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cidered abroad

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Posts posted by cidered abroad

  1. 1 hour ago, Davefevs said:

    Was just about to start a thread of the MD20 for Saturday.

    Lets start with last Saturday’s team:



    Tanner Vyner Atkinson <space>

    Scott James Naismith

    Sykes Wells <space>











    I guess Nige might not bother to name 9 subs.  Even so, for sake of argument, Dasilva in at LB for Pring, Bell in at LF for Semenyo.  Leaves between 2 and 4 sub spaces.

    Kadji probably comes in.

    Palmer-Houlden maybe?



    Is Kadji suspended after his red card for U21 at Newcastle?

  2. 3 minutes ago, daored said:

    It is sad to look at two of those clubs, appreciate Bournemouth cheated FFP to get there but Brentford & Brighton had a sustainable business model whilst we’ve chopped and changed from pillars to Ashton to various other methods. Whilst our owner pumps money into the club , I don’t think he’s ever had either the right voices taking to him or a structured way of progress and for that we’ve fallen years behind Brentford & Brighton and selling out best young players to Bournemouth 

    Without wishing to derail the thread, it's his poor employment at management level, on and off the pitch, to blame.

  3. Finished 1-1 with Newcastle equaliser in last minute.

    For many years nobody at City seemed to worry about the under 18 and under 21's consistently losing.

    So it's good to be getting more wins than defeats and getting the Academy boys used to winning. When you are a winner, nobody likes to lose. What a change in mentality. NP influence?


    • Like 7
  4. 10 hours ago, downendcity said:

    I agree that LJ was a forward thinking and pretty good coach, but always thought that one of the problems was that LJ thought he had to prove just how clever and forward a coach he was.

    This resulted in  overthinking and overcomplicating things,  leading to him seeming to focus increasingly more on countering the opposition strengths rather than playing to our own.


    In other words, a crap manager!

    Football is a simple game not a bloody chess tournament.

    • Like 7
    • Haha 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, Silvio Dante said:

    This is a deal that feels right to me for everyone, notwithstanding Bajic going on loan.

    Wether you think Max or Bents are better, Max has the shirt and Nige shows no sign of taking it off him. As a result Bentley is an expensive sub, absent injury.

    By selling (and getting a fee) we get more than we anticipated a couple of weeks ago when the Stoke loan was mooted. A fee and wages off bill for a reserve has to be good.

    For Dan, he goes to the prem and probably gets an equal or better contract. Reading the Wolves forums they’re unconvinced by the current keeper so may be an unexpected opportunity to get in a premier league side and establish himself.

    Long term, I remain unconvinced by Max. I don’t think he’s the answer at this level and would like a new number 1 in the summer, but in the here and now, the deal makes all round sense.

    Last paragraph.

    As a shot saver he isn't as good as Bentley. As a distributor of the ball, he is much better.

    Every goalkeeper since the beginning of football, has conceded a couple of horrors per season. In the old days a goalkeeper just put the ball in hands and kicked it as far as he could. So a very small number of clangers per season.

    Now keepers are shot stoppers, defence organisers, short passing to and from defenders. Thus the complexity of their things to do means that there are more chances of mistakes that concede a goal. Look at the opposition keepers who have gifted us goals in the past season or two.

    So all round, I consider that Max is more beneficial to the team than Bentley.

    • Like 1
  6. I saw Everton at Eastville in 1952 or 53, the last time they were down amongst the Rif Raf.

    The physical battle between their centre forward Hickson against Rovers Paddy Hale was extremely hard yet the ref just let them get on with it.

    They'll probably go straight back up again as they did all those years ago, assuming they do get relegated.

    • Hmmm 2
  7. 8 minutes ago, southvillekiddy said:

    And let's not forget the great Chris Garland who seemed to go into a  period of wearing what must have been studless boots (!?) Started falling over a lot more if my memory is correct when he was touted as a £100,000 pound player (a not inconsiderable sum at the time)

    If my memory is correct, the Dolman cost around £4 to £500,000 so his move to Chelsea went straight to Harry's bank account.

    Anyone know different, speak up.

  8. 16 minutes ago, REDOXO said:

    Exactly. But this non phenomena at Ashton Gate has been an issue I think from 82. It’s as if there is a culture of we are lucky to be here don’t make too much noise, about anything!

    Pearson makes noise and tells it like it is, to the point of telling us how teams used to like to come to nice little Ashton Gate. 

    It feels like a culture change is underway much deeper than many comprehend. The fact that our away supporters is sooo much more vociferous than we are at home. The fact we don’t have noisy home support behind a goal and yet give that to away supporters is nuts and one of the few things Johnson got right. 

    Yes again. Prior to 1982, IMO we were much more noisy than since. 

    • Like 1
  9. 55 minutes ago, REDOXO said:

    Personally I always thought Pearson was the right man to clean up the mess made by <insert several initials here> and my view has not changed. 

    We have players from our academy some of whom have huge value and most of the nuts pay packers for sweet nothing have gone!

    While the bloke is developing a team, largely from our own academy, we have not got the rub of the green to put it mildly with fouls in the area or often on the field. Saturday being an excellent example. However we are currently competitive and in the fourth round of the cup. 

    My own comment earlier was that he has become a lot less abrasive pre match, but can come off as that post match! In view of what I’ve outlined I would suggest the bloke has a passion for the role and realizes like the rest of us that we too often do not get our due. 

    I do wonder if he somehow thinks there is an issue with him that is reflected on the field, who knows! However, he was not rude , he was a bit pissed off particularly about the Peno and the offside, but to be frank I sometimes think part of the problem with our club is that supporters are not pissed off enough and this semi ambivalence is responsible for 43 years of competitive failure. 

    Anyone ask the interviewer what he felt about it? Might be a good idea! If he wasn’t offended then perhaps some should be less offended for him and more offended that our players do not get their due consistently  

    Reference your penultimate paragraph.

    Go somewhere like Stoke, Derby, Sheff U and plenty of other clubs in Midlands and North. If they don't get clear free kicks or penalties, for very obvious fouls, they will give the referee / lines hell for the remainder of the game and almost scare the officials into giving a dodgy one later in the match.

    We're so used to not even getting the clear cut ones that we only make any noise about it for the next ten seconds.

    I've seen this so many times over a lifetime of away games. I've seen refs and linesmen visibly shaking in fear. And along comes the penalty or free kick to shut the crowd up.

    • Like 2
  10. 9 hours ago, sticks 1969 said:

    Sorry if this has already been mentioned 

    Found out yesterday there is a direct train out of parsons street on a Saturday at 18.02.

    straight through to WSM ,Bridgwater , yatton , highbridge ect 

    please delete if already posted 



    And 17.02 if you can run fast enough or leave before the added time. Without checking timetables, isn't there one around 17.30 to Weston.

    I Suggest everyone interested consults the current timetables as trains to Weston and beyond are less frequent that my last trips prior to Covid.

  11. 34 minutes ago, Percy Pig said:

    It's not the target but the pace. It's very easy to cut under a ball ans float it to the edge of the six yard box. Trouble is, that's a piece of piss for pro defenders to clear/keepers to claim. 

    Seeing as 99% of amateur keepers seem to be short fat and invariably bald, there's little to no danger of them waddling 6 yards and jumping 6 and a half feet in the air to punch the ball.

    The comparison between amateur football and the pro game is daft. They're not even close to being the same sport. 

    Generally speaking, a pro corner is taken with as much pace/power as an amateur striker shooting at goal. The margin of error is tiny. 

    So the "I can do it, why can't they" thing that so many people peddle... you and I could probably hit 1 in a 100 at the desired pace, trajectory and direction. And then you've got to hope the defenders haven't blocked the targets run and the Keeper hasn't gambled correctly on the type of ball you're playing in.



    Understand and agree with you about the pace in the professional game. But to consistently reach first defender at about shoulder height as Naismith did all afternoon, totally wipes out any benefit of a corner kick.

    So a floater might actually be of more benefit in the way that a fast bowlers slower delivery is often more effective than a super quick one.

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