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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. I wasn’t there yesterday but it sounds like Reading (a) a few seasons back when we had 4-5k there, and some fans ended up in our wheelchair enclosure, because they were being intimidated by those idiots above. Poor stewarding that day too. re Baker, did he get kicked by Hugill or caught by Bentley.
  2. I’m sure that is part of it Fuber. I have no probs with a back 3 (loved playing in one myself at Brislington)…I just don’t like the way we play it. I’ve never seen such lack of marking. Defeats the object of it imho. I wonder whether concussion protocol will mean Baker is out next week anyway. Back 4, Pring at LB…for starters.
  3. Not listened to any interviews, first post I’ve really got to tonight, been out watching the Bristol Flyers lose 81-82 to Surrey, which rounded off my sporting Saturday “nicely”….not. My summary: For some reason or another we’ve gone away from the basics of early season., where we looked well drilled, committed, etc, without looking hugely cohesive, but it was enough to get results. I liked that we stuck with 442/4411, changing personnel to suit, e.g. Cardiff where we went Baker at LB, rather than go back 3 to accommodate him. We looked flexible within a framework. I felt encouraged. I hate looking at formations as the root cause because that makes me hypocritical as at best I think formations are 30% at most, and 70% is about the players. But….I see big issues with the way we play a back three at times. I don’t mind it per se, but I don’t like how we go about playing it. Not enough marking by the 3 CBs. Against a front two, there should be no reason why Grant and Hugill are not marked tightly at all times by Kalas and Baker (in the main) knowing that Atkinson is spare. There really shouldn’t be a case where Grant comes short and Kalas doesn’t go right up his arse. He shouldn’t be able to turn and slide Furlong in under no pressure. If they don’t mark it means someone else trying to drop back like James, and therefore there is no pressure then into midfield, where we get passed around and can’t get enough pressure on the ball. Playing three seems to result in a bit of buck-psssing, e.g. if I don’t mark my man, surely the other two will bail me out. I don’t like that. I generally don’t like Dasilva at LWB, I think he gets caught playing it a bit in no-man’s land. I know plenty on here don’t like him defensively, but I think if you get him with the play in front of him you see a better player and I think he positions himself better defensively too, even if he might have some weaknesses….at least you get the best of him on the ball….and you can build passing moves off of him. Whether Pring could play LWB better I don’t know….but I thought he played really well at LB today. Will observe more. I also think playing 2 CMs and 1 AM is asking for trouble against better teams (QPR / WBA). You might get away with it against lesser sides. We got dominated playing Massengo in-front of James and Bakinson at QPR (but got a smash and grab win) and ditto today with Weimann in-front of James and Massengo. Two different opponent styles, we couldn’t cope with either. Playing them as a flat three would’ve made more sense, at least we’d have had a back eight in two main banks. As it was we had pockets of space for West Brom to find far too often. Back to basics next week please Nige. Disappointed today tactically…even more so with application and commitment. Pring and Wells gave good accounts of themselves today. I didn’t always come off for Wells but at least he carried a threat. An interesting week ahead.
  4. I didn’t expect to get stuffed…I expected a fully committed performance, a performance that would at least keep us in the game. They are a goods side, but we made it easy for them.
  5. Cam Pring....take a bow....our best performer today
  6. Trego - lets see if we can see any signs of tactical changes or tweaks from Nige Well you didnt spot any blatant ones first half, so you've got eff all chance now - jeeeeeeez
  7. Hang on, just gonna tweet Pete Trego to see if he knows. Seriously though....hardwork, commitment, bravery, its not about technical stuff at this point.
  8. Crikey, a City fan receiving medical attention attention, hope he's ok.
  9. I hope there is a real blow-up at h-t. A few home truths needed. Bents very poor for their second goal. Why is White asking Trego how City sort this out second half. Trego in fairness is coming across okay, but I hate White's comms. Toby much better. Sorry, rather deflect how bad City have been to talk about Robinstv.
  10. Awful, awful, awful half of football from City, made worse by awful comms from Robinstv....Dan White is so twee and nice, Trego is not a footballer, adding nothing really. They had no idea Pring came on at LCB and then that we went 442 when Simpson came on. Back to the footie....Massengo all at sea in a ground as far from the coast as you can get. Pring comes out with credit....that's about it. Lucky its only 2-0. Got to improve massively, or it will be a cricket score, which might suit Trego. Please, please play better and maybe whack someone up in the air.
  11. Fly to Frankfurt....quickly create a Windscribe account on a different email
  12. Allegedly the supporter gave a thumbs up on the way out....hope they are ok.
  13. Fair point...and maybe against plenty of other teams than WBA that might've been the case. I see the logic in his selection. Id have loved for us to in-form and think we could play non-direct play that didn't need Martin.
  14. Cost them £9m and they were in the PL at the time. I guess your point is you want to identify him when he was at Charlton, pre-Terriers. His goals record a bit mixed but played all across the forward line, not always down the middle.
  15. Of course it might've been complete BS. Pato - My gut feel was that he was on £12-14k p.w. mark. King - my gut feel is that he is on £5-8k p.w. Pato - inconsistent in an inconsistent team, but far more regularly than 1 in 10. Even on pure goals and assists he either scored or assisted 2 games in every 5 throughout his time here. Technically very good. Weaknesses, but don't they all.
  16. God, weird Saturday MDT....agreeing with lots ??? The game better start quick!!!!
  17. yes, I see loads of sense in what he does. ??
  18. When reading some posts on twitter from a certain BBCRB officianado (in his own mind!!!) last night and he was suggesting we have to play through the thirds, beat the press, play our own game, etc....I wondered what Bristoi City team he'd watched this season. Back on track, I totally see why Martin has been picked today, both when we have it and when we don't (set-pieces especially). We aren't gonna be able play pretty football, questions whether we even try, so Martin is an obvious starter. It seems once you have a bad game any decent games are no longer considered. Overall he's been okay this season hasn't he, had a few off games, but had some good ones too. 6-3, 4-6, 1-1 40-15 ?
  19. euphemism? Did wonder that with Bell coming into Academy this week. Might be temporary, but kudos to Alex if it becomes permanent. Lovely lad.
  20. It’s why I preferred my previews to be separate by choice….Hav’s were great, and JB is recreating that for me. It’s kinda perfect OTIB on a Saturday morning.
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