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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. Doesn’t get the assist for Thompson og…..bonkers I know. Shows the dangers of looking at raw numbers. Slightly different with Massengo v QPR, he did the leg-work.
  2. Gregor hopefully has an article out today following an interview with Sean Gilhespy, so we might get some insight. It appears that with Tanner there is a bit of a process of keeping tabs on players let go by the “big boys” which makes a lot of sense. Interesting that Tanner was at Morecambe on loan, (before going to Salford, released by Man Utd and then to Carlisle) was replaced by Cooney (from Burnley) who Harry really rates. I think that North West connection to the PL clubs is what we miss in this Region.
  3. Good listen. I like Ben Bloom’s stuff. Thought Gregor was good, although disagree re Matty James. If you want more content over the break, Ian and I have gone rogue (sorry @headhunter) and recorded an interview with Gab Sutton. both on our best behaviour and proving that we have faces for radio.
  4. Saw an article on Southampton and them using Lankashire a few weeks back. When you watch an u23s game you see a big difference between the way the game is played. There is quite a lot of naivety in playing through the lines, when in the reality of a league match you’d go long. I’ve seen countless chances and goals conceded by “always trying to play out”. I guess that is why having an experienced defender in your u23s can start to teach them when to play, when not to….and make the youngsters get used to the decision making required in the laughs. Ultimately it depends on the objectives of your u23s.
  5. I really like Stanley’s owner Andy Holt. Posts a lot of sense. He went on a rant yesterday re Agents, suspect in reference to Dion Charles. But today he showed the other side.
  6. It’s a reward, already on your account, there should be an option to “use reward points / money” when you buy something.
  7. Saw Kuyken and Murray, possibly others (didn’t recognise them) at The Flyers on Saturday night….4 or 5 of them were at AG for the Fulham game, those 2 again plus Johnson. Looks like trying to foster a good “whole club” spirit.
  8. No we are not. 2+2 stuff, as usual.
  9. I think those 3 will play the bulk of 3/4s of the midfield minutes this season if they stay fit. I’m getting the impression that the fitness stuff is because (as quoted) Nige doesn’t really want to rotate. Massengo and Williams are capable of defending large spaces because of their speed / athleticism….that’s a bit of a Gamechanger for us over recent years.
  10. A basic skill of a footballer well below professional levels. Yes, of course some don’t do it, but lauding it (not you btw) as anything more than “standard / solid” is way OTT. There are basic things you just expect them to do, irrespective of who is doing it. More worrying is Bakinson, who doesn’t do these things. I suspect Nige won’t give him too many more chances. Massengo’s injury and King and Williams not being quite ready, gave him a chance. He did “okay”, but I think he blew his chance in reality.
  11. I put together some international break stats for City and highlighted Joe Williams: Pics below if you don’t want to use Twitter.
  12. He did exactly what he would be expected to do. Good stuff. I’ll call it solid defending I think ?
  13. My uneducated view of things like your Bruno example is how I view David James (pre-City)….he became so “ripped” I thought he lost agility. Just like Massengo, looking more muscly on post-Covid return, but looked a bit heavy legged, whilst still adjusting to his new frame. I think you understand this stuff far better than me from previous posts on the subject.
  14. Aye….getting the basics right is a good thing. ??
  15. Could this be down to the use of the word “Derby County” as opposed to the myriad of companies in play?
  16. I agree, he’s able to get fit enough to play whatever level he’s needed to, to earn the big contract. He has other issues admittedly, character flaws. But if Man City came knocking for £100k p.w. He’d get fit.
  17. I think it’s standard any season ?….if you don’t do it, expect to receive criticism. It was all there in plain sight….it wasn’t clever movement from Thompson, no swapping of runners / markers, etc. He did his job. It’s not a wonderful piece of defending. If anything he’s allowed Thompson to go from being a yard behind him to half a yard in-front / goal side, necessitating a slide. But I’ll let him off that! ?
  18. I think we are all forgetting the referee was Gavin Ward, one of the worst, if not the worst ref in the Championship.
  19. Have you seen Britton? It’s not beefing up that’s needed.
  20. Agree, there is nothing to suggest that Britton’s attitude is poor….but his fitness is. He’s come from Mangotsfield Utd, so not been through Academy full-time training until he joined here. His 30 months here will have improved his fitness but he’s playing catch-up. ….and he was coming back from injury too. Like Britton, another “late to the pro-game” and much older too.
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