5. Why? I often hear this argument put forward but I can't think for the life of me why it will be for the good of Bristol. Explain.
  6. The loser's ribbons! Bugger - beat me to it Glyn!
  7. Which two league teams - one from England and one from Scotland - don't include the letters a, b, c, d or e in their names? Portsmouth, Livingston
  8. Joe Baker was the first footballer to play for England despite never having previously played in any of the English leagues - born in Liverpool of Scottish parents, moved to Scotland and played for Hibs. Whilst there, he was selected to play for England v N. Ireland in 1959 and in doing so also became the first player to be picked for England whilst playing for a club outside of the English league system. Incidentally, one other player has been picked to play for England despite never having previously played in any of the English Leagues. His name ... Owen Hargreaves
  9. How did he manage to get hold of Adidas training kit?
  10. He'd split the fanbase at a time we least need it further divided. So it's a NO from me.
  11. Not so fast. I'm sure that I used to go skating and walk the dog on that bowling green. Besides which "Nelson Mandela House" is likely to be designated a world heritage centre for the role that it played in the history of British light entertainment. It'll shortly be a Grade 2 listed building for sure. We couldn't possibly build upon it.
  12. It's going to be even more difficult for them without the revenue from the rugby club when they move to AG. In the days when revenue earned determines how much can be spent on your football team, this must be for them a serious problem?
  13. I completely concur Cliff and add my thanks.
  14. The danger is that he and his colleagues take this same Fools & Horses mathematical approach to government ... which is why as a country we're teetering on bankruptcy constantly spending 150,000% of the mere 100% that's been generated through taxation. Cushty Rodders. This time next year we'll all be millionaires.
  15. "150,000 per cent" indeed - are these guys also in charge of our schools? Interesting article. It may not be a smoking gun but there is sufficient doubt being raised on so many fronts that the right thing to do will be for the planning committee to reconsider its verdict (with a newly constituted team of representatives) ... and that will be where the fun starts. How can they overturn the previous verdict without causing members of the previous committee to lose face?
  16. This is a key issue for me Will. The council members who sit on this committee surely cannot be allowed to sit on the fence on such high profile decisions without explaining their reasons for doing do? Abstention should not be an option - "decision makers" should be all the way in or all the way out not cowering in some half way house. Olé - you have done an outstanding job in uncovering this scandal. Well done you! The people of Bristol should be made aware of the corruption which exists within their council. Publish (to all and sundry) and be damned.
  17. Forget the newspaper - did you enjoy the chips? I refer you to this extract from an interview with Steve Gibson: Southgate's departure comes with Middlesbrough fourth in the Championship after 13 games, just a point behind leaders West Brom. However, with three defeats at home already this season, the latest of which came against Watford on Saturday, Gibson admitted that the long-term ambitions of the club had to take priority over short-term form. "I think the league position flatters some of our performances. When I look at some of the important games we've played against the clubs who are close to us we have quite an abysmal record." "In football terms, it wasn't that tough a decision. In personal terms, it was very difficult because Gareth Southgate is a very good and decent man," Gibson added. "The blame traditionally lies at the manager's door and we needed to spark things, and get the fans and the town back behind the club. We can't afford the splinters we have." Long may GJ remain at AG but when we one day must replace him let's go for someone who is more than just "a very good and decent man".
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