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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. Just realised, I’m gonna have to endure this thread for 90 mins….normally I log out til h-t. Be gentle.
  2. Same with QPR cup game two seasons ago, when Massengo made debut.
  3. played mostly left side of diamond from someone I know who has spoken to him. Did play at the tip too, but predominantly left of diamond.
  4. I’d like to see Massengo central, with The two youngsters (???) wide.
  5. Shop window, or NP might think he will be difficult to shift at the right money, so would rather make use of him. Guesswork from me. Not everything is so black and white is it?
  6. There is no UK or international broadcast for Carabao Cup this season…only those games selected for tv. I’m sure Sky Sports News will show the goals, and there will be Quest (probably) highlights show. Just checked, yes, on Quest 10:30 tomorrow night, 90 mins highlights prog.
  7. Expecting the food reviews to be more interesting than the match ?
  8. So Reading want it all kept secret….how is that fair to anyone buying Reading players, or selling to Reading? Cake and eat it imho.
  9. I recall Nagy say something along the lines of that he maybe didn’t put all his effort into settling here, should’ve moved his girlfriend over at the start, etc, etc. Maybe that harbour apartment was the new plan, until she become pregnant. Maybe the change in manager changed things. We just need to find a buyer. @NcnsBcfcre contractual bonuses, typically end of year bonuses, they continue to be paid unless he puts in a written transfer request….whether he’s done that or just verbally I’ve no idea.
  10. Just imagine having a top scorer with just 8 goals…..and getting to a play off final. ??? ???
  11. Yep, but better than letting a player suck £0.75m out of the club in wages by leaving on a free next summer. Damage limitation, maybe? Get something now by way of a fee and save the wages.
  12. No, I argue that he plays as a holding midfielder for Hungary, sat in front of the defence and used to screen a bit, but also in early phases of possession (not that they are a possession-rich team)…that it might be his best chance of succeeding here. Transfermarkt uses DM and CM defending on formation, so might get given DM in a 4231, but CM in a 352, taken not too much interest in the role. Pirlo is a DM as is Kante, but both perform it very differently. What I’m saying is he’s played 54 times in “central midfield”….which is his natural position….but might depend on role given to him. Personally I don’t care where he plays if he plays well. Irrespective of position and / or role he hasn’t reached the levels required for Bristol City enough, nor has he consistently reached the kinda levels he has for Hungary….at least the games we’ve seen at international level since he arrived here….because I’d be amazed if more than 2 people on OTIB has genuinely heard of him before he came here. Happy to explain further if required.
  13. Think the image from transfermarkt in my post above shows that he’s been asked to play Central Midfield in the vast majority of games. So hardly here there and everywhere! And then you suggest playing him in ANOTHER position? ?? Yep, and a valid reason he wants to leave….no arguments at all from me on that score. But most of us are discussing his ability on the pitch. If his outside world is having that big an impact on his playing performances, then it was a bad recruit from us and a poor decision to come here from us. But on alleged £16-18k p.w you might see the motivation??? Ultimately he’s an okay CM in the Championship, technically decent on the ball, great stamina, ill-disciplined off the ball on occasion and weak in the tackle. He has admitted himself he hasn’t settled. Hopefully we will sell him on for favourable financial returns….but i genuinely don’t see us releasing much for a striker from this deal. Asset Value £750k….so only anything over this amount will really help. Plus will be take a wage cut? Can’t see many clubs in Europe wanting to pick up that on top of a fee. Over to you Richard Gould….try and rescue some money from your predecessor!
  14. Really though one this….we haven’t really played a “sitter” since he got injured….we didn’t really play one in his first game and a half for us….it was already a midfield alongside Brownhill and Palmer. Lots of two sided questions: Has he adapted / should we have played more like Hungary? Did he take his chances in different central midfield roles / did we expect him to do well in unfamiliar roles? Was he really expected to be so one-dimensional? etc Its not a one sided argument, failures on both sides imho. Ultimately he hasn’t hit the levels with any consistency. Overall it’s a poor recruit because we haven’t got the best out of him, but nor has he excelled or contributed enough either. He’s only played wide a couple of times, Pearson just trying to get through the season with whatever he had available to him. The vast majority of games hes played CM in various roles.
  15. Good, sense of realism post. It’s gonna take a bit of time to knit together, but there were plenty more positive signs than negative signs weren’t there?
  16. He is a sitter……for Hungary! For City, he’s a runner, who allows himself to be sucked to the ball in an ill-disciplined way. That’s a generalisation, as he has qualities too. He’s rarely played the same way for city as he does for Hungary, albeit very different systems….which makes me continually question his suitability for City / Champ.
  17. Excuse, after excuse tonight on radio. Has he ever wondered why teams love playing against his team’s….has he ever wondered whether his players might like to play against a team who aren’t desperate to put their manager in his place. Circus. Rovers must be hoping they can find a reason to sack him and avoid a pay-off.
  18. Difficult fee to judge because of wages too. He might need to take a drop in wages too. European football isn’t awash with money, well, not at the clubs likely to be after Adam.
  19. Yes. Right back no longer wants the ball passed to him. The Terry Cooper stuff was very moving. It built a fantastic atmosphere in the ground.
  20. Imagine Dan White???? Young, black hair? Toby is doing the 3 Peaks Chsllenge this weekend.
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