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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. Couple of tweets from the players acknowledging Nigel Pearson’s attendance, and a tweet from the man himself.
  2. Just Google “companies house beta”, type Ipswich Town football and go from there.
  3. I guess the owners have significant backing to cover it…..no different to SL and the £150m losses he's converted to shares. https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/document-api-images-live.ch.gov.uk/docs/gEbxPgrW-MEiNtD9zaidCDWzEPtQR5SGZCbU8t2OKTA/application-pdf?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=ASIAWRGBDBV3LPBXCG5V%2F20210906%2Feu-west-2%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20210906T075424Z&X-Amz-Expires=60&X-Amz-Security-Token=IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjECYaCWV1LXdlc3QtMiJGMEQCICyQClouGdNKH0fZj5AdCFtdmok44KSvZVs2RUSN6mcTAiAG2JRh89nItcLzY6pvZ5fNFE9as%2BblUMqtSyasJPucyyr6AwhvEAMaDDQ0OTIyOTAzMjgyMiIMjuHwDIBX%2BRY2qYmAKtcDRbJJ9P6igFlrePyishYGMxBS8K44i1sFDOZ6VPhiWUQLf%2F%2FLzGQnE3YfuaPlyKqeRSxuVLo49dpDk5KyW6rsWX9JGHrKycgZHUKPZVjeoPZQlhUd9S6tOeOgTpMvK9YNRjbDFnjk%2BCdGLvZe41CVCnTSnw2TxfwHVcl9XnfdX23MFMxYKoqc68nhHSbZiUaJJocjSBGQNXEQpQIuKSETItyDqBgdNwewkU508jsP1ER1V6kPi4gyHXVt%2BfZBARe5Al2Mt67uk600xM76CneDJF%2F5b6TAN7rp4QJ99%2FaGtR4N56JwocQVxYIWK7W3zoXST2pt9Uo3D%2FYVSM5uuxBe4kBSlXbCkjQn%2FOPNeyL4nrvWa9eeJ56iYhSO2Ekl0TLSnN57ge6VkzX6v9zf6v%2FCnJF57MQ0hP7TwFXx7RGYu4Wvl0MzyC1BjhATITd0rWcZhnNsvIARifcyxNdGDT8YMS6F69o1rTzxBdu9VkHz9EGw9v8zvY7l2b%2BsMgBkvH%2FXoy7%2BdlYd1P%2FT9kNXcsMy4D9FSAXHvIWQgsdjeIQt37b7hrkIxdnf8IN39fWP0BXQyUi8JRWz3txavFuALzIAWT6JtaW1QMKGXwH9wD4aFzzAmxPDqzsAMJXg1okGOqYBi4EtdPtLvpXeFd%2BNd35%2F9TDzB1TKPTpZD8T9Y2iRy%2FjEWL7yiDbOd9ntRKhTscvYEe61DQSORzuY9X1ooatNqEbwjCniyU2K%2BbD1QOKozM7FFoKwRZheNPZR26Rs%2FWBrOhP2D%2B2XkLnPO%2F3p5vr11AEEZWzzzkUTMj6xRfhJjmsNdU8rg6XzSVqlaAEDo5ybQh8waAGevehMO6MGfZvn0Opr1SWwXw%3D%3D&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&response-content-disposition=inline%3Bfilename%3D"00315421_aa_2021-06-30.pdf"&X-Amz-Signature=c56cd96c2474ddc0918365d7112d26570530be1feb782f99301c1ea3716e51ff
  4. Toby wasn’t commentator. Sounded like Dan “something”….White?
  5. Caught the last 15 mins if first half. Big distances from to back…our midfield unable to engage theirs or be in with a chance of picking up loose balls. Don’t pass to players close by, every pass seems to need to be between the lines. Harrison on her own in the 10 position, often having to come deep.
  6. Dorchester beaten by Yate….than sounds like an upset???
  7. Josh Owers to Bath City https://www.bcfc.co.uk/news/josh-owers-joins-bath-city-on-loan/
  8. Looks like the season before last (19/20)had already seen a reduction from the Championship level wages. We will have to wait for 20/21s (pre-Gamechanger / Ashton) and another year for this seasons.
  9. Definitely not definite…..but my guess is it is ???
  10. Very true, and I’d argue he paid over the odds for players bought too - fees and wages! He loved trading….that’s partly why so few senior players signed new contracts over his time here. Far better for him to move someone on and buy someone new. That transfer profit figure in the annual accounts may’ve looked good, but when you look at wage increase and amortisation rise you see it was only one part of the equation. Had he made that kind of transfer profit on a flatter wage and amortisation increase profile I would have a very different view. But wages doubled, amortisation was five times the amount it was when he took over. Those figures hamstrung (no pun) Holden initially and now Pearson. Without COVID, financial constraints were still around the corner. When we sold Webster, Eisa and Pack, then Brownhill in 19/20, we still spent more on transfer fees than we netted from those transfers.
  11. I’ll be amazed if their wage bill is less this season than last. The players they got rid of in the summer we’re a mix of young, fringe and first teamers….not all first teamers. I suspect Sears, Ward, Judge we’re on a decent wedge though. They’ve just brought in 19 first teamers. Very different. I suspect their wage bill has increased significantly. I wonder how much the CEO is paying himself. I did hear an awful rumour of £750k p.a. ???
  12. And a couple of their posters have picked up on that. We can sit through that 9 minute interview and see all the same BS. They are impressed by it. It’s David Brent….they will see that in time.
  13. It’s quite interesting reading other posts on TWTD. You’d think with the investment they’ve made promotion is the aim. I’d see anything else as failure. I kinda get playoffs as sensible objective….but you know fans will ignore it’s a 1 in 4 chance. So, quite surprised the low expectations of some. They’ve given up on autos. Got a few hamstring injuries already according to one thread. I don’t mind the responses. We are all a bit touchy about other clubs’ fans coming on OTIB and telling us about our club….I guess in this case they asked, and it was about Ashton, not their club per se.
  14. Yours and @Fuber’s post resonate so much with my own view. I have nothing against Mark Ashton as a person (although I don’t like some of his traits), but the evidence I have built up shows (imho) that he is not that competent at some aspects of his role(s). As you say surrounds himself with people to protect him / keep the ones who might challenge one step further away. It’s a common trait of a weak leader. I think he’s a decent football business administrator, one who should’ve stayed as COO, focusing on the non-football playing side…but COO doesn’t command £540k salary does it? I agree that he will probably get relative immediate success at Ipswich, but I fully expect plateau followed by a fall, by which point he will have already identified his escape route. He really screwed my club over. He was allowed to by SL and JL in the main, but also LJ for failing to call him out. Someone else said they would’ve liked to see LJ without Ashton. We can watch from afar to see how it pans out at Sunderland.
  15. Yes, someone else mentioned it was on original list, so I assume they corrected, then fallen foul again.
  16. That is their standard response isn’t it? Very pally still I’m led to believe.
  17. Do any sensible fans expect a CEO to not talk like a CEO, dress smartly etc? I don’t want a CEO to sound like a Harry Redknapp, or dress like Tony Pulis. To think that is why fans don’t “like” him is bonkers.
  18. Great summary btw. Re FFP in Lg1/2 it’s different to Champ. At it’s simplest it’s 60% of turnover on wages (55% in Lg2). But….the key part is this: Turnover definition Under the SCMP rules, the definition of 'Turnover' is particularly important as Turnover is used to determine the maximum wage-spend. Within a traditional accounting perspective, there are usually only three elements of turnover: Match-day Income Commercial Income (such as sponsorship) TV revenue (and any 'merit payments' based on league position) However the Football League use a is broader definition of Turnover. Crucially, the FL Turnover figure includes donations from the owners to the club and injections of equity. Loans from club owners are understandably not included in the Turnover figure as these would result in growing club debts Ipswich’s new owners are taking advantage of the bit in bold…in some respects this can make a “big club” in Lg1 terms a very viable investment to get the momentum building. Their problem will be that if they get promoted they will have to fall under Championship rules. Irrespective of what “Mark” says, they will be paying big wages for Lg1. Some players will have taken pay cuts, I don’t doubt that, but not that much….and you can bet their contract next season if promoted will be a sizeable uplift. That will hamper Ipswich….especially when owner donations don’t count either. It’s why SL can’t just bung us a £10m striker! The list I originally compiled I looked at in terms of “real” success on the pitch and financial success, e.g. did they perform relative to their fee. It was very subjective. I tried to keep it simple by giving them Green, amber, red for both categories, and looked at which ones were green in both. Plenty of our signings fell into “middle ground”, so not a true success, nor a sh1t signing either. But I also wanted to overlay the fact that our CEO says our recruitment team and processes are world class, other clubs ask us how we do it. So against that high expectation set by our CEO, were the likes of Wright and Pato successful, were the meh, or were they bad. With Wright (and Matty Taylor and Liam Walsh) I was massively frustrated that we exercised their options and still let them leave for free. We let both go on loan, there’s little chance we recouped all their wages too, so why extend their contract at a cost. Things like that make the signing of Wright err towards failure from being an ok signing. That’s where Ashton seriously mis-managed us, stuff like that. Just wasted money. Back to Q, all very subjective, but rationale to reach that subjectivity ?
  19. If you let TWTD know I’ve registered and they activate me, I’ll add my thoughts tomorrow. No bed wetting, just a fair few facts mixed with opinions and viewpoints from people who know how he operates. No jealousy, just a bit of anger over how he operated and the poor position he left my club in.
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