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Tinmans Love Child

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Everything posted by Tinmans Love Child

  1. how old are their average fan base! Looks like a scene from Last of the summer wine!
  2. I can defo understand kids young in the year struggling as could be a year behind
  3. Sounds interesting. I was intrigued to see how many of the top sportsmen the birth month applied to. I didn’t hunt around and just chose a sample of those ones which seemingly didn’t link in with the Matthew effect
  4. This is awkward unless you meant you must conceive Sept to Nov? Lionel Andrés Messi - Born: 24 June 1987 Cristiano Ronaldo - Born: 5 February 1985 Kylian Mbappé - Born: 20 December 1998 John Atyeo - Born: 7 February 1932 Usain St. Leo Bolt - Born: 21 August 1986 Sir Mo Farah - Born: 23 March 1983 Roger Federer - Born: 8 August 1981 Novak Djokovic - Born: 22 May 1987 Michael Jordan - Born: 17 February 1963 Tyson Luke Fury - Born: 12 August 1988 Muhammad Ali - Born: 17 January 1942
  5. Roy Keane wouldn’t have that https://youtu.be/fQz77eeOK-4
  6. I agree, we were great to watch, they were my fave years in last 30 odd defo regardless of not quite getting it right
  7. Exactly that, I don’t like that they have to do it, and I’d like to think that they don’t like doing it either, but it’s where we are in the game unfortunately
  8. I’m assuming this all means in theory that the club could put a lot more safe standing in place? I assume this then means it will only happen if fans put pressure on? I can’t see the club just doing it off their own back
  9. If that’s the case then they will change/tweak the rule to make it work I’m sure. Although AI can learn what ever the rule is and reproduce what a human can for much more complicated things than the offside rule so might not be a blocker anyway, who knows, I’d rather they never introduced it personally, I’m enjoyed the debate and the acceptance that sometimes you get decisions and sometimes you don’t!
  10. This is definitely where VAR will go and needs to go. Black and white decisions like offside should and will be instantly picked up using AI technology and once you have the instant decision, it takes away the delays of making the decision, which is what we all want and it will cease to be an issue. The problems that VAR (automated or not) can’t solve is subjective decisions like fouls, unless they change the rules to make it black and white. Using VAR as they do now just gives another person a go at making a decision after the ref which takes more time.
  11. It stinks of what was going on at FIFA to be honest, would not be surprised if back handers and suitcases of cash are changing hands behind the scenes
  12. Not school but when I worked for McDonalds in the mid 90’s, they had a thing when somebody left, on their last shift everyone in the kitchen would spray them with Big Mac Source (which burns if left on skin), and chuck them in the big sink with the washing up at the end of their shift. The extra kicker was that the ‘victims’ change of clothes had also been put in a bucket of water and put in the walk-in freezer a few hours before, so when they went to get changed they were presented with their change of clothes in an ice cube! After 4 years witnessing this I didn’t tell anyone accept the main boss I was leaving and kept my head down on my final shift, walking out as clean as a whistle! Not sure you would get away with this sort of thing these days!
  13. I’m gutted he didn’t take a dump on the pitch if I’m being honest
  14. Jayjay are you Peter Hargreaves’s?
  15. Maybe they were on those miniature ones!
  16. I know it’s the ‘daily hate’ but if you believe they drank 4/5 bottles of wine EACH then you will believe anything!
  17. David James debut after getting back from the World Cup with England, bet that was a reality check for him!
  18. Yeh Avoriaz is great too, stayed there on our last ski trip in 2018, white out nearly every day! Les Dues Alpes is worth a look as it’s a glacier so you can ski in summer!
  19. I’ve not been for a few years (really miss it) we love Morzine, only 1 hour transfer from Geneva, you can be skiing by lunch if you get an early flight!
  20. Bansko in Bulgaria was ridiculously cheap, an Irish Pub picked 4 of us up from our hotel, took us to the pub, we had 3 courses and loads of drinks, then they dropped us back, £10 each! And this was only 6/7 years ago. Not a patch on the alps for skiing mind!
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