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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. I’ll do home games, you can do away games ??? I’ll likely fall into that category. Can’t see me risking Joe for some time yet.
  2. https://www.efl.com/contentassets/c79763f8e2174f4fb87200a371abf5fa/190322---efl-v-bcfc---decision---final.pdf
  3. No probs. I think £18m and 25 man squad are separate proposals....but are based on a Championship Average salary of £720k, hence the two together would be the ideal proposal for the EFL. I think teams like Stoke with contracts commitments from previous Prem years would fall into similar rules as newly relegated teams. You are right, you just can’t impose this when there are existing contractual commitments.
  4. Yep. When you worked for your bank all your employee perks and the business benefits were controlled around tax, NI, Beneficial Loan rules, so that compliance is maintained as is transparency. @Hxjmentions Saracens then states Rugby very different to EFL Champ. It is up to the EFL and it’s members to build the rules appropriately. If you build rules and processes that state things clearly, and request that a club approach you before they try to interpret it you don’t run into retrospective action. You’d hope the likes of MA etc on the EFL board have enough business experience to define rules well.
  5. Back to FFP/Salary Cap stuff.... ...if 25 man squads follow PL rules, then u21s don’t have to be registered in the 25. Assuming Smith, Maenpaa and Williams don’t get extended, then we have 32 players 21 and over. That would mean we have to leave 7 players out / get rid of. Quite sobering really.
  6. Hi VH. Welcome to OTIB. As you’ve been reading you’ll find we are a strange bunch! But we like opposition posters on here in the main. The £18m salary cap is still a bit of an unknown. The new proposals appear to centre around The salary cap - 25 man max squad, £720k per annum salary, thus 25 x £720k = £18m. diminishing the impact of Parachute payments and financial penalties accordingly. For a relegated club, you can register (that’s financially register in the ffp submission) any players earning over £720k as £720k. So if Mings is on £1.3m (£25k pw), then he only counts as £720k. So Villa’s starting point would be “compliant”. However you then decide to sell Mings, Grealish and McGinn for £100m. Normally you would use that slug of money, plus PPs to go and raid other clubs and perhaps go the best Champ players. Lets say Brentford fail in the playoffs. Dean Smith says we’ll have Pinnock for £15m and we’ll pay him £1m per annum, Ollie Watkins for £25m and £1.5m, and whilst we’re at it we’ll have Eze from QPR for £20m for £1.5m per annum too. From a fees point of view, you’re £40m up....but against your salary cap you’re now over. You had an allowance of £2.16m (3 x £0.72m), but spent £4m, this overspending by £1.84m. The penalty is £3 for every £1. So that costs you £5.5m. Any contract renegotiations for your relegated players aren’t covered by £720k cap either. So Wesley (forget his injury) who signed a £3m (£60k per week) deal last summer with a 50% relegation clause starts kicking off at only being on £30k per week now. Prem clubs have been alerted by his agent, but you want to keep him. You renegotiate a £10k increase, so he’s now on £40k (£2m). That’s £1.28m over the allowance, so you get fined £3.8m. Suddenly this starts to get very expensive, because all the other players are knocking on your door. Now that might be a gamble Villa are prepared to accept, but it may start to stop clubs coming down just buying up who they want.
  7. I don’t think they’ll be in trouble because they have saleable assets. Agree, but your issue will be replacing them with the quality required. I don’t see Villa assembling a squad of the same quality as last season (Abraham, Mings, etc). Can imagine John Terry might go too. We will then see how good Dean Smith is, and whether he can handle “names”. I’m only speculating, but I can imagine Terry bring pretty key in that player to staff dynamic. Having said that, none of us know how covid will impact things. You probably won’t get top dollar, but you don’t have to pay it out either. The pressure will be on, as you’ll only get 2 years worth of PPs. Interesting times ahead though. I do hope you get relegated though....sorry!
  8. I remember the days when we’d sign players purely on how they played against us. I thought those days were over!
  9. Yep, Wells a tad better than Weimann and O’Dowda. I thought his movement complimented Afobe, they closed down well as a pair. It just isn’t working for him at the mo’. Looks a shadow of the player I’ve seen countless times over the years.
  10. I only defended a Weimann in terms of him not being poor every game. Weimann was poor tonight, that’s what I stated. 5/10 at best tonight, O’Dowda the same. I wish we played him straight down the middle or just off a striker, but not wide. He is nowhere near as effective wide. Ratings: (6 is a player earning his corn) Maenpaa 6 / Bentley 6 Vyner 7 (sneaks a 7, he was better than 6) Dasilva 8 Baker 7 Williams 0 (6 until red card) Weimann 5 O’Dowda 5 Smith 7 Nagy 7 Afobe 6.5 Wells 5.5
  11. But still one of our worst two players....in a much better team performance.
  12. That was actually quite enjoyable. Frustrating too that we haven’t taken better care of the ball around the box. Gutted for Niki. Zak nice and composed, not afraid to sling a cross in, and a handy long throw. Jay been very good Nagy creating angles, when was the last time we played through the first press. Good to see. Benik looks sharp when it’s at his feet
  13. What makes you think that? (other than that’s the only way we’ve tried to in both games) ?
  14. Yes, on a good run, having been on a bad run. Definitely a SL appointment, Ashton wanted to bring in Appleton, as did most of the board (allegedly). I think it’s starting to go stale under LJ. His tactics have been sussed out by opposition managers so we see turgid (being generous I called them attritional earlier this season). The window of exciting games came with a 5212 formation forced upon him by injury to Dasilva, the sale of Pack and the loan of Afobe meaning he had to go two up top. If we correlate Saturday v Blackburn to Leeds opening day. Both games cane after lay-offs, you could call the latest one a preseason. A formation picked, a 3-1 defeat....and likelihood that system will be thrown in the bin. It will be a “sledgehammer to crack a walnut” again. Too many times this has happened. I’d probably have more respect if he said “look, these players were the right ones for Blackburn, I’ve made a few tweaks, and I’m giving them a chance to put it right”. The pressure on the starters on Sunday is now because of last weekend’s selection and performances. Yes, think some of that is down to the attractive “free kid” offer. As a parent you might as well but a “adult plus a kid” even if you rarely use it. If a big game comes up, you can upgrade to another adult. It’s a slight flaw in the model. Its why 14k season tickets generates £3.6m (£257 pp) yet....the lowest season card (19/20 so slight misalignment) is £355. It shows we have a young fan base, but probably means not everyone goes to the majority of games. There has definitely been a feel of more empty seats this season than before.
  15. I don’t think you can group Coppell in with that group. Two promotions to the PL, for starters. SL interfered and get walked on principle. Just the way it is. He did a bloody brilliant job at Rovers on the budget he had. If he was an ex-City player a lot on here would be touting him big time, or at least would’ve been a year or so ago. LJ did not get the job here based on his performances as a head coach at Oldham and Barnsley did he?
  16. I think I read they are top of the form league over the period since Rooney joined
  17. PL are twice a week: Previous test results Round 1: 17-18 May - 748 tested, with six testing positive from three clubs. Round 2: 19-22 May - 996 tested, with two testing positive from two clubs. Round 3: 25-26 May - 1,008 tested, with four testing positive from two clubs. Round 4: 28-29 May - 1,130 tested, with zero testing positive. Round 5: 1-2 June - 1,197 tested, with one testing positive. Round 6: 4-5 June - 1,195 tested, with zero testing positive. Round 7: 8-9 June - 1,213 tested, with one testing positive. EFL same / similar: https://www.efl.com/search/?q=Covid-19+test+results
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