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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. Was mentioned by @hodge somewhere above that Man Utd are covering the additional wages to finish the season, implies than loan deals can be extended beyond their current expiry. There is “currently” no option to transfer a current registration (eg. Afobe’s reg is with us) that allows a player to play for their “new club. Norwich have announced and signed a player and he will join on 01.07. He cannot play for Norwich this season.
  2. I would expect so. In my opinion, it would need all 3 parties (City, Stoke and Benik) to agree to extend it. If he does go back, he won’t be able to play for Stoke (no transfer of registration allowed) ...and is a burden on their budget, which currently City are helping with. City have an option to purchase....whether that could be triggered on 30.06 I’ve no idea. Finally, as Benik can’t play for Stoke, he might be better served helping us take points off their relegation rivals, e.g. Hull and Boro.
  3. It’s as exciting as it gets. On paper, it’s one if the best in the Champ. From the little we saw of Afobe (we knew he could score goals already), he had a far better all round game than I thought, and that bodes well....if fit. In some ways covid has given him the chance to steadily up his fitness. It would’ve been rushed had we completed fixtures on original dates. He’s given himself 8/9 weeks extra. I really hope he comes back firing, not just for us, but for him...he’s had a traumatic 9 months.
  4. Good to see some content...and hear LJ’s voice....I’ve missed it. James P at the Bristol Post wrote an article about the contract situation with Korey, Niki and Ashley. Basically LJ said he would extend them short term if they haven’t agreed a contract elsewhere on 30.06. So intention clear. Be good to find out intentions re the 4 loaners.
  5. Ideally play PNE first, beat them (?) and then season curtailed until playoffs ?
  6. That’s a fair point, but.... ...at the end of the day, there’s gonna be winners and losers in many ways as we complete (or not) this season. Hey ho.
  7. Yes, fair play to Man Utd, but unfair on other clubs who might have wanted them on loan but couldn’t afford at the time.
  8. Newcastle, Middlesbrough and Sunderland have all chosen to self-isolate near Barnard Castle ?
  9. Agree re cheats, but no fixture list is favourable if you’re 24th in the league!
  10. I should read your post in more detail. ?? Yes, you’d think there’d be an option to take off of next seasons, amongst other options.
  11. He won’t have been within 2m of anyone. ??? There’s 19 home games in the Prem ? ?????
  12. Did some very crude maths the other day and reckon most of our FFP wiggle room would be used up in 3-4 months of no income and having to give refunds. All clubs had to submit their projected accounts in March (for accounts to end of normal season). Those would give the best positioning of finances without the effects of covid....and are used already (even if not forcibly enough) to charge clubs. I see no reason why these couldn’t be used to check compliance as a starting point. They are going to better looking than the actual accounts.
  13. I think they should go back to 4 subs....match day squad of 18 exacerbates the situation.
  14. It’s not trust per se, it’s what they are being used to falsely promote....namely Hancock’s self back-slapping. Against the targets he has set, he has actually failed every day. It is only by changing the method of calculation 2 days before the target date that he achieved his arbitrary target. He then lied and said the method of calculation had always been that and smugly told the journo to look on gov.uk. Well, guess what? I read the various testing strategy and data docs (and the previous versions), and it makes no mention of including postal tests. He lied....and praised himself in the process. on the 1st May when he falsely claimed he’d hit his 100k, had he come clean and said it was 80k, I’d have accepted it as a good effort to ramp up....it wasn’t an easy task. But he lost (more) credibility from his actions. Eff me....spoke too soon about trusting the numbers ??? ???
  15. Was only thinking about that the other night. It is understood / rumoured (?) that both Leeds and West Brom want to continue.
  16. Gov.uk website.... https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-information-for-the-public you didn’t think I was being creative did you? ?
  17. The numbers aren’t worth the websites they are shown on, or the press briefings they are mentioned at. The 177k “tests” comprised: 80k tests posted out (so not even with the recipient yet) 23k pillar 4 tests, eg. Random tests for behavioural / science purposes Even that doesn’t mean there were 74k tests processed the previous day, because the “people tested” isn’t broken down like that. Yesterday was one of the lowest numbers of “people tested” (60k) since the big back-slapping fudged 100k tests were achieved. The day before, the day the “people tested” was unavailable due to a technical issue (really???), was the lowest - 48k!!! It has taken several days of tracking the numbers to understand the true profile of the relationship between “tests” and “people tested”, especially in pillar 2. And it’s fair to say there isn’t one!!! From the published data, there is no way of telling how many people requesting a test because they think they have symptoms, are actually sending the test back and being processed by the lab. The data published on Sunday showed: more “people tested” than the actual “tests” (minus those posted out!) we know there are tests counted that fail we know there are multiple tests per oerson so we know the “people tested” includes tests previously posted out and returned. We don’t know how many. But looking at the figures each day, it is not a very high percentage that are being returned! That is a waste of sending testing kits out. The cynical person might think kits are being send out just to boost the numbers??? Why was there sudden increase in on average 25k posted kits per day to 80k. A big mail shot has gone out to get them near the new arbitrary 200k per day. Can’t wait to see the “number of posted tests” today. The posted tests are meant to be for people who think they have covid symptoms or live with someone who think they have it. So 55k more people yesterday thought they needed a test? If it’s not a mail shot, then I’d be really worried a lot more people think they have caught covid....and the government should be really worried that it’s spreading. But going back to my initial sentence, the numbers are Propaganda.
  18. Looks like Grandmaster Flash and Melle Mel over at Derby wants the season voided.....despite being in the playoff hunt in his opinion. Looks like the FFP police are calling round again and with Reading, Sheffield Wed and Derby in their sights, the current bottom three are pushing for points deduction!!
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