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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. Out of interest, why? Playing devil’s advocate we don’t even know who is playing where yet?
  2. Some dead wood yes, some (possibly) that are better than were left because of contract situation. ?? Suggest Kasey and Zak no longer have a bus pass. Or maybe not! !
  3. Benarous part of the squad video just out…let’s see if he makes the 18.
  4. For info, this group didn’t. Some of this group did.
  5. Fingernails bitten all the way back to the….elbow!
  6. Which will be little different to any other club in the land. The point / accusation from VT was that Nige had thrown players under the bus….I don’t recall him calling out any players, in fact he’s been very protective. Now, if VT had started this and said “not all the players like Nige” that’s very different. He later went on to say that, but that wasn’t the initial point. Does that clear it up?
  7. I honestly believe we need Alex Scott to start today….huge weight on an 18 year old….but I think along with Massengo (20) and Tanner (21) they are the players that get the crowd going too, because if their actions. And I think that’s important today. 100 miles north or east approximately ?
  8. Nor me. Was meant to be in Cornwall anyway, but been ill…so Mrs Fevs has quarantined me to upstairs…with iPad, Mac and sky sports. God, the brownie points are mounting!
  9. Absolutely, but you’ll see a fair few with agendas coming up with all manner of crap.
  10. Ta, vaguely recall that. My follow-up question is: - are we developing our players for the first team of today, or the first team of tomorrow….and what is the best way of doing that? To explain, we’ve come from a point not so far ago where an academy player needed be be Lg1 ability, now they need to be Champ ability….and in fairness we’ve been pretty good at getting them to that level, and in some cases (Bryan / Reid / Kelly) beyond. So it looks like we are doing it right. Can we get more through? I do like that Kelly and Scott didn’t have loans…ready for first team almost immediately they came of age.
  11. Think in all honesty that the majority of posters take the time to construct decent posts of why they have their opinion, and it’s HR getting all arsey….so think you’ve got it the wrong way around. But as you’re another Nige out, I’m not surprised you see it the way you do. ??
  12. No, Doubles Tennis, hit some great winners down the parallel lines! ?
  13. Was a good 15 min documentary on sky sports the other week about black people in sports and he was a big part of the feature. Probably on catch up.
  14. First proper gig I went to….Newport, mid-late 80s. Joe Strummer support act. Crap venue, great gig.
  15. There are no very poor dudes in the Championship. All have good enough players on their day to help their side get a result. We will perform if we can impose our strengths on them and expose their weaknesses….they will be trying to to the reverse. We aren’t a bad side, but today of all days we need to play like a team who are comfortable in what they are trying to achieve. My old manager at Brislington used to say that you set the tone in the first 5 minutes. Win your first header, your first tackle, get your first pass off, etc, set the energy, let your opponent know you’re up for it.
  16. No acknowledgment from Barnsley on my tweet….not that I expected them to. Gregor is picking up the baton though.
  17. Think I posted something the other day about this….that although Simmo had been Dean’s boss at Shrewsbury and therefore a sound link, not much was made of it at the time. It wasn’t as if Deano was saying things like - “I really got on with Simmo at Shrewsbury and he was the first person I thought of” or anything like that, it was played down and that always surprised me. As for Keith it was “I saw him at St George’s when I was doing courses”, not “I met him loads of times at St George’s, we really got in well and he was someone I really wanted onboard”. Its always been a weird one for me. @Harrydefinitely been mentioned on here before that we wanted one and got two.
  18. Out of interest, and I’m asking because I don’t know….if we did go Cat 1 and played better opponents woukd that be better than loaning to Exeter or Weston, or whoever. Would Towler develop better playing for our u23s than going to Grimsby? I guess I’m asking is our loan model because we are Cat 2 or because it is right regardless of Cat status?
  19. Messiah to attention seeker inside half a day….the rise and fall!! ???
  20. I thought it was a bit of over-reaction. He showed some inexperience, not gonna argue that. But he also had a CEO who was looking out for himself, an owner who’d taken his eye of the ball, and a Chairman who was looking at property in Bermuda. It did feel like it was unraveling a bit, but that was when he needed help from above, from his coaching staff and from the players. He didn’t get it.
  21. I’m not asking you to change your opinion. I’m asking you to read my post(s) and at least understand why I might have a different view to you. As I’ve said before, I actually understand why you have your view. But it seems you don’t want to understand why I have mine. I try and be courteous in most posts I make on here. I might occasionally be flippant. You haven’t told me to eff off, so all is cool on that front. I feel like Julia Roberts in Notting Hill. “I'm also just a OTIB poster, standing in front of a another OTIB poster, asking him to understand me” ?
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