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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. That’s the NHS England figure, which when added to the other countries never added up to the daily hospital figure they used to give in the daily press briefings.
  2. Exactly that....and Johnson’s need to be feel popular.
  3. I’m sure that played a (small?) part....but people are continuing to catch covid because lockdown isn’t really lockdown. Enough people are still going about their daily things to a degree....passing on / catching covid. The fact that R is between 0.5 and 0.9, shows the inconsistency around the country. Putting more people into the “mix” by relaxing “semi-lockdown” at this stage seems to be a big risk. If we are going to relax lockdown (whenever) I want it to be communicated to me as an adult. I want to know the expectations re positive cases, deaths, etc, if for example coffee shops / cafes are allowed to open and what it will mean if ignored. I want a best case, expected case, worst case together with timeline. It is only then we can judge. I don’t think I’m asking for much. If that’s in a 200 page document, some will be happy with a summary. I’ll happily read all of it, well at least the bits I can understand. I read the Testing Strategy doc earlier this week....mainly to prove Hancock was lying in the press briefing. You find out some interesting stuff...I’ve got time on my hands!!! They fob us off, thinking nobody will check things. Todays DHSC testing, positive cases and deaths summary slide that came out today was different from previous days. Since 29/4 it has included a footnote explaining that the all settings death figure is made up of x hospital deaths (under the previous reporting method). The significance of it missing today, is that we can’t calculate the non-hospital deaths either....the cynical person in me thinks that this is because Johnson had said yesterday that deaths in care homes were seeing a “palpable improvement”. Today we were unable to check that out, the previous days certainly didn’t give that impression. The reporting goalposts were moved. Having said that, on one day there were more deaths in hospital (396) than the overall total deaths (315). Were 81 of them the covid equivalent of Greg Halford? ???
  4. Not really....having to react quickly to Johnsin’s desire to be popular by announcing relaxing of some lockdown aspects (on Monday) in Parliament yesterday. And then leaking to the press to whip everyone up ahead of a dry / sunny bank holiday weekend. And then Raab having to back pedal today. Johnson is dangerously irresponsible. As for Sturgeon, I’m no great fan, but she isn’t gambling with our lives like Johnson is. If they are really worried about grandstanding, why not schedule press briefings at the same time.
  5. I know you’re joking but, I woukd t expect an Agent to be an employee of the player, i.e. player is not an employer
  6. You quarantine them for 2 weeks upon arrival, and test them.
  7. Steve Parish, Crystal Palace: https://www.cpfc.co.uk/news/2020/may/chairman-steve-parish-premier-league-project-restart--crystal-palace/ Decent positioning.
  8. Yeah, I know....was just adding that I had no idea whether true / false, realistic / unrealistic. It does seem to be gathering a bit more noise though.
  9. £money.....tourism down in quiet season in Oz....boost economy, etc etc. They would quarantine them first. Supposedly this is one of a series of possible solutions, Dubai, Qatar, also possible.. Just reporting the story.
  10. WA. 4 Stadiums of various sizing. Perth has four major sporting venues that can be used — Optus Stadium (capacity 65,000), Perth Oval (20,500), cricket’s WACA (24,500) and Joondalup Arena (16,000).
  11. @City oz - you read the stories of Prem completing their games in Perth?
  12. No, it’s just a credit for the Sky Sports element on your Sky bill, no extension of contract term. Assumes you are with Sky. With BT Sport, I only had the £10pm online version, e.g. watch on iPad / App. I cancelled this, rather than allow them to credit it and then put it back on.
  13. Across the group, with the stadium hosting gigs, the annual turnover is £30m. Simply calculated on an even distribution, 2-3 months with no income is between 2/12ths and 3/12ths (£5-7.5m). I guess an average of 25% off (most of it deferred) the wage bill for 2-3 months probably saves £2m....so the club is gonna take a hit. Some other clubs must be bricking it. No wonder Uncle Mel at Derby was angling for a 50% deferral.
  14. See my post above....it’s paid up front....plus Sky have advanced some of next year’s money too ??? I worked out a few weeks ago that City might have to refund about £700k in season ticket revenue for the remaining 5 home games, about £50 per season ticket holder on average.
  15. There was talk that the remaining Premier League games (45 of the 90 left were due to be televised) were worth £750m of the UK and worldwide tv deal. The maths add up....£9.2bn for 3 years, so £3bn a season....a quarter of games yet to be shown equals £750m. And they’ve already paid it up front. Couple in loss of subs of £20pm from all of us, and you can see this is a very delicate situation on both sides. Imagine all Prem clubs having to give £37.5m back....it would cause serious probs. In the EFL, a £595m deal over 5 years is worth approx £4m per season to each Champ club....so a quarter of the season equates to £1m per club!!!
  16. I will be amazed that if we start back later than 30.06, that it will be with 71 EFL clubs. No 23 Prem, 24 Champ ( we lose top 3, gain Lg1 top 3), etc.
  17. not in PPG. If you want to go with a pool panel / DL method, then my argument is you should do it for all 46 games, not just the remaining 9....which is futile imho
  18. After some pretty poor daily press briefings I can’t wait for Johnson to do today’s and see how he delivers today’s message. My expectations are pretty low!!! Yep. Null and void is not an option imho. You cannot expunge 76% of a season. I am slowly coming round to: - points per game plus - no playoffs (team in best relegation place gets a reprieve) City lose out....tough luck. Prem: Liverpool win title Sheff Utd leapfrog Wolves Arsenal leapfrog Spurs Norwich and Villa relegated. Watford get a reprieve which would’ve been a relegation on one goal otherwise! Championship: Leeds and West Brom promoted, no playoff Relegated: Luton and Barnsley, Charlton reprieved Lg1: Coventry and Rotherham promoted, no playoff Relegated: Bolton and Southend, Tranmere reprieve (23 team league) Lg2: Crewe, Swindon and Plymouth promoted, no playoff No relegation to National League, but Barrow promoted to make 24 clubs and a 72 team EFL again. In each division nobody loses out on goal difference in a promotion or relegation scenario, there is daylight in each case. Clubs stop wasting money working out his to get to the end of this season, they focus on starting in whatever format for 20/21 season, whenever that is. 30/6 contract issues go away. Thoughts? Germany started to see infection rates increases since relaxation of lockdown. Lessons for our government, which they won’t like using!!!
  19. I might not explain this very well, so bear with me. According to Whitty last week, only 3-10% of people have had covid. If we see death rates falling, that must be a result of less new cases. Eventually we will get to a point where new cases / deaths are at an acceptable (!!!) level to release the lockdown in whatever way they decide. At that point it’s perfectly possible that only 15% (that might be too high) of people have had covid. How much longer of lockdown does it take to get new cases / deaths down to a palatable figure? At what point does the recent 7 day rolling average decrease start to flatten also? Does it even get to an acceptable level, let alone 0 deaths per day? Lockdown is now about 5 weeks. Covid might take 2 weeks to get to you. Covid might stay with you for 2 weeks. So why are we getting 4k new cases per day (of those tested)? Because lockdown isn’t lockdown! It’s half-arsed. 880 tests so far / 66m people = 1.3% of the population tested....and that’s assuming you only test a person once, which we know is untrue. 100k tests per day will take 18 months plus to complete. When I hear Whitty use the term “Peak” and “first phase”, I’m really surprised nobody has asked him what kind of profile of new cases and deaths the next and subsequent phases will have? Without vaccine or drug treatments, I can’t see how say 70% of the population are gonna get back to “normal” in any timeline. If we’ve been slow to rein it in initially, how can they slowly allow it to infect to get enough people to have it to create a smaller death rate? I can’t work that out. I think too many people think this is a single phase and that we are coming out the other size. It might be one phase....lasting a year....I don’t think anyone is prepared for that.
  20. I think any club that utilises certain covid business support schemes will be on a watch list for the business they undertake afterwards. I suspect that will apply to many businesses wider than football too.
  21. Interesting from Matt Law. Hmrc better update the terms of CJRS quickly!!!!
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