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cidered abroad

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Posts posted by cidered abroad

  1. 23 hours ago, robin_unreliant said:

    A sin bin would be a good move for football imo.

    That kind of professional foul that has become acceptable could be say 15 mins off the field.

    It probably isn't proportionate to make it a sending off and players will share it around so they only get one yellow. If the punishment was a temporary time down to ten men that may be enough disadvantage to stop it.

    Perhaps it would be a good idea to make all yellow cards to be 10/15 minutes in the Sin Bin.

  2. 11 hours ago, Redrascal2 said:

    My first game was a league cup game versus Everton in 1967. We lost 5-0. That Everton side with the likes of Ball, Kendall, Labone and Joe Royle were pretty decent. And then there was the FA cup game when Royle was their manager.  I remember playing them  off the park and hitting the bar and post and creating loads of chances. They had one shot on goal and scored. And that year they won the cup. 

    I met Joe Royle on the way into Ashton Gate about 4/5 years ago and I said I remember your first match at City. He thought I meant the four he scored on his debut.

    I said, no, when you and Bally, Kendall and gang, ripped us to pieces 5-0 in a League Cup tie circa 1967. And the whole City crowd clapped Everton off the field for a superb display. He was delighted that some still remember back that far.

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  3. On 12/03/2023 at 18:02, weepywall said:

    Am I the only one on here that struggles to remember the first game I went to this season let alone a game from in my case about 48 years back. I do remember the Portsmouth game when we won promotion to Div 1 and I think it was Notts County on the Saturday after..which we lost.

    Because every City player had drunk so much orange juice that had chilled the brain!

  4. I am surprised that so many of our City supporters are agreeing with the decision. The only reason that Sykes was in a position to make contact with the Swansea player is because he had been dumped on his back by the kick on his foot by the other Swansea defender with a so called "professional foul". In other words a cheats way of stopping a player en route to a one v one situation with their goalkeeper.

    So why did the Swansea cheat not get a red card for that? 

    I'm afraid that I don't believe that things even out over a season. We have suffered crap refs and Lino's, ignoring stonewall fouls against us, yet we get penalised for so many similar incidents. EG. That horrible little shit, Sharp, and his blatant push from an offside position, to get a winning goal. Whereas it should have been either offside or a foul with a free kick to us.

    Many will now say that I am totally biased for Bristol City. That is untrue as I have always tried to see both sides of any discussion or event, and City have been dumped on too much in the last couple of years.

    • Like 5
  5. Is the Swansea player who took him out preceding the incident, going to be suspended for causing it? If he hadn't brought down Sykes he wouldn't have been sliding on his back in the direction of the one he tripped up. City and Sykes get the blame and the cheating Swansea defender who started it gets away with it.

    No, of course not. I know I can be called as biased but the amount of skulduggery that has been dished out this season on our players by so many opponents who are not penalised during or after the match, is incredible.

    • Like 4
  6. Being realistic, the possibility that more than one per year making the grade at league level is unusual. Yet we produced three from the same under 21's with Kelly, Vyner and O'Leary before the present management came to the club.

    In the last two years since Pearson arrived, many have made amazing progress. For this reason I hope my first comment will not come true for the latest City boys who are hoping for the world cup final to figure in their careers. Or a trip to the Prem with City ; Bristol City!


  7. On 22/03/2023 at 11:18, Rob26 said:

    I also think there should be some way owners can pump in unlimited money of their personal cash into a club and this boosts their FFP, but does not add to any debt the club owes.

    like maybe you have to pump it into a special account monitored by the league, buy a player for 20m, with 5m of wages liability, but only got 5m left of your FFP budget for example, then you need to place 20m in this account that you cannot touch until the final costs for the player have occurred. 

    So when you sell the player you can get back what you haven't spent and a refund of any transfer fee paid that is recovered through the sale, or you simply let the club have the revenue to boost FFP too but have to write it off.

    I'm sure could be simplified, but would like to see a way people can invest massive amounts into clubs so the clubs benefit and that will trickle down to everyone else too on future deals, but also need to make sure if they do allow it that no liabilities are placed on the club for any of these deals that take clubs out of FFP.

    The payments for the players can come direct from this bank account automatically, and to release money back from the pot to the owner they would need to get it authorised from the league. 

    I think it would result in a massive amount of money coming in for clubs too, but if you allow it you have to make sure the club stays solvent and benefits from the purchases as a donation rather than increasing the clubs liabilities which if the owners have losses on their outside businesses or grow bored and don't want to put any more money in causes massive cashflow squeezes that can place clubs in situations where they have to be sold or go into administration. Having that money on the books to cover anything over FFP would make them more attractive purchases to the vultures looking to take over.


    Sure a better system could be made, but they are billions off the books at some of the massive clubs that I think the owners do want to put in. I would let them put it in but place them under more intensive scrutiny and pay everything up front where they cannot get that money back unless the spend is not realised. 

    That is basically what happened before FFP and any other method etc, came into being. The chairmen and board members  quietly made up the loss every year. Thus the bigger clubs with wealthy Board members in each Division were the ones who won titles and cups and those with less money struggled on to avoid relegation. As long as that system kept the clubs going it was OK. as most clubs behaved with some responsibility. It's when an owner or a board spend ore than they put in that trouble comes.

    So what is different now except that those who break the rules are the ones with the brainiest accountants who are able to fiddle the annual results. Where there is cash, is where the fiddling goes on. Ordinary working people never earn enough to do anything but survive. Those with loads of cash can afford to pay for the fiddling!

  8. Lansdown is best IMO. No sun in your eyes and with most of our rain coming from the west, less chance of a soaking in the front rows.

    Try to spend time before the match to see all the displays in the concourse. West of England sports persons, Bristol Rugby history both of the club but also local amateur clubs in the Bristol area.

    And finally but by no means the least are several displays about the history of our football club. Also displays of City players in an upstairs bar in the bar at the South- West corner of the stadium. In that area outside the stadium, there are two displays about the fans who bought shares to keep us going in 1982. Of course you must see the the statue of John Atyeo, the greatest City player of my lifetime and according to my father who saw City when Billy Wedlock and later Atyeo were in the team.

  9. 1 hour ago, Marcus Aurelius said:

    I think we’ve had a pretty good season, the biggest negative for me is the fitness department re amount of injuries, but a lot have been impact (unsure how much can be attributed to bad luck).

    Sometimes an injury is self inflicted. We now have a squad of players who are giving everything to the team effort. So rather than pulling out of tackles or "hiding" like we were when NP arrived, some may be trying too hard and in a way causing their injuries. Especially the younger ones who are still learning the game. And the elders of the squad carrying on playing with a niggle injury that can be coped with but finally makes them stop.

    I'm hoping that we get a squad with two for each position and where those niggles can be given a rest to recover rather than being out for months.

  10. On 20/03/2023 at 09:21, Davefevs said:

    Yeah, I get the point.  And in some ways I am contradicting myself re young players.  Although I’m more in the camp that I’m happy to see the youngsters provide backfill rather than cheap appearances.  I’d be quite happy for OTC to sit on the bench over Andy King if we had James, Naismith plus Scott in midfield…if that makes sense.

    Re Haikin, I guess I just want Max to keep improving, and gaining experience.

    I read an interesting article the other day that suggested having two no1s is not a good idea…and that you want an out and out no1, feeling his place isn’t under challenge, Uber confident that he’s gonna play.  Not sure if I agree or not, just an interesting thought, because we all suggest we want two no1s.

    In my long time watching City, it has been a rarity when we have had two number ones vying for the team selection.

    The mid 1950's with Tony Cook and Bob Anderson. And mid to late 1970's with John Shaw and Ray Cashley.

    Can anyone add to that? 

    • Like 2
  11. 12 hours ago, redkev said:

    Think Wilson has a lot to do myself , as I have said on another thread wouldn’t surprise me if Wilson moves on , 

    He is recovering from a long term injury and he has only had very few appearances to judge his ability as a City player.

    So, please tell me, how you come to the opinion that he has "A lot to do?" In what way? Recover from injury or improve his ability to perform at Championship level?

    • Like 1
  12. 5 hours ago, exAtyeoMax said:

    I can't think who… Tom Ritchie who was mentioned before was a bit before my time. I can't remember what Martin Woolford was like either.

    Fammy was a bit gangly I suppose 

    Woolford arrived with a decent reputation but was, and I hate to say it, was a complete failure at City. A forward who, IMO, ranked with the Brian Mitchell and others as disasters.

    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, Bris Red said:

    As others have said with their terrible facilities and League 1 fanbase at best it is hard to see Luton sustaining their current trajectory. 

    You can only go so far on home gates of 7 thousand and a stadium that is horrendously outdated.

    We all know where we are heading as a club and we have finally started to lay the foundations to not only reach the Premier league but having a decent chance of staying there if and when we finally do it. Luton on the other hand need serious investment off the pitch and about 12 thousand more home fans through the turnstiles each week to truly be able to sustain themselves at this level or the level above IMO, if they don’t go up this season i would surprised to see them finish above us next season in the championship..


    But from where are they going to fill any new stadium? One has to remember that town is so close to London via motorway and train that the majority of football fans are supporters of the big Premier League teams. Why watch Luton when a half an hour away is quality football in modern stadia? Even Watford, Luton's local derby only pull in just over 20,000 in the Prem.


  14. 1 hour ago, Robbored said:

    I can’t see anything unprofessional in that article - he’s saying it as it is. No criticism of us at all.

    I'm not surprised that you see nothing amiss with that article. It's full of bitterness if you can read between the lines. Chairmen should be more graceful than that.

    And for the rest of City fans. This is a club that has spent a lot longer in the top league since the war and been to cup finals, not Mickey Mouse ones, than us.

    They play a horrible style, but effective. Are well trained in the darker side of things will probably be in the play offs for the second year in a row. If they did go up, they would (dis)grace the Prem for quality of football but would be £100 million better off in one season.

    While our massive club, with a superb stadium instead of some people's back yards, will still be stuck in the Championship.

    PS. At least our owner has not knowingly cheated the FFP rules like Luton did on their way out of the League a few years ago. And he had the decency to get rid of the worm who did.

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    • Confused 1
    • Hmmm 1
  15. The interview and his comments tell me that we have a determined and sensible young man in our Academy. Just because he came from the same Guernsey FC as Scott should be irrelevant. A debut before the end of this season would be a reward for his apparent skill and dedication.


  16. 1 hour ago, Offside said:

    Not sure if this has been posted on the forum before, but I saw this great photo on FB, taken from the flats before the Dolman was built. My great grandmother used to live in the flats and my dad said he remembered his uncles watching games from their balcony (but my dad claimed he always went in the ground to watch). 

    I used to love those floodlights. 

    Mods - any chance there could be a separate section for people to post old pics like this? There are threads with them every now and then and it would be good if they were all in one place. I find them fascinating. 


    Those floodlights were first used in December 1966 against Wolves and Dolman opened circa 1970 so picture dated

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