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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. Where did the term striker come from...was it German football? It’s interesting that the German squad is now announced with Goalkeepers / Defenders / Forwards. I still like the terms Defender, Midfielder and Forward. Semenyo and Wells are both forwards, but play the role differently.
  2. Yeah, I should’ve been clearer. Yeah, not blaming Fam for this.
  3. That’s the point I’m making....it’s probably the rawness of Semenyo that he’s not picked up that nuance of Fam’s flick-ons. Coaches should pick it up too. I played up front for a pub team on a Sunday many moons ago. We had a Dings rugby scrum-half who was quick as anything up front with me. I used to say I will always try and flick on directly behind me, so always makes your run to end up directly behind me. Wouldn’t always come off, but if I win it cleanly he was onto it like a shot. And that was Sunday football....not pro!
  4. Fair shout....I was out of my seat shouting. Do you think if Antoine and the team had all appealed though we might have got it?
  5. Possibly, but I’d argue he might benefit from Martin....and even Wells as a partner more than Fam. Fam just can’t form a partnership. One little thing. Watch Diedhiou’s aerial duels when he’s central(ish) facing our goal. When he’s favourite to win it, he heads on behind him to the left every time. He doesn’t flick straight on or to his right, he doesn’t look for a City player. But....if I was Semenyo, I’d ensure my run is to that position.
  6. Was Antoine pushed by Morrison at the far post....which Reading broke on us and scored the opener from?
  7. I like these kind of things. Good insight. He is definitely a nutter.
  8. If they think about this problem statement and get their thinking caps on they could come up with a solution that could be re-used in future for season-ticket re-sales, e.g. where demand for tickets is greater than seats and season ticket holders who can’t go to games can offer their tickets back.
  9. The problem is there is no logic / science / data to support the rationale for one “thing” being deemed safer than another thing. We get mixed messages and it’s all based on whims / £s / who creates the most fuss. They change the R method to suit their decisions. They create a tiered system that’s not applied to a set of rules, so you end up with an area with a lower rate of infection in a higher tier than an are with a higher rate. This is typified by 5k allowed in the Albert Hall, but football not allowed. I’m suggesting consistency with decision making, transparency in the rationale and clear numbers to back up why.....rather than a mate has a vested interest / vested financial interest in x opening, therefore let’s do it. Its awful leadership and it incites non-compliance. We keep using other countries as examples of where things have worked well, but we never stop to look how compliant their people are socially as a nation, in perhaps understanding why it might have been a success in country A but not here. Its dragging up old stuff, but as soon as your Leaders don’t lead (Johnson shaking hands / Cummings flouting lockdown) they give you a reason to challenge “well if they can do it, so can I”. The problem is that they then turn full circle on you and blame you for not following the rules. It’s hugely hypocritical but I firmly believe it’s what they want....it gives them their excuse, it shifts the blame....and we fall for it every time.
  10. I haven’t read past the first few pages....how is that not an aggravated breach?
  11. I chatted with Joe the other day about this and asked him that if it was deemed safe (and we could socially distanced) woukd he like to go. I thought he’d be worried and say no, but actually he was keen. If we were in section A4 and only a couple of other wheelchair users were in there, it’d probably be ok. Bit lots of Qs to ask first.
  12. Track and Trace overall is being bailed out by Local Health teams....otherwise the figures would look even worse. It’s a shambles. It’s money for old rope. It’s tantamount to fraud.
  13. Yes, you need a NZ style lockdown, shut the borders, quarantine otherwise....and you need track, trace, test and isolate. If you read the stuff from Independent Sage, it isn’t rocket science....but again we are reacting too late. This wave (is it still wave 1?) has already bolted.
  14. Just a simple example, my Van has a service due Tuesday....cancelled because VW have a covid outbreak and are having to close for 2 weeks whilst staff self-isolate. It’s only gonna get worse under the pathetic measures. It’s gonna impact businesses for yonks. They need to find a way to break the increase and change its direction.
  15. Oh, I know, just shows that the ****t of an MP who replied is effin’ clueless. I’m hoping he gets called out as the knob he is.
  16. Chatting to a mate online earlier, who wrote to his MP: about the whole not letting football fans in to stadiums but can sit in a restaurant and watch a game. I suggested it was surely safer outside than inside. He responded with the following quote via his PA "This seems sensible, but it is up to local organisations in conjunction with the local authorities and the police to apply the guidelines. The government cannot possibly determine every local event and how rules are applied." I thought it was Government policy dictating the approach? He has sent on to Mark Kelly. What an Effin’ joke.
  17. Do they know the ground doesn’t belong to the football club ???
  18. It is my hope that they do a 3pm Saturday football / 7.30pm tip off....will be a perfect Saturday. They aren’t playing outdoors on the football pitch! ?
  19. Brave opening header from Hanlon...keeper took his head off. Not dissimilar in lateness as COD’s on Saturday.
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