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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. Take the pi$$….and about to find out they won’t get away with it!
  2. It shouldn’t be a difficult thing to do, even if done manually into a standalone spreadsheet.
  3. @Mr Popodopolous did you or someone have a calculation of the annual impact of using a straight line amortisation model on Derby’s accounts? Does that tip them into P&S breach, and therefore points deduction territory? I thought it was tight enough with stadium sell, but seem to recall a £30m amortisation discrepancy, possible worse? @Hxj you may know too???
  4. Out of interest when the development starts, how much is it gonna affect the match day experience, parking, etc?
  5. Yeah, surely would need some form of build ???
  6. Was Powell out of contract? I know the rumour was that he was, but doesn’t appear here: https://www.stokecityfc.com/news/2021/june/Potters-submit-retained-list/
  7. Imagine all those players Mel said would never reach a value of zero and therefore his accounting policies were fine? Quack, quack oops.
  8. No, I think you are in fact correct, and I’m wrong. Apologies. ?????? That makes it harder for Stoke…..good. And they’re already over the 4 year amount by £1m….so need to have made a profit in 20/21.
  9. Not sure it works like that. Surely it’s still £61m (35+13+(13+13/2))? Just that years 3 + 4 loses care divided by 2, and year 1 and 2 are full. What we’re year 1 and 2’s losses? Wasn’t 19/20’’s £86m loss?
  10. Yeah, basically you (Derby) tried to fudge the impact of amortisation on the club accounts. It wasn’t an accountancy cock-up, it was a deliberate choice to use a different amortisation method to the other 71 EFL clubs. Mel did it eyes wide open, seems fans buy the bullshit that it was a tinsy-winsy admin error. Mel gambled on getting away with it. He got caught.
  11. They are fine. Last season of PPs just ending, but sold Rosen for £10m so will be fine. Bit if cloth cutting next season if they don’t go up, but probably just a case of Ayew moving on.
  12. QPR. Another club, doing better than us on 50-60% of our budget.
  13. I just think City are seriously underfunded against the other teams. They got a few in during the window from memory and it made them a tad more competitive. I’m sure Beard had an impact too.
  14. I don’t want them high and wide….I want them fluid, playing close to the striker at times, playing close to their respective full-back team-mate at others, filling the whole left by the channel-running striker, etc, etc. I grew up playing 433 in junior football where the RW and LW played wide and were never closer than 30 yards from the CF. I don’t want to see that at City. I think we already see that with whoever plays wide (bar Adelakun and Palmer), and it is so easy to stifle.
  15. Please tell me you’re writing that left to right (looking up the pitch)! ? And if you’re not, why not? ???
  16. Or is it just reality that if a prem club comes knocking there’s not a lot you can do about it. Had it been a straight choice that Eliasson would sign a new contract if you sold Fam, I’d have been all over it like a rash. But it wasn’t. As it happens neither player wanted to sign a contract, we managed to get £2.25m for Eliasson and saved a year’s wages. In Fam’s case we blew £800k in wages and any transfer fee we might’ve got. In terms of Eliasson’s output (very good number of assists - understatement?), in terms of the influence of results when he played versus when he didn’t was no different. He didn’t make the 19/20 side better nor worse. From my point if view we played more one dimensional with him in the team that without…especially when he played RW, cutting in on his left. Statistically he assisted more per game playing LW than he did RW….I’m not sure why he continually played RW? Having said all that, I wouldn’t mind having him back. LW in a 4231….I quite fancy that.
  17. Firstly, lots of good arguments for and against both the value and his ability / potential. 1) because some of us worry that potential might not be achieved, nor do we honestly know where the ceiling is either. 2) PL can take a punt, even at £3-5m. Of course, drive for more if you can….although according to Kid, City value him at £5m! For me it’s not his lack of goals, nor his potential, it’s more a fit to a system. He’s an off the cuff type of player. In the right team that might be perfect, but in another team it might not be. That’s where some of my concerns are. I don’t think he’s a natural wide player. He plays best between the full-back and the centre-back, and I’m not sure that’s a good fit…..with what we’ve seen from an NP system so far. That might change. Pearson has started him 7 times, used him from bench 7 times (post Boro, where he was subbed on). Re recruitment, he isn’t gonna say they’re crap either, playing Devil’s advocate? It’s obvious that “recruitment” needs to be much more than a group of data / video analysts reporting into a CEO. The data / video analysts might be shit-hot in technical skills. My big question has always been - can they interpret the requirements of the football manager to find the right players, or evaluate a player recommended as being a good fit for the system the manager wants to employ. You need more than “coding” skills to do that. In a non-football world, that’s what I do as a day job. Kinda what I’ve written above.
  18. If we play 4231, Wilks is a player who’d fit really well. In my League One “Forwards” list on the transfer sub-forum. Different market these days. Kelly an u21 international too.
  19. Danni was more of a “keeper” for me. ???
  20. Yep, know what’s you mean. He’s one of those players isn’t he? Raw, oodles of potential…..but what if this is him near peak? I don’t think we are in a position to turn it down with a rebuild needed. It could mean we can hold out on bids for Bentley for example, or go that extra yard to get another player over the line. Bigger picture at play.
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