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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. The gas equivalent is a high heel through their groundsheet!
  2. Do you know who has the lowest average passes success percentage this season? Bristol City….. ……will get you zero points! The right answer is WBA….the team in 2nd place! ???
  3. Think Vyner could come in ahead of Bakinson on Tuesday if push came to shove. Was 19th man on Saturday. I think Atkinson will be back, and I think Nige will go with a 352 as a result. So, assuming: DB GT / TK / NB / RA / JD Then you could go James / Vyner and play Scott or Palmer off if whoever the 2 up top are. Id much rather Vyner alongside James than Bakinson.
  4. Sponsorship alone won’t cut it…ground naming is now restricted to only allowing it to be a sensible amount of money….so you can’t just say Heres £50m to call it the Hargreaves Stand for example. When SL talks of new investment, I honestly don’t know if he’s talking about getting bought out, or some form of partnership. Nor whether it’s City only, or Bristol Sport.
  5. Yes, should be another minus 9 coming (plus 3 suspended)
  6. Dunno, I know they said they could run to January with some funding….wasn’t sure of the amount. The Wigan Administrators were seen by most neutrals as being decent folk with a good pragmatic approach. This lot seem like Mel’s dodgy mates.
  7. He got whacked on the touchline early on. He pulled out of a couple of challenges….no idea if linked, or whether the whack injured him. Then he got hauled off. Showed a couple of promising touches versus Peterborough.
  8. The article is contradicting itself….say £13.5m for a few months (assume to January) but headline says season.
  9. @Fuberit doesn’t really, unless new investment = new owner and they go shit or bust in January. Which isn’t gonna happen! ???
  10. Davefevs


    Problem is Jon, is that I’m not using Weimann’s position for one flick to justify Weimann’s match performance v Peterborough. Weimann’s performance wasn’t the feature of my “the little things”, so you’re taking that completely out of context. The feature was how we attacked in numbers….not trying to find one-off things to justify an opinion on a player. I don’t really have any allegiance to any players, i call out Weimann for poor performances likes anyone else….in fact the other week I said I thought he had one of his worst (if not the worst) in a City shirt. I think some players are better than others, but I evaluate agnostic of this. I don’t see why you necessarily need to bring another player into the argument really. You keep picking out one-off bad things for example in a game 2 months ago (credit to your memory ??) to justify player x being worse at something than O’Dowda, in the same way you focus on odd things he does to justify he’s better than player y at something else. Why does the ball from O’Dowda to James have to be James fault? Can it neither - just one of those things, can it be shared responsibility? Could he have just held onto the ball? Most of my posts on this thread are about his overall performance yesterday, which seem to align to most people’s that it was poor, a couple of bright spots outweighed by numerous not very good moments….and part of a poor left side team effort in the first half. It’s not a general review of his career so far / ability, or something he did last week, last month, last year. Overall, Callum is an okay player at this level in this team. He should be a consistent member of the 18 man squad. I thought quite a few players were poor yesterday, and only Kalas and Baker of the outfield starters came through the game with real credit. Tanner stuck to his task admirably and improved as the game went on, but Williams aside as he went off after 15 minutes, everyone else was below par. James was awful first half, remedied it a bit second half through sheer effort.
  11. True, chatting about that yesterday.
  12. Means you’re on fire. So a good thing.
  13. Davefevs


    No injury reported by Nige, wanted to change system and personnel.
  14. Yes, I saw it, he made a recovery run as Bournemouth looked to get inside the gap between LCB and LB, and poked the ball back to Bents. He then got the ball back a few moments later and kicked it out for a throw-in….and hobbled straight down the tunnel.
  15. We don’t really know. We can guess, but things will become a bit clearer when 20/21s accounts are published. SL has already said last season’s losses are going to be horrible….£30m+ ??? How much of those losses can be excluded for Covid we don’t know either. There is enough float in the FFP allowance if you want to just take a single 3-year period….the problem is when 18/19’s profit falls off, and then we bust FFP based on my projections….bust it by some distance. Hence why Nige is cutting the wage bill and amortisation costs, and not spending much on fees. Spending now just means selling next season….and 2 players isn’t gonna turn us into a promotion side. We could really do with a £15-20m player sell….but we haven’t got one. Newcastle are a different beast. Ashley might be a nob, but he ran the business side very frugally…enough player investment to keep them in the PL each season.
  16. Davefevs


    Because fans don’t like a lack of effort. Quite simple. This team has won fans back a bit this season with its commitment and work ethic, even if not great football. And yesterday we had a player who didn’t do that basic requirement. I’d say Pring didn’t either, both didn’t work anywhere near hard enough to cause their opponents an uncomfortable afternoon.
  17. Was only thinking the same this morning if HNM not ready on Tuesday.
  18. Davefevs


    No, read countless posts…..several of us are saying he was very poor yesterday….but qualifying that others were poor too and it was a poor team performance. Most posters are trying to reason why a couple of you are trying to big up his performance yesterday. Most of us recognise he did a couple of decent things, but the lack of work going back the other way far outweighed that. What us your response to the bits he didn’t do well? It seems Nige agreed.
  19. How many poor performances have their been? Home results have been poor, but away results stellar. Away results have come with a mixture of performances too. It is unusual to have such wildly contrasting home and away results, it’s usually the other way around, can’t buy a win away from home. Yesterday was poor, not denying that.
  20. Davefevs


    OhShaun beat me too it. He has a fantastic physique, just no clue how to use it. For every example you find of Callum doing something physical, I’ll find you countless others of where he completely fails to use his athletic build to his advantage. A dangled leg on the touchline on halfway yesterday, a header on the edge of the box against a shorter opponent that he loses because he jumps with no thought to body position of himself or where his opponent is jumping from, a push off the ball by Stacey. At times he looks completely startled at what he’s up against. He has some serious flaws in his overall game, and yet has talent….but shows it sporadically. What is your response to the numerous times he allowed Stacey to run off him. Give his performance yesterday some balance, please. We can highlight a little flick first time….jeez he’s a championship level pro, they can all do that. Compare him to Paterson is not really selling him very well is it. The most lightweight player ever! ? Weimann isn’t strong, but knows how to shield, knows how to get his arm across his man, knows how to press with intent, how to cut off a passing lane. Yesterday his all-round performance got him hooked at h/t. Nige (club interview - I’ve only just heard it) said he made changes for both shape and personnel. I don’t have a problem with fans liking certain players more than others, we all have a bit of unconscious bias, but yesterday wasn’t a game to try to big-up his performance. I’m not saying he was shit either, but it was a performance where his commitment to the hard work part of his role was painfully lacking. Saying other players weren’t very good yesterday isn’t a good argument. Nobody is saying those players were!
  21. @ExiledAjaxlooks like you weren’t the only one! I saw Wes in the ground from where I sit, and then he was gone.
  22. In those type of games in my experience, it’s usually time for someone to clatter an opponent, at least let them think the next time they receive the ball. That’s not going in to maim them and get a red card, but there are ways to do it sensibly.
  23. I think Bakinson needs to decide if he’s up for it or not. Can really see his career drifting. Couple of occasions yesterday when others are running their nuts off (as we had 10 men) and he’s strolling, letting men run off him. Unacceptable. Needs a little word from Nige. Suspect he might struggle to make the 18 on Tuesday if Atkinson and Massengo fit, even w/o Williams and King. Vyner can come in, Bell maybe too.
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