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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. I don’t disagree with any of that, nice rationale too. Whether we can get Kalas to commit to staying w/o fearing him going into his final year will be interesting. If I had to choose between keeping Bentley or Kalas, I’d keep Bentley. I think we’d get a better financial upside if we sold Kalas next summer than Bentley, plus less of a wage burden too.
  2. For me this is collective, no way Dasilva’s fault imho. I posted the start pic earlier, so as it evolves: James too far away from the man who’s received the ball and travelling forward. Spence starts to make a run. Jay does not know whether to engage the man on the ball, track Spence, or what about Johnson, is Baker marking him or has he passed him on. The defensive line is crap, Kalas and Tanner deeper than the other 3 (JD, NB, RA). So you can start by blaming the collective 6. Massengo and Weimann fine of the rest of the midfield. Spence’s run is purposeful and now at full tilt. Dasilva on the turn, still not sure whether Baker has Johnson, has passed him on, or is trying to play outside. The pass is perfectly weighted. Spence is in full flight, Dasilva struggling. Baker’s line is now in front of Dasilva (he’s now marking Johnson), but also wrong side of the ball. He’ll pay for that 1 second later. And now we see Dasilva beaten through a combination of things, Spence’s pace, the timing of the pass, a foul and it’s a penalty. Baker is stuffed….and brings him down. So, imho, Dasilva part of a collective problem, and also how Forest found gaps between the lines (give them credit to). That’s my view anyway. ?
  3. I went with players I’m convinced will make it at this level, not “maybe make it” players….my own opinion though, that’s all. Of the rest (inc the couple you mention) to qualify “my” thoughts: Sam Bell (20 in May) - I haven’t seen enough to convince me. Not saying he won’t, but I want to see more in his game than pace in u23s. That’s doing him a disservice, because I’m sure he has more to his game than that, but I think he’s looking good at age group because he’s quick….and I’m not seeing enough (yet) of the other stuff I think he needs to get to this level. Owura Edwards (21 in April) - is / was highly rated (Tinnion called him out), but finding it hard to get game time down at Exeter. Harv (20 in May) - looks very capable in u23s, but really difficult to judge keepers, so I can’t add him I’m afraid. Sam Pearson (20 next week) - convinced he will have a career in the EFL but not convinced it will be at this level. Louis Britton (21 in March) - someone who posts on here told me he passed the beep test Of the really young ones I’ve seen, I’m really keen to see more of Jamie Knight-Lebel (Patti to his friends). Just 16 but looks calm and composed as a CB in the u23s in the couple of games I’ve seen him. Really not seen enough of Low, Francois, Owers, etc. The Championship is brutal.
  4. I posted this last night: I tend to agree. If you asked me to say which players in our u23s will be bonafide 1st teamers in 2 seasons time (23/24 season - that’s giving them time to develop this season and next) I’d probably say: - Scott (obviously) - Massengo (I’ve included him just because of his age) - Ayman Benarous (he’s starting to play a man’s game rather than a kids dribbling game) - Tommy Conway If you exclude Massengo a hit rate of 3 is still pretty good from Academy. Towler possibly, want to see what he’s like when he comes back from Grimsby. I didn’t include Semenyo, but that’s just me being inconsistent with Massengo. I should’ve. My concerns with Semenyo are not at this level per se, more that I don’t think his ceiling is that high….I don’t don’t doubt he can be a regular for us at this level. I just don’t see a £10m player like others do. So if we can get through the next 12 months I see a good young core coming through.
  5. It’s poor where he’s pushed it out to though….got to push it wider, not back out, but yes, through a crowd. Samba’s “save” for Scott’s goal was far worse
  6. You’ve got to take minutes played into account, surely. Career 81 in 281 or 81 In 19689 mins (219 full matches). A goal every 2.70 games City 16 in 71 or 16 in 4631 mins (52 full matches) A goal every 3.21 games QPR 20 in 66 or 20 in 4478 mins (50 full matches) A goal every 2.50 games Non-City 65 in 210 or 15058 mins (167 full matches) A goal every 2.57 games So, he’s down a bit on his career and non-City average. However, 1239 minutes last season was on the wing (13 games worth), which at least have a bearing on his record.
  7. 4995 mins, 55.5 90min equivalent, so he’s at his career record of circa a goal every 3 games. Although, don’t forget about 15 of those games were as a winger.
  8. Without seeing the play before the highlight started I can’t really say how we got into that shape, but it wasn’t from a goal-kick. If it was I’d be horrified!!! Pace is so important….it’s why the last few games Wells has featured we’ve had a different dimension and able to stretch them the other way! A midfield with Williams and / or Massengo supporting James is different to Bakinson or King. Until Bournemouth James has been pretty sound, good positioning, anticipation to press, etc. he looked sluggish on Saturday. He was better on Tuesday, but a little exposed by Weimann and Scott being his partners, as their instincts are very different. Looking into the future I can see Semenyo playing a part with Wells, whether that is part of a two or a three I don’t know. At some point James, Massengo and Williams will start a game together. With Tanner, Dasilva, Kalas forming some of the back line, we suddenly look a bit more pacy. If we could get to something like this, I think we look very different. Bentley Tanner | Kalas | Atkinson or Baker | Dasilva Williams | James | Massengo Scott or Weimann | Wells | Semenyo Not necessarily a 433, just laying out defenders, midfielders, attack-minded players.
  9. Also, we are possibly seeing a slight impact of going back to 3/7 subs rather than 5/9. I actually think 7 is too many, but that’s another point. But you are probably looking at: - 1 gk, 1fb, 1cb, 1dm, 1am, 2fw or something like that. If you’re playing a back 3/5, you might go with one defender on the bench. etc, etc.
  10. The question you have to ask is why do we get so deep and how do you stop that happening. Long ball forward, player allowed to bring it down. Massengo senses the danger, but we aren’t deep here, are we? Slightly worrying that James is where he is but he’s probably marking their midfielder when the ball gets played forward, but he too senses he needs to get back. By this point, Atkinson has passed on his man to Massengo who is putting pressure on (no issues there). James trying to get back, has made up 3-4 yards on O’Dowda. James isn’t worried that “his man” hasn’t run forward, just senses he needs to get into shape. O’Dowda’s not doing much, Weimann just switching on. Taylor has been left to run offside, so we haven’t been sucked into to just running back, e.g. we aren’t going deep on purpose, but it’s a good crisp pass to Mighten. Forest LB looking to steal a run on Weimann. James now further back, O’Dowda in same spot. Weimann has let his man gain yards on him. James and Massengo getting back. Kalas more worried about Taylor than helping Tanner. Massengo now left to help Tanner, but he’s also got the man left by Weimann….not good by Weimann. O’Dowda not in the frame, although you could argue does he need to be? This kind of play happened too much. This time it resulted in a goal. Often in the second half it resulted in us being moved side to side as Forest probed our final third. They find gaps either between defence and midfield or midfield and attack, often with loose balls, or defensive headers. I can’t remember the long ball, but I do suspect James has been dragged short by his marker, but Massengo is in place. The ball wide was a good pass on the move and got us backtracking. My initial thought is we look a bit ragged in our shape from the long ball, but as it was in open play, you expect some fluidity. But it’s the 92nd minute, players like Weimann were knackered, etc, etc. What we do have to do (better) is stop the number of times opposition players get the chance to play unpressured passes into wide areas where we don’t have someone supporting Tanner or Dasilva. Back to pic 1, if Weimann if 5-7 yards deeper, the pass doesn’t go to Mighten, it probably goes back into midfield. Here’s the equaliser. It doesn’t need much commentary from me.
  11. Finally watched them back. We were quite creative.
  12. Both allegedly took significantly lower deals. I cannot confirm exact details, but Weimann allegedly accepted a 3 year deal on half his “contract option” wage. So say he was on £20k p.w. he’s now on £10k. Of course that’s decent in our terms, but it’s a big come down. I heard Baker is on less than half what he was on, but decent appearance bonus. Again, all word of mouth….but Nige has implied similar re both players. He’s cut best part of £1m p.a. off the wage bill. Re your second para, yep, I don’t think all money generated will become available either.
  13. @1960maaanworth watch this. https://www.skysports.com/watch/video/sports/football/9317262/collina-masterclass/more/13 Collina suggests the flags are mainly for the crowd now, and constant dialogue is going on instead.
  14. I would’ve liked to see Atkinson at LCB and Baker central last night. I thought Baker handled Brennan Johnson really well, and was physical with him without being reckless. But we lose the option to carry the ball forward and create the extra man. Kalas on the other side ventures forward a bit. In fact we did create some decent passing moves on the right first half. Johnson caused us problems because he was happy to drag Baker (sometimes Atkinson) short then long. Ideally if he’d have played more in the hole, we could’ve gone to back 4. We did get balls from the CBs into James centrally quite a bit first half which was encouraging but the early salvo second half by Forest pegged us back and we chased the ball too much. The patterns that were forming in the opening 4-6 games have gone in the main, but we at least saw what a bit of pace (not blistering pace) and movement from Wells gave us last night. He needs an extended run in the starting line-up.
  15. He hasn’t been offered a new contract as far as I know, so nothing there to sign. we are investing in him by putting on a personal fitness programme. Nige must think there’s something as he’s said he can make an impact. This. He’s started 4/7, on the bench 2 of them, one of which was the game Wells etc played.
  16. I think we need him with James, certainly whilst Williams is out. I think Scott has the football intelligence to partner Wells as his no10.
  17. I don’t recall their penalty shout….can you remind me which players, which half, etc?
  18. Both are decent Championship strikers of very different types. Fam’s movement and lack of proactivity pissed me off. Wells’s poor touch at times annoyed me. But he’s always on the move.
  19. I think that has already started! Tanner, Scott. Pring, just having a lull, but he’ll come again. Not forgetting Massengo or Dasilva (who is still young). I like Vyner, but it appears he’s gone from first choice RB to outside the 18 and Tanner / Simpson ahead of him. Scott ahead of Palmer, Bakinson, O’Dowda. I think Conway will be chomping to get back into the 18 too in time.
  20. Technically Weimann wasn’t released like Baker was…..but it doesn’t matter really. In essence we got two Championship quality players on a free for less money than Baker 2021 and Weimann 2021 were on. Back to @Enter Sandman I sense you write “mixed” with negative connotations? In an ideal world every signing would improve the squad. In many respects the squad is stronger for having both Baker and Weimann. Could we have got the same / better levels out of a different signing for the same outlay (just wages)? That’s the question. I think we often judge / compare to Fulham or Bournemouth, we should be judging against the likes of Forest, Millwall, Preston, Birmingham….and overall there isn’t much difference between our players and theirs.
  21. Yes. I don’t like the half-slice drop kick. It hangs and allows CBs to position themselves for the header and the DM a chance to screen Martin. It also has no pace on it if he wins the flick. He needs to drill them lower.
  22. Baker - failure? You having a laugh? He’s played pretty well almost every game he’s played so far. Yep he’s a Pearson signing in effect….a free transfer on a significantly reduced wage based on incentives.
  23. Of the outfield starters I’d say only Weimann and Martin were below par / poor. I really couldn’t criticise any of the other 8 and Tanner and Baker (bar the lunge) we’re very good all night, others with decent contributions too…Wells was a threat most of the night. Unfortunately for our squad 2 players below par is quite hard to cover.
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