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cidered abroad

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Posts posted by cidered abroad

  1. On 04/02/2023 at 12:16, BigTone said:

    Arrived in Adelaide on Thursday. Good to see Dad but he really is not in good shape so glad I came in time.  Today Wife in France had another fall and was taken to Hospital about an hour ago.  Waiting to hear the prognosis.  You really wouldn't read about it.  10:45pm here and the bottle of wine is being given a damn good workout !!

    Hi Big Tone, It never just rains little spots does it.  Keep your head up and don't overdo the vinho tinto. At least you have the bottle to yourself!

    We are used to adversity aren't we. I'll ask Nigel to drop a few defeats in so we don't get too over excited.


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  2. 24 minutes ago, cidered abroad said:

    Especially as Norwich have a superb away record over City at Ashton Gate going back to 1955.


    Their record at City is Won 8, Drawn 3, Lost 4.

    Oh yes another stat that means we, the Robins lag well behind the Canaries in that they have won promotion to First/Premier a staggering 6/7 times since 1945 and how many times have Bristol City achieved it?

  3. 51 minutes ago, Vespa Red said:

    Much like an old Lambretta, Norwich don't travel that well, at least not as far as the West Country from East Anglia.  So, whereas the Brum and Coventry games were inflated by the away showing, Saturday might be shrink-flated by the Ayteo.

    That said, if you take the Ayteo out of the equation (4,000 capacity maybe), add the 450 they'll bring, we'll sell just about all of the other home tickets, allowing for a 27k capacity for football, maybe 23.5k Saturday?

    Have I over-thought this?

    Yes and you could brush up on spelling.


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  4. On 31/01/2023 at 21:05, Swede said:

    I've never witnessed more depressing performances than when that knob was in charge. Triffic also brought in ex sag Lyndsay Parsons as his assistant so didn't give a flying duck for anyone. How he got the job in the first place is beyond me.

    I'd rather watch a tin of emulsion dry than watch his brand of exciting football.

    I have a West Brom friend who winces at the mere mention of Tiny Penis and his stupid baseball cap.

    Him and Colin could do a double act in panto this year as the ugly sisters.







    He got the job because our board including Lansdown decided that they preferred him to Moyes who was managing Preston.

    Both had long careers in the Premier League but to choose an ex Gas over Moysie was total madness. 

    It's taken SL until he appointed Nigel Pearson to correct the enormous clanger.

  5. 1 hour ago, Wellspokenman said:

    A Quiz question for you all, based upon some interesting web viewing Silvio.

    On the next tab open to the screenshot, what is the missing word ?

    ”Someone threw a brick at my c……”

    I will start the ball rolling with Car ??‍♂️








  6. 4 hours ago, CanaryCouple said:

    Many thanks for the replies, folks. We've booked in at Izakaya one night as we're keen on Japanese food, and we're planning to check out some craft beer places (Wiper & True, Small Bar, Left Handed Giant). Wife usually likes wearing her Norwich shirt to games, but might be more sensible to go incognito... I like the idea of the bar at the ground post-match. Most places we go people tend to be friendly, Norwich fans don't tend to make many enemies on their travels :)

    Then stop winning so often at Ashton Gate.

    If you are supporting the reds at Rugby, I could lend you a shirt and scarf. But we'll probably not do any better than last weekend against those things from the island west of Wales.

  7. 1 hour ago, Son of Fred said:

    Josser,,,,lovely warm, kind man,, loved to listen to stories of his playing days when I was a boy - was a good friend to my parents (both now sadly departed)...

    Joss still with us!

    I was a member of the Eagle comic. They organised two separate sessions of coaching and I got on both.

    First one was Harry Bamford for an evening once a week for six weeks. He got us comps for the Gloster Cup final at Eastville. About a year before he was killed in traffic incident. I was at the Rovers v City game the following Saturday. It was the tamest Derby I've ever seen as none of the players really wanted to play. Crowd totally silent before game for two minutes and also quiet for all of the match.

    The two one night sessions at Victoria Rooms had Josser and Alec Eisentrager. Both great guys and so thrilled to hear that he is still battling on. You have just brought tears to my old eyes.

    @Son of Fred

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  8. 51 minutes ago, Son of Fred said:

    Can you spot yourself here, Cidered???

    A friend of mine played in both of the 1951 Newcastle cup ties - fascinating man to chat with.....

    The world a very different place then - even the Rovers were well supported!!!football-crowd-bristol-rovers-v-newcastle-united-21761748.jpg.webp.7164e869b7331000dcc78bb12e3f3391.webp

    It was a Wednesday afternoon. Dad got the tickets and Mum arranged my absence from school. Rovers had drawn at Newcastle.

    In their side if memory is correct. Jackie Milburn, a cousin of the Charlton's. Two Chilean internationals the Robledo brothers, Jimmy Scoular?

    What was your friend's name? A Rovers player? Geoff Bradford, George Petherbridge, Josser Watling, Harry Bamford - very sad death a year after he coached me. Jack Pitt, Bert Hoyle?

    @Son of Fred

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  9. 1 hour ago, Daniro said:

    What on earth were you doing at Eastville????   Strictly only for greyhounds!

    In those long forgotten times, no football on TV  except for one late autumn England game at Wembley and the FA cup final and FA Amateur Cup Final, one had to go to stadiums to see the stars of the day. Thus at Eastville, in 1951 I saw Newcastle with Jackie Millburn, in1956, the Pre Munich air crash Busby Babes with the great Duncan Edwards and 1957 PNE with Tom Finney.

    Then in 1959 City got a home game with Blackpool so we saw Stan Matthews.

    Dad also took me to Cardiff City en route to my grandmother's house and I saw England's captain Billy Wright of Wolves and lots of stars who wouldn't play at Third Division BCFC.

    I got tickets for England games and saw world superstar's like Di Stefano, Eusebio, Puskas and so many others.

    I have always supported City but I've never turned down opportunities to see the great players if it was possible.

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  10. Some very interesting posts precede my thoughts and like most, I can blow hot and cold. I'm not a total pessimist and also a long way from absolute optimist.

    Going back in history and past promotions, there are events that occur which are not immediately seen as the keys to opening the door,

    1954 and while we had Atyeo, the arrival of Tommy Burden suddenly gave us real hope. And the same when Joe Jordan put Dave Rennie and Shelton together in midfield.

    Now to the current situation with Pearson in charge. It's not a new signing or a change of tactics yet that is making so many believe that something is unfolding. We are not yet the finished article but over the rest of this season, the rebuilding of our club can be so different to what we've had for the last 25/30 years. It may be a single event like replacing Scott if he goes or something else.

    I'm looking forward to finding out.


  11. 2 hours ago, Port Said Red said:

    I mentioned Gerry Sharpe in a previous thread @cidered abroad, and although he was before my time I think you have said you saw Eisentrager (another Alex :) ) would you say they were better comparisons?

    Eisentrager was a forward. Played winger and inside forward. Could jump very high for a short person. A solid player but not in the same league as Scott.

    Gerry Sharpe was in the same build as Scott. Tricky with ball and in that department similar to Scott..

    But with no disrespect to either Alec and Gerry, neither of them as good as Scott except maybe for the number of goals scored.

    Both are regarded by me as among the City players to remember but as Scott may not be here much longer he'll be forgotten in 30 years.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 11 hours ago, Magger1 said:

    We’re on a roll and with a big crowd expected next sat v Norwich, let’s get Ashton gate rocking both with PA announcers music and all around the ground let’s get at it before the game even kicks off COYR loads of volume and enjoy it shout and sing make Ashton a place you want to visit but away teams DONT  

    get some sounds down for the ground DJ  


    Only problem for City is that over the complete length of my time as a City fan, Norwich have a superb record of wins at Ashton Gate.

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  13. 1 hour ago, Alessandro said:

    Footballers often get a bad rap for being soft, diving around, simulation and gamesmanship etc.

    We fans generally on the whole say we hate it.

    Yet you watch that game yesterday and every touch on their players, every time they went down in a challenge the home fans played along, baying for a foul or even a yellow or red card from an over dramatic the top fall. 

    That Preston team base themselves around all that shit and the hypocritical fans encourage it and play along - does my head in.

    I’m not against the dark arts from time to time but I’d hate to watch that every week.

    The incredible thing for me is that when I was growing up, PNE had one of England's greatest players of all time, Tom Finney. I saw them in a Cup Final on TV and at Eastville in a cup tie and they played real quality passing football.

    I have always believed that such great players leave their imprint in a club. John Atyeo certainly did for City, as City supporters don't want our side to  be a "Dark Arts Team".

    A shame that Finney's influence has not lived on at Preston.

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  14. It's almost impossible to compare players who were/are playing for us fifty years apart.

    Gow may have been a harder tackler and actually scored more goals.

    Alex certainly has more pace.

    To compare them to get which is the better one is unfair on both. Those of us who saw Gow's whole career at City over ten years will more easily remember him as he was toward the end of his City career. However we've only had under two seasons to judge and compare Scott.

    A ten year spell with City will put him up at the top table with the Bristol City all time greats, Wedlock, Atyeo and Gow.

    • Thanks 1
  15. 2 minutes ago, cidered abroad said:

    Many of us, I guess, are beginning to see the real green shoots of team development at City. The use of Academy products and young but talented from lower leagues is showing signs that we haven't seen since the early 1970's with AD.

    Success, meaning promotion, will not happen this season, we're too far behind and still with important squad places to fill. Could be Academy boys and/or Summer signings aged approx 21 to 27.

    But next season, if we continue improving as quickly as it is happening now, could be a real success story.

    So why sell Scott in the summer. Try to keep him for at least another year, as with his talent and a real team spirit, the impossible could become the possible. For Scott to become a Premier League regular here at City within 18 months will do his career no harm at all.

    I'm not saying that it could happen but for a sceptical, pessimistic old sod after 70 years of dreaming, apart from 1976/1980, I can see the green shoots becoming an overgrown field in the not too distant future.


    The game has changed a lot since Nineteen Fifties but I see a new John Atyeo.in Alex Scott.

  16. Many of us, I guess, are beginning to see the real green shoots of team development at City. The use of Academy products and young but talented from lower leagues is showing signs that we haven't seen since the early 1970's with AD.

    Success, meaning promotion, will not happen this season, we're too far behind and still with important squad places to fill. Could be Academy boys and/or Summer signings aged approx 21 to 27.

    But next season, if we continue improving as quickly as it is happening now, could be a real success story.

    So why sell Scott in the summer. Try to keep him for at least another year, as with his talent and a real team spirit, the impossible could become the possible. For Scott to become a Premier League regular here at City within 18 months will do his career no harm at all.

    I'm not saying that it could happen but for a sceptical, pessimistic old sod after 70 years of dreaming, apart from 1976/1980, I can see the green shoots becoming an overgrown field in the not too distant future.

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  17. 2 hours ago, Robbored said:

    Nige is a proper manager. He’s rapidly catching up with Danny Wilson in my favourite list of City managers of the last 30 years.

    You spoil the first sentence with the second.

    I'll bet that while Pearson likes a drink, he doesn't allow his squad to go boozing as Wilson's squad did. Wilson was one of our worst because for a bit of discipline, he could have achieved so much.

  18. Pearson has worked wonders without throwing loads of money on highly paid from clubs like Chelsea. He's used the Academy lads who deserve to play on ability. He's brought in mostly from lower divisions, who are ambitious and working hard.

    Very good man management.

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  19. 9 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

    Let’s not forget the increase of player value (assets), the successful use of the academy, lowering the wage bill and giving us competitive football (results or not) all with a smaller squad.

    Name a better person for the job.





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