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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. Projected accounts should be in around now.....maybe they have some use!!
  2. Just seen on bbc. Took joe out on Monday and Zara yesterday.
  3. Ooooooh, nice whiteboard. Might get one of those...... .....for football tactics. ???
  4. Because to suggest otherwise is deemed as political point scoring, even when it’s not!!!! ? It seems in some people’s eyes we are at a point where we are no longer allowed to question or challenge. For me £330bn is a fantastic statement, but the detail beneath isn’t so. Don't get me wrong there is no perfect solution to both health and economy. Part of the problem is there is a lot of ‘stock’ being taken from the daily press-conference, yet in fairness to the government other things are being decided on in different meetings to that, e.g. IR35 got postponed by a year late yesterday evening, commitment to talk to certain ministers (Housing) about rent proposals. Ultimately, communication isn’t good enough. In fairness to this government, they are doing some good things, but their clarity, consistency and depth of comms isn’t where it needs to be at this point.
  5. Saw that mentioned on twitter yesterday, but recalled in Ben Smith’s autobiography that he mentioned the difference between a pro and a short-term / semi-pro contract was exactly that, he’d get paid through the summer holiday...and why one season it meant he could pay mortgage. Its a good read, and puts the lower league pro in context....they aren’t all earning vast sums, even at those levels.
  6. Stay well and all the best on the birth of a new City fan ??
  7. Reminds me of going to Joe’s nursery when he was little for parents evening. We got to look through his folder of paintings and stuff and there was a page of quotes. one of them was: catwalks aren’t for cats they’re just for models! found out later it was a bob the builder quote but the best: I had chicken pox twice, but I didn’t get it too bad, as I didn’t turn into a real chicken ???
  8. Wasn’t thinking about me per se!!! ? Indeed. Heres Darragh from Peterborough. Lots of good concepts.
  9. So, big question for businesses: - do I carry on in a very difficult economy and have a loan to try to service afterwards in a difficult economy (vicious circle!!), making profit margins smaller - bail out now This will be a huge decision, and terms of loan not yet known, but ‘attractive’ rates. It’s a step in the right direction, £330bn sounds great....but it ain’t free money to keep the economy going. Thats my knee jerk reaction. Happy to be educated.
  10. I would’ve felt much better about this had it been mentioned yesterday, when first advice given re “not going out”....but at least they’ve now reacted.
  11. Bit more eloquent than what I just posted on twitter with effs and jeffs ?
  12. Great post. ?? edit: so far in two speeches he’s been reactive, 1) initially on Thursday 2) yesterday was a change of message, one positive is he appears to be reactive to the mood post-speech. What will be get today. Another change of message in reaction to being woolly yesterday, e.g. a message of financial support available, not just a suggestion? At some point, hopefully today, he needs to get on the front foot and lay out what is going to happen, not use each press conference as a chance to rectify the poor message of the previous day.
  13. Yep, I saw someone say they had always supported a local pharmacy, despite prices being a bit higher....but when they put up hand sanitizer 5 fold, they lost one if not many customers. On the flip, if suppliers have driven up prices, then be transparent.
  14. Yes, it was...but still was lacking in certain aspects. Think they are missing a trick by making it purely a speech from three guys in front of a lectern. There is opportunity to have some ‘PowerPoint” slides too. On Thursday the guy used a big screen to show the curve. Re-use that media to make the message easier to digest.
  15. Isn’t the bigger picture view here, not insurance payouts, but government support. If a business goes under today per se, they are stuffed. Had it been a result of an order from government to shut down, then government would have some liability. France has said no business will go bust. Ours has given a woolly statement re support and liquidity. Our country is not leading our people as I would expect them to.
  16. Mrs F is no longer in insurance (good memory though), but she mentioned in your example that it could be covered by “Denial of Access”. I think the point Mrs F was making (to me) was that Boris has made no commitment to stop businesses going under, whereas other countries have. I’m out of my depth here....and if Mrs F signs up for OTIB to explain, I’m off ???
  17. Mrs F predicted he’d take this stance, she’s far more cynical than me.
  18. Microsoft Teams had a global issue earlier. Sorted now I think.
  19. Thought the title of the other thread was ‘changing stance’, as in Boris’s backtrack from “accept deaths” to “we are trying to save lives”. Got the tone of his message horribly wrong on Thursday. Still all very woolly and lacking in commitment to support the people and businesses. You can keep your pub open, but we’ve told everyone to stay in, rather than tell you to close it....so you’ve no compensation claim!!!
  20. Yep, just about to finish at Nationwide in Swindon (cough, spit ?).
  21. My contract ends on 2nd April. Can’t see the market taking on anyone new at the mo’.
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