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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. I worked at home Tues-Fri last week, at home today, but plan on going in tomorrow. Our IBM contractors have been told to work at home until 31st March. Undoubtedly it will be quiet in the office. The tech is holding up.
  2. Contracts ending on 30.06 seems to be a big hurdle. Someone suggested finishing this season whenever but treat the period until re-start as another short window to allow renewals, etc. With any suggestion, the finer detail is always the stumbling block. But statements like “xyz is the likely route they’ll go” is rubbish. The leagues haven’t sat down yet, so anything suggested, is just a high level idea at this point.
  3. The Venn diagram of those that actually experienced those events might be a less surprising inter-section. ?
  4. Kinda with you CR. I know it’s a bit of banter re Liverpool potentially missing out on a long awaited title, or on the other end of the scale, club’s desperate not to be relegated....but I think even over a few days, we’ve seen people start to worry less about football and focus on more important things. Whatever will be will be in terms of football. Some will win some lose.
  5. Forgetting contract ends of 30.06 and the virus going on for ages and ages (tbc), there are many ways the season can still be completed, even going into next season’s dates. You could cancel all the cup competitions, cancel the International stuff, delay Euro2020 til next summer etc, etc. It will require some adjustments etc, but it is possible. Whether there is appetite or not I don’t know. They’ve suspended the leagues to allow a period of monitoring. We can speculate all we like (and we will - it’s a forum), but to knee-jerk either extremes of: - void the season - finish it in current positions is a bit pointless at this point.
  6. We will need to understand what is meant by “end of season”.
  7. Each match could be settled by a toss of a coin. Who’s are biggest best tosser?
  8. Suspensions carry over, yellow cards reset at end of a season.
  9. I’ve read that in some countries they apply a simple: >14 stay at home without parental / grandparent at support <14 stay home if parents can support, otherwise skeleton schooling continues.
  10. This is where football needs to come together. Not just clubs, but players too.
  11. That is why earlier I posted that I think season will have a hard stop at 30.06. This is the date all pro contracts of 1 year + run to. There will be anomalies like Ighalo’s that was short term and ends in May. Can you imagine running into a July and Stoke saying “we’ll have Benik back now he’s fit to boost our relegation battle”
  12. Very true. Yep, think contracts running to 30.06 will be the hard-stop. If season cannot be completed by this point, then whatever rules are in place (or new rules) stand. If new rules are put in place they need to be agreed now, so everyone knows what they’re in for.
  13. I’m sure they’re right, but at 08:15 they were jumping the gun.....and looking for clicks.
  14. In fairness, it does seem a sensible approach, but things are changing rapidly. If EFL / PL defy government stance, the goalposts (no pun) have moved and government need to recalibrate.
  15. Ok, so Government approach is to allow spirts to continue. Very likely that EFL / PL going to defy government by taking their own stance. What does this tell the government? Their behavioural science is mis-guided?
  16. Accrington Stanley owner stated he’ll be offering refunds (I guess pro-rata) to any season ticket holders who don’t feel safe going. Then again, he is saying he’s putting his players and staff’s safety at heart first over any EFL decision. Their scenario is made more complicated by them playing Portsmouth today, who of course played Arsenal in FAC last week (Arteta).
  17. Not having a go, but we have been advised to do things differently already, e.g. wash hands, self isolate for 7 days if cough or high temp, etc. The problem arises when you follow that advice (good on you), go to football, and the guy you sit next to, thinks he knows better and has an “I’ll be alright jack” attitude.
  18. Maybe not that per se, but who knows....but certainly if we had a better funded nhs, there might be different options available to us. Interesting that the government seem to be relying a lot on behavioural science as opposed to relying on medical science to plan their strategy. I feel it is fine to be worried about our government’s strategy, when other countries are taking a very different approach. Feel free to disagree.
  19. I’m getting told off on twitter for mentioning anything cynical like that!!!
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