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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. I don’t see that happening at all. Only my opinion. The biggest threat to completing this season is how to deal with contract and loan expiry “Mid season”. The biggest threat to not completing it is Sky asking for their money back. If EFL can plan on basis of finishing by 30th July, then clubs and players can decide whether to extend contracts / loans by one month or not....with a rule that no player can register for a new club or go back (from their loan) and play for their own club.
  2. You’re right as I’m led to believe from reading other stuff. If we take a few scenarios relevant to City players: Matty Taylor - contract exp. 30.06, on loan at Oxford. Go out of contract on 01.07, but then not be able to register for anyone until 20/21 season, plus the likes of Oxford unlikely to be in a great position to offer him the deal they were expecting to pre-CV. Might be better (if leagues rules allow) to extend loan spell short-term and see where the land lies at the end of the season, whenever that is. Niclas Eliasson - assume City have exercised option, contract exp. next summer, player looking to leave. Pre-CV, City would’ve been looking at a good fee (profit against what they paid), and Nic looking at doubling / tripling his wages. Post-CV buying clubs might go with a cheeky offer, but likely to now be offering lower wages. Might he be better sitting tight until next summer, or even sitting down and discussing a new contract protecting him from football re-setting itself financially. There is gonna be a big gamble from players and clubs as to whether to carry on as normal or rein in their spending.
  3. Should be somewhere sensible to avoid travel to London.
  4. I certainly hope so. Moral compass needs resetting. He’s very opinionated, but he’s really good to read. Not all about the Premier League is it! Ali Darden has just tweeted that Rick Parry has notified club of a proposal to complete season with full play-offs. Clubs to return to training no earlier than 16th May. I read into this, 2 week “pre-season”, games start 1st June, everything done and dusted by end of July, which would mean players out of contract on 30th June might be covered by existing club still having to pay them for the month of July. All, obviously subject to the bastard Virus!!
  5. Next they need to consider the rules for loan contracts ending end of May / June. But some common sense being applied imho.
  6. He means reduced Bristol City coverage from the team that is left. I messaged him earlier.
  7. Yes, was mainly referring to top two tiers in football. Sorry, I wasn’t clear, meant with tv revenues they shouldn’t gamble it all. Non-football business is a totally different kettle of fish I accept. I wish the media wouldn’t band around the 20%....it is only an applicable percentage to those on less than £2500pm....which does cover a large proportion of employees, but not all.
  8. At the end of day if a club cannot go 3 months in contingent mode, it is a pretty sad indictment of their planning. It shows how close to the wire they are running, how much they are gambling. That applies to pretty much every club, big or small. The CJRS has been poorly introduced. The concept of retaining employees is good, but the rules are open to abuse. And businesses driven by money, will exploit it. They are exploiting it, and not just in football.
  9. Julian Dicks went to Brum to in early mid-80s. Best player I played against as a kid.
  10. I only saw him in his testimonial.
  11. I’d be very worried if I was a Derby supporter. I’m not sure now is the time to be taking loans out. Suggests that the ground sell got them sorted for the period up to 18/19....perhaps this covers the next period (and beyond) and maybe a change in amortisation model?? Only speculating.
  12. @lager loud Mezze Downend stopping all food (takeaway and delivery). That’s this Friday or Saturday stuffed (no pun).
  13. If true, just makes my stance about never going into a Spoons again feel even better. What a cockwombling, wankpuffining c£€t.
  14. Yep, same here in Financial Services, Limited or Umbrella. As Director (80/20 with Mrs F) I don't have an employment contract, so think we will fall down the gap of any support, other than the Business Loan...which we don't want / need, but there will be plenty of others that do. As for Umbrella, you sign an Employment Contract but if you can't work I can't see Umbrella covering you. I'm pretty sure Client will reject any invoices you raise through Umbrella, because you can only invoice for days worked (in theory). As for me, contract finishes 2nd April....main reason being IR35 decisions (notwithstanding the 1 year delay...which came too late), and I'm now isolating for 12 weeks because of Joe so can't go out looking for a new contract / other work. I'm not moaning, because I'm ok with money in the business to draw on....but I know of others in my situation who will be stuffed.
  15. In some ways yes it is. But we made a decision based on the simplicity of we’d rather give our money to a different business, and ensure their employees benefit from our custom. Not ideal, I know, but sometimes you have to stick to your principles. At the recent HMHB gig, my bruv automatically suggested a few of us met up in the Commercial Rooms, but I said I wouldn’t, and we therefore started in another pub.
  16. Following brexit me and Mrs F refuse to go to Spoons.....I hope a lot more people do the same now.
  17. Gonna be interesting how this one plays out in detail. Thanks for sharing.
  18. Got to be some form of announcement tomorrow....surely.
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