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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. SOD built foundations admittedly, but we were near the bottom of Lg1, Nige is building foundations and has us 12th (maybe lower after today - pessimism from me) in the Champ….and we look competitive. I agree that if we were bottom in January you would raise concerns. But, really what are the chances of that on the evidence of this season? Even less so with Derby’s plight ??? You say you are willing to give him a chance, but several of your posts have a theme based on a worst case scenario, e.g. if we were bottom, to create your view. What is your best case scenario, what is your most likely scenario. What we’re your expectations before the season started?
  2. Having looked up the rules I think the exact opposite. MM wants to sell and sell quick. Knows he’s gonna get 9 point deduction. Derby likely to be in amongst the relegation battle anyway. 9 points lost could be the tipping point. New buyers are gonna be very sceptical about the price of a Championship club with threat of relegation. So, go into Administration, take minus 21 and that confirms relegation. They don’t have a squad capable of 65+ points (44+) that might save them, least of all if the Administrators start selling assets. So the sell becomes a clean League One proposition…and Mel hopes they find new buyers quickly. He’s intimated as such. New owners get to keep some of the squad together. Thats my opinion. Not sure if it makes sense or not. What do you reckon?
  3. I know. Imagine 1982 again.
  4. I think most people have added a comment to that effect.
  5. Not just fans…major impact on staff, their livelihoods at stake…just like Bolton. Mel won't be struggling will he?
  6. No sign of EFL sympathy there. ????
  7. Thought he was going to the Premier League this summer. ???
  8. I can only guess @Mr Popodopolousis either shithousing on the Derby forum or having the biggest w*** ever.
  9. Yes, owners can invest money into the turnover figure whereas in champ they can only cover losses. http://www.financialfairplay.co.uk/scmp.php
  10. Yeah, just seen that…. I didn’t know Administration came with a transfer embargo too. Not heard that before. Guessing Wigan only signed free transfers due to “senior players” rules?
  11. Yep, definitely Lg1 is the place to be with new owners, with different FFP rules to the Champ.
  12. Mr Pedant…. I never got sent-off put the Merlot down….now!
  13. In the spirit of fair competition, they cheated the rules. they got found out. Of course I feel for the fans, not as much as Wycombe fans though. But I have great pleasure that the cheating club will get their just desserts eventually through the EFL charges when they get put through. Even through this Morris is trying to play the game by adding administration in because he knows 9 points might be tough to overcome.
  14. Yes, someone corrected me re that. Thanks. So basically Mel thinks the best way of selling is to take a 21 point deduction so whoever takes over will know they are taking on a League One club with no pending points deduction. Bet the fans don’t love him anymore!
  15. So the Administration Team will be in effect selling the club as a League One club. There’s little chance they’d get enough points (say 70) to offset a 21 point deduction. The aim of any new owners will be to either try to get enough points to avoid minus 12 being carried into next season next season, so probably still need circa 60 points. Tough ask. Automatically yep. But they still have the other EFL charges….this is not one or the other.
  16. Administration is totally separate to the EFL Charges.
  17. Yep. So the 9 could relegate them, and then they’d be minus 12 next season. Double whammy, but like a double whammy of selling a stadium to “yourself”.
  18. Yes, I still see him, give him a nod if we walk past each other.
  19. Bring it on. Minus 12 points automatically (unless they go down anyway in which case it’ll apply next season). They’ll still have to comply with FFP too. Mel Morris - what a man ???
  20. Ashton got rid of Burt pretty quickly then Des Taylor after that. It’s a shame Burt went, because he wasn’t a Cotts man, SOD had brought him in, so had proved he could work with different managers…and his talent ID was pretty good. I think it’s exactly what Lee needed. Of course, what is obvious (to me) is that Ashton had a plan. Come in as COO, get rid of the HOR (Burt), then Taylor, get his feet firmly under the table and “advise” SL that he could do COO and HOR, with a promotion to CEO. All whilst employing his Nephew / Brother-in-Law (Werhun) as Club Secretary then making up his role to be Head of Football Operations to replace the admin he did as COO. Werhun is now COO at Ipswich….another little promotion based on nepotism. Money for Effin old rope!!! Grifters!!! That all happened a year after (2017) he joined (2015/16)….and that was where my suspicions first surfaced about him. My finances / accounts analysis joined the dots together. I have my criticisms of LJ, but I never disliked him like I did Ashton. Maguire might’ve been £2m and Gray £4.5m….but together that kind of ball-park.
  21. Scrumpty used to be a bloke called Dave (not me btw). When we used to sit in the wheelchair tin shack on the corner of the Williams / Atyeo, just after half-time this bloke (and his kid) in his City tracksuit used to come and sit in our section and I had no idea who he was or why he sat with us. So I asked Rob the Wheelchair Supporters Liaison who he was. He said, that is Scrumpy off-duty!!,
  22. Davefevs


    Are we? I think we’ve played “okay” (better than okay in some) overall.
  23. His Brighton side in the Championship was pretty exciting, Knockaert, Murphy ripping teams apart on the wings.
  24. Never been the sane since they gave him a mouth.
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