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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. And at that point MA should’ve been negotiating down the price and wages, even if Chelsea had to continue contributing.
  2. My view is that we should constantly review, looking for trends, either up or down. 4 games ago we were sat in 9th. Today we sit 15th. Performances in the main have trended down before the win at Peterborough, where I thought 3-2 flattered them - two worldies from SS. I wouldn’t say we were too far above average that day, but despite Peterborough knocking it around ok, if you push your CBs on to create an extra man, expect to get pick off if you lose the ball. Had we played like them, I’d have called us naive. We then had Bournemouth where we were totally outclassed. Same with West Brom, but against Forest I thought we were the better team first half, their chances came from our mistakes, and we actually created chances from passing moves. Second half we weathered an early storm, and could’ve taken the game away from Forest if Wells had scored or Scott got the penalty. We didn’t and we got punished….punished badly. So even in a trending down run, there were still some small “ups”. Its gonna be like this all season. There will be another checkpoint (for me) after Coventry as we hit another international break. And probably another review at Xmas, then end of window. If I was plotting our season, both results and performances have been up and down, not necessarily at the same time. I suspect many clubs around us in the table are saying the same thing. I don’t think we’ve had one really good performance this season, Reading was pretty decent, and Cardiff is probably the best, but still areas to improve. As fans o think we have to ride the ups and downs….I think it’s gonna feel a struggle all season, but I think we have some character to get us through. In the last few years, I’ve been a bit fed up of teams coming to AG, playing a bit crap and getting the points, so maybe we are doing that back to them in this period. I don’t get too excited after a win, I don’t get too low after a loss. I get a bit animated by lack of effort, or sloppy stuff, but I’m calmed down by the reality of the effing mess Nige has taken over. As individuals we have enough tidy players, but there isn’t a natural playing fit (yet). A couple of key injuries returning may help that, we will have to wait and see. I know none of us pick the side, but there is still tonnes of debate about best eleven / system amongst us, none of us are right or wrong. From Nige’s side, he can’t seem to get consistent performances either, so that makes it harder. I’m happy to constantly review, tweak my view from what I see. I’m happy enough at the mo’….although the season started with low expectations and a slow burner to improvement, so we are in a good place at the mo’ from my perspective.
  3. Lots of talk of him playing as no10, but his best spell was actually in a midfield 3 (352) with Brownhill and Massengo when he first signed permanently. He did his shift defensively, but as you say had two forwards with movement, intelligent movement, Afobe and Weimann. It didn’t last long, as LJ changed it, Afobe got injured, etc. Who knows, it might’ve been a fluke sequence of games, but he is capable…but at this point in his career it is about him taking responsibility for it.
  4. We did have a game plan, we did have a shape….whether it was the right game plan or shape is another matter! Players poorly executed it, whatever. Nige didn’t just pick eleven players and say “off you go” did he? Some credit to Barnsley for making us “dreadful”. That’s the way they play their game. A lot of teams will get dragged down, because that’s the way they play, they don’t want a pretty game of football. City had 60% more aerial duels on Saturday than their season average. They are a “disruptive” team. But even direct teams have enough footballing ability if you allow them. What we didn’t do was, do enough ourselves to make them change their way, e.g. force them to re-think their WBs. Even though we bust their high line twice to score, they didn’t change. I’m not disagreeing we were poor by the way, just that I wasn’t particularly surprised that it turned out the way it did. How many fans said pre-game, “need a win, don’t care how we get it”? It was a very important 3 points, it will feel like a huge relief to the players. I over-analyse at times, but what I’m looking forward to is seeing if it has any affect on tomorrow night’s game, confidence, etc. Its not an easy watch at the mo’, but the players are grafting, and that’s a start.
  5. I actually think he was happy to play the bit-part. Could probably coast a bit through training, knowing he’d get his sub 3 minutes most games and if needed would start. I reckon looking back, he might regret it a bit, but he looked like he had a fun life at the time so hey-ho. I always worried him not starting might be bad for the squad, but he seemed to be happy to play along. Amazing ability. Wonderful moments of skills and goals on the end of it.
  6. Oh, yeah, totally get that….was replying to someone saying he was lacklustre in the 23s.
  7. Agreed. I don’t like that expression (snowflake Fevs)….someone agreed to pay it.
  8. If you Google me and go to images, here’s what you get. Don’t be fooled by the slight belly hidden by the unlucky green gillet when you see me in person ???
  9. In a pre-covid world, yep. In my opinion, not a chance of getting a fee and someone pick up his £20K+ p.w. wage. When someone like Weimann, who plays every week is on £9-10k, nobody is gonna pay a fee, unless Kasey is prepared to take a heavily cut salary in exchange for a long deal. I don’t see that happening. He’s costing us best part of £2m a year in wages and amortisation. Eeeeeeeeek ?
  10. Thing is he was 18, turned 19 that January. For me, he had a chance of being a “Bobby Reid” at some point. He’s still younger than when Bobby really broke through! I’m sure he was as good as Bobby mind you, but he could still have done better than be “released by City”. “Lightweight” can change with the right physical development. We spent £300k(ish) on him at the time, and it was ultimately wasted. He will find it hard to bounce back now. But was Cheltenham, then Wrexham right for him?
  11. If I knew what you looked like I’ll buy you some Haribos at Blackburn
  12. ….and ask yourself who agreed to pay it!! Not KP’s fault, Chelsea and then us gave him a lucrative contract. Of course he might’ve taken a pay cut when he came here….we’ve no evidence he’s still on £110k per month as per his court comments. £3.5m, but I’m splitting hairs (half a million of them!). Like my comment above, who agreed to pay it? Who thought he was so worthy of it, having seen him play a bit part the previous season, and then having signed Szmodics? Yep, you guessed it, the “Ego Twins”!! A manager who seemed to think he could “tame” any player, e.g. Tomlin. I like Palmer, he’s still only 24….but the financial side is such a millstone round both his neck and the club, I don’t know what the answer is. More below. I might be incorrectly summarising your post, but I think he lacks football intelligence….is that what you’re saying - it’s what I’d call “nouse” as you say. Ignore the fitness issues for the mo’, he doesn’t put in a lack of effort, he is inefficient, he charges around and tires himself out, especially if it’s having not played. LJ never started him more than two games on the trot. Holden gave him 5 last season, the spell when he scored v Swansea and Brum…then left him on the bench for 5. He isn’t the only player on OTIB who divides opinion and who I think lacks “nouse”….O’Dowda the other. Another with ability that doesn’t shine through. He’s a well built chap imho. I’m gonna get done by the sports scientists on here, but he strikes me as being “heavy boned”, which is probably a load of crap, but he looks like he carries a bit, even when looking toned.
  13. Tbh, it was a pretty poor u23s performance that day all around.
  14. Yep, “here’s the levels, attain then or don’t play”….it’s a simple message. It might not be that he’s training badly per se, but Benarous has come in and trained better. Said the same re Vyner, and I see him as a dedicated trainer. But there’s only 18 shirts….in some respects when Antoine, Williams and King are back, there’s gonna be a good few not getting kitted up. Nige really sewing the seeds that age and reputation count for nothing….performance, commitment etc do. Long may it continue. It might give other players, not just Palmer, a kick up the arse. I don’t think we can sell Palmer in this market, unless we take a free. I do still think he has something to offer, but I think that about other players too, and they don’t do it either.
  15. He actually said if he had the right players he’d want to play 433….and that he prefers a back four. ?????? It’s hugely different. The only similarity is it’s a back four system. and we laugh, because you trot it out every time this is mentioned. and your follow-up post will be: ”it’s a fluid game and players don’t stay in the same place” the post after that will be: ”when I look at a lineup I see defenders, midfielders and attackers / forwards” Repetition does not mean understanding, credibility and / or correctness. Sorry couldn’t resist. ???
  16. Until recently, Nige said he isn’t fit enough to join 1st team training, it’s too intense for him. Therefore how can you consider him in the first team squad until that point? What if Martin gets injured in the first minute(s) of a game? Those were Nige’s points. And very valid imho….much as we’d all like to see him again at some point. For info, I’m told he recently passed Rennie’s beep test, so he’s moving in the right direction fitness-wise. Nige has said he definitely provides impact, so it’s not like he’s being stubborn, but everyone has to reach the standards or the whole thing falls apart. FWIW, although he whacked a couple of Brentford players in that game last season, and he can be a handful, I don’t see him needing to bully young CBs in u23 football. I watch him and think the style of u23 football is not actually a great fit for him, and therefore the main thing you see is goals. That actually comes from good positional sense (a boon for a striker) rather than physicality, and he is a decent finisher. @Lrrrwill tell you he’s not totally clinical, but he is capable of scoring all types of goals too. That is something I look for in a striker. Hes not physical like a Jebbison (18) or Tyreece Simpson (19) or even Keinan Davis at a level up. He’s more awkward, aggressive, a pest. I think those who think his levels at u23 level are about physicality and bullying I think are missing the finer points of his game, because the u23s don’t play like that. He’s actually more wiry than a unit per se. Once fit he might actually be a better fit for the way the first team play (currently). I will say to this day, we didn’t handle his development well. Of course he was raw, but he had something. LJ letting his dad have him that January was nepotism (reverse) at its best. There are question marks whether he himself made the best too, but I feel we wasted a talent. Now at Hemel (NLS), couple of goals in a couple of starts (and subs). @Lrrr crank up the Wyscout data for National League….might be some gems there ???
  17. Ta Ta Was partly watching cricket, trying to keep my nerves in tact!
  18. I guess the major point is Barnsley didn't play 433, nor 4231, but 343....it was 3v2 in our favour in midfield on Saturday. TBF even Gary Owers on BBCRB said Barnsley we playing a 433 in his pre-match words, which was wrong.
  19. Will read this. Tom is making a really good impression with some of the things he's written in the past week or two. Think he's a student on a placement. Will check. Edit: he's on a placement
  20. Out of interest where are some of you picking up Nige's tactical instructions from in such detail....or are we interpreting fingers / signs? Or is someone sat just behind him listening hard?
  21. or Weston have a game tomorrow?
  22. 3-0 up....Britton, Knight-Lebel, Pearson jr
  23. I once replied to a tweet of some little kid dribbling past everyone, skills, dragbacks, the lot. I said - I hope he learns how and when to pass. Young Master Benarous replied to my tweet with - yes, that was me, I still learning that bit ???
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