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cidered abroad

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Posts posted by cidered abroad

  1. 1 hour ago, Son of Fred said:

    Yes,,, isn't being committed a requirement of any job??



    Yes it is. However there are so many reasons why any person has an off day from a row with his wife, to serious illness within the family and so on and infinitum.

    Someone in an office does 5% less than normal. A surgeon goes slower than normal.

    A professional footballers timing is a split second out.

    None are deliberate actions. 

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, lenred said:

    I’m genuinely amazed at the ’master technicians’ on here who now seem to think that their pretending to know about team set up and what was best for City somehow masks their desperation for Pearson to leave now that we’re improving.   I don’t recall hardly anyone talking about formations and how we should change and that was the reason he should go - I just remember certain posters bellowing on about how shit he was at man management, how much of a dinosaur he was and how he has no clue about modern day football. From recall most of the people discussing formations were supporters of Pearson and the job he was doing. Maybe I’m getting forgetful though in my middle age! 


    If you are forgetful now, you have a wonderful future especially when you approach your 80th birthday.

    One can remember everything from your first forty/fifty years but not five minutes ago.

    Go to your shed or garage and you are unable to remember why?

    Get off the train at Parson Street at 1.30pm when City are home and walk to the other platform and catch a train home. At ten pm you suddenly remember that you missed the game.

  3. He's a bit of a weirdo.

    Comes from Merthyr in South Wales. Early career in local Rhondda teams.

    Went to Luton aged 20 but no first team games. Supposedly got homesick so instead of going back to South Wales, he signed for Badajoz in western Spain. Quite a nice town(city), I went there several times when lived in Portugal.

    Now a manager who really should have been arrested at every match he's at for the foul and disgusting language he spouts for every minute of a match.

  4. 8 hours ago, hinsleburg said:

    Got some bollocks on him this kid, few key headers when he knew he was going to be clattered.

    Doesn't shirk a tackle nor does he hide from the ball. Been really impressed since we signed him, injuries haven't helped him but felt he's consistently delivered 7/10 performances. Today was definitely a big game for him, pushed his game to the next level against tough opposition.

    Very good in the air considering his height. Always rated this signing and is exactly the sort of gamble we should be making in the transfer market, low risk high reward.

    This isn't a "Aren't Man U wonderful" statement but one should never forget that their choice of youngsters for their Academy hasn't changed much since the time of Sir Matt Busby.

    They start with quality and improve it. Many are never going to make it at Man U like the boys of '92 but their so called failures still have a lot of talent.

    Tanner is following Brownhill at Bristol City.

    • Like 1
  5. 15 minutes ago, Port Said Red said:

    Sorry Joe but if you can't see where the difference is in Atkinson, then you need to go and review his past work.

    I have been a big fan of his from day one, but even he would probably admit that the "Old Rob" would have struggled to cope with Ched Evans last week or Pukki and Sargent this week. The sheer determination not to be beaten just wasn't quite there before. 

    That coupled with Zak being in the form of his life and Matty James in front of them proving why he was such an important signing, has allowed him to change to a formation he prefers. He said he couldn't "trust Rob" and I am sure that hurt, but I would bet good money that they both will admit it had the desired effect. It's been a long time since I was so confident that we would not concede in those last few minutes.

    Regarding the time he has had, I think you and @Bar BS3 both mentioned this, I think he had a remit that was as much to do with off the pitch as on it. As a club we needed an evolution not a revolution, the board and some of us with a little inside knowledge could see it happening, others perhaps rightly, were only concerned with what's was happening on the pitch. There was a poster from Leicester City on here 18 months ago saying "stick with him, he will make your club better", and I think he is right. We aren't completely there yet, but I think we 75-85% of what a Pearson team should be.

    I would say that "We aren't completely there yet, but I think we are 75-85% of what a successful football club should be."

    The most successful clubs are those where decade to decade, the proverbial "tea lady" is as important as the CEO, owner, football manager, players and supporters.

    PS. The last sentence is not meant to be sexist or demeaning tlo feminine catering staff. Just my old fashioned language.

    • Like 1
  6. 32 minutes ago, robinforlife2 said:

    I personally don't think there is anything wrong with being a doubter. I get people can understand the bigger picture and the long term scale of things, and with that, maybe they are more accepting. But if a manager and any manger for that matter, didn't have any doubts when they had one of the poorest strike rates of managers in recent times, then the question should be, when is there time to doubt?

    Am I pleased it has been turned around, absolutely. It is very much his team now, and whilst he may not have been able to bring in some luxury additions he would like, the additions are his additions. 

    I don't care what anyone says, but in life performances don't breed confidence, results do, and the difference is, that on Boxing Day, we were being treated to the odd performance but there was no result, we had players out of position, and we seemed incapable of putting two results together. One might say, that some fans getting on Nige's back, and as a result probably people at the club as well, he had to try something new, and realised now was the time to put up, or be put out.

    January and early February, has been a breath of fresh air, we have gone from unable to win despite playing well, to being able to win, or draw even if we don't. Confidence breeds confidence and confidence often leads to results. As present we are getting the results even when we are not impressive, and a lot of that will come down to confidence. 

    The team is finally progressing in the right way on the pitch under Pearson, and that is all that those who were voicing concern wanted to see. Whether it's a change of playing staff, change of formation, playing players in the right position, or a combination of all those factors, the facts are, if anything we are starting to do a little too well. and this is when sometimes expectation becomes unrealistic.

    What the current run does do, is takes us well away from the relegation zone. An area we needed to avoid this season, and all most fans wanted. Survival was key, nothing else this season mattered. On Boxing Day a number of fans, myself included were worried we were a little too close for comfort to the relegation zone. 

    The issue I now have, is we are 7pts off the playoff zone, with a game in hand on 6th, and 6pts off 7th on level games. With Preston, Norwich and Blackburn all appearing to falter at present, it is not impossible that if we continue this forward momentum, that in 4/5 games time, we could be sat in the top 10. This would far surpass anything expected of the team this season by any fan, but it could set it up for a very tense final ten games, in which there is definitely a 6th spot up for grabs. The top 5, remain consistent and performing very well, and we don't have to face any of them in our next 6 fixtures and this could be a blessing. Realistically in our next 6 fixtures, we only have Sunderland who pose a serious danger to us, and it is likely we can get a result (win or draw) from the other five.

    The playoffs with our final 6 games containing Burnley, Sheffield United, Watford and Middlesbrough may be a step too far, but I would not be surprised if approaching those last 6 games that we weren't within hailing distance of the top six.

    The season has taken a surprising, but delightful twist, and its nice to be looking up, rather than down. If we finish where we are now, I would personally be happy, but we must not get carried away with ourselves and think that the closer to the top six we get, that expectation rises. It would be bad come 7th or 8th and fans feeling disappointed to just miss out. 

    I am pleased Nige has turned it around. On paper he was always a very good appointment for us, I among many others at Xmas questioned if he was getting the best from the squad and whether he might take us down, but I am pleased it has been turned around.

    What this last month has shown us though, is that next season with the purse strings loosened a little, and possibly the incoming funds should Scott be sold, that it would not be wrong to expect us to be competitive next season. 

    It could also be said that bar 3/4 teams, this years Championship has been wide open, and actually grabbing the most unlikeliest of 6th places, and maybe landing the most unlikeliest of promotions given where we were at Xmas, might be our best opportunity in some time, and could also lead to us keeping hold of some of the stars ideally we don't want to lose just yet.

    Personally, I think as fans we can enjoy the rest of the season, taking each game at a time. It's pleasing to see the change, and credit to Nige and his staff in turning it around. 

    As said, if we end up 13th, then Nige has surpassed my hopes and expectations for this season. I personally feel it is a little too early to dare to dream, but in 6 games time, that 6th spot might not actually look that unrealistic, but our final 6 games is as tough a run in as we could have asked for, and that should not be ignored.

    Well done Nige and the team for turning it around. 

    Thank you for writing my opinions and thoughts. I often think that I am too pessimistic about everything in life. Maybe it's a realistic mindset.

  7. 10 minutes ago, JoeAman08 said:

    Maybe. I don’t really see it that way. Is Pring really that much better in January than he was in October? Atkinson had a great start to the season got dropped and come back at same level. Vyner has shown when he gets a good run in one position he can perform. Finally playing Wells has helped us massively too. 

    I am not sitting here trying to be overly negative. Just that one month of results hasn’t swayed me that he is all of a sudden a genius. 

    Slot players into positions they have played growing up and during their careers? I have always acknowledged the culture shift under NP. It has always been on a match day that I don’t rate him. I just don’t think there is a way to measure it and I don’t measure as high. Imo the tools have been here to be more consistent in performances. The culture change had been in place for months so why all of a sudden have performances changed? It is putting the right people in the right positions and them gaining confidence. Something that could have been done 15 games ago

    JoeAman, I have always appreciated your comments as I come from an era when apart from what was in the newspapers, we could only discuss what we had seen live at matches. And without slow motion replays.

    I suspect that you are like me in that I've gone during this season, from total appreciation to complete negativity and back again. I know not your age but I've seen eight promotions and seven relegations since 1950;and for a couple of months late last year, I seriously considered that we were destined for another drop.

    Yet now, after some clearly superb work by Gould, Pearson and Tinnion and the coaches, in the last few months, the win today over a half tidy Norwich team, has given us all, hope for a good future. I go from optimist to pessimist and suspect you may be similar.

    It's our club for life. One day we might click as other Third and lower Second Division sides like Bournemouth and Brighton have keep the faith.

    • Like 10
  8. I know that it is an unusual situation for many of our younger supporters to see younger members of the squad playing for the team and their mates.

    Many modern footballers do not consider it's a team game, given that money(wages) seems to be more important than team spirit.

    However, recruitment by Pearson of younger players with potential from lower leagues, he is able to instill the team spirit.

    We've had over three years of miserable non entertainment by an overpaid squad that has not even tried to knit together.

    Don't get too expectant about what we can achieve this season but next season with a couple or three new recruits from other clubs and even yet another or two Academy graduates at zero transfer cost, and we could be producing the end results that will provide us with success and near full houses like this afternoon.

    Bristol City FC are showing real signs of being a force in the Championship and who knows where that may lead us to.

    The teams who win trophies in football from PNE and Blackburn Rovers in the late 19th century to Man U, Man City, Liverpool etc, are based on a collection of players who work for and with each other.

    I really believe that we have turned a very big corner at Bristol City.

    • Like 4
  9. 2 minutes ago, chowie said:

    A Luton friend of mine said to me when we signed him "He's not good 1v1 in front of goal situations, but will score goals from nothing'

    I think he tried to hit the shot too hard and as a result it was in the air so keeper got to it.

    A slight shuffle sideways and shoot on the ground would have given him and us a goal. Euell and possibly Wells, will help him to improve.

    • Like 1
  10. 37 minutes ago, eardun said:

    In today’s programme is this pic of an old City programme from the match Norwich in Oct 1947 (we won 6-0, our best win v Norwich). I found it interesting that the kick off time was 3.15pm - anyone know if that was that the usual KO time back in the day? 


    Wow, even before my first match although I was alive then.

    As for kick off time, I don't remember any after 1951 at 3-15 but as all industry worked a five and half day week with Saturday finishing around noon to 1pm, it was a help to those to have lunch and get to ground before kick-off.

    Midweek games were usually played on "Early closing day" for shops. Different in all towns and cities. Bristol was a Wednesday which is why there was a local "Wednesday League" mostly of teams of male shopworkers.

    From my early away games after I left school, Southend was a Monday and I think Nottingham was a Thursday.

    Floodlights first allowed for league games in 1956 (I think) against Fulham.

    • Like 2
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  11. 27 minutes ago, GrahamC said:

    Four of the bottom five play each other, so Blackpool v Rotherham & Wigan v Huddersfield, Cardiff are home to Middlesbrough.

    Even a point today could see us pull away from the bottom three.

    Forget the other teams matches.

    It's up to City squad and manager/coaches to climb up the ladder of safety.

    • Like 3
  12. 7 hours ago, Hamdon Mart said:

    An excellent summary if I may so, E.  I'd add a few of my own thoughts...

    Think there was a tweak in formation last night with Grace Clinton playing deeper rather than alongside Abi Harrison and Shania Hayles which in itself made the midfield area more congested with a five in there rather than the usual four. Any tweak will take a little while to get used to but eventually we got there last night.

    Emily Syme was superb last night, she stepped up. Aimee Palmer is usually consistently very good but Em raised her level last night a notch or two.

    Rachel Furness is a great signing. Her record speaks for itself and is exactly the sort of player City needed as the right time. In her 20-25 minutes last night, she could have scored twice; against less organised teams, she could be a real attacking force.

    As have been Gracie Pearse and Grace Clinton, Lauren has been impressive in the transfer market and at last, I feel City have strength in depth. 

    Finally, the tired old cliche of the best teams winning when they aren't playing at their usual level? I'll happily use that here... against Coventry, the girls were dead and buried and struck twice in stoppage time to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. Against London last night, they thwacked them with two goals in five minutes after half time and had scored the first against the run of play, as Erithacus states correctly. This team are finding the habit of winning when they maybe shouldn't; make no mistake, last season they would have lost that game for sure.



    The City women are totally different to the males of City history.

    Bristol City have been experts throughout my decades of support of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

  13. 4 minutes ago, shahanshahan said:

    From last night's Conti Cup sem-final between Arsenal & Man City. Leah Williamson's challenge on Lauren Hemp which got no attention from the referee at all.

    Both teams are playing again this weekend in the WSL, but I hope both will get on by the time they meet at the Lionesses training camp...


    Wow, the Arsenal player just elbowed her out of the game. Is this legal now?

  14. 5 minutes ago, Vidal said:

    He gets asked some stupid questions doesn’t he. Are some of these questioners on work experience? It’s pretty embarrassing. I recon people on here could ask far more interesting questions than the dross he gets week after week.

    I completely agree with you. Even a ten year old fan would be asking more relevant and interesting questions. What do these news persons get paid for? Sad idiots!

  15. 54 minutes ago, sglosbcfc said:

    I was there, packed away end. My old man and me climbed on a metal barrier at the back of the away end to get a decent view. A good Crewe side battered us for pretty much the entire 90 mins but Bailey scored a worldy goal. It was my 15th birthday so the 1-0 win was a great present. 31st October 1989...where do the years go!

    Me too. I lived in Shrewsbury so almost a home game.

    • Like 1
  16. 37 minutes ago, Bodiesaffer said:

    Well I logged on as me and select two tickets at 10:01 and my two seats weren’t available to me

    You don't have to select your seats in the normal way of purchasing. You should be directed straight to your seats. Try again.

    Look at early posts on page one of this thread.



  17. 30 minutes ago, GrahamC said:

    This might be worth a thread of its own, but re your Sykes comment.

    This is a bloke we picked up on a free transfer with absolutely no fanfare at all from Oxford United where he was a utility player.

    He’s started 20 league games already (his first ones at Championship level) & covered RWB whilst Wilson was injured, he’s also won his first Irish cap.

    Since moving to his natural RM position he’s scored 4 in 5 games.

    Pearson made a point of saying when we signed Mehmeti & Cornick that they have a track record of playing “lots” of games.

    We shelled out £600k for someone like Adelakun & then got virtually nothing back, that was by no means an isolated example either, contrast that with Sykes, who I expect (like Wilson) is a relatively low wage earner.

    Sykes isn’t “spectacular” but he’s an example of how we are upping our game in terms of recruitment, with far less spent, but very little wasted.

    Happy days.

    The quality of signings since Pearson and Tinnion have got together is so good that it is almost unreal compared with tow we have squnadered money for the past thirty years.

    We now have, in many positions, two competent and trustworthy players who are young and, apparently, determined to improve and be winners. A few more to go in in the summer and where will it lead us to? 

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