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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. Nice posts @Delta and @Mr Popodopolous if we ignore the stadium sale, a £29m loss offset by £4m Transfer profit - so a £25m loss, doesn’t look like the best attempt to stay within the business plan. I do agree to an extent re EFL not forcing a player to be sold, but was the stipulation by Feb 1st or by 30th June. It happened on 1st July....after the end of their financial year. If you’re going to allow clubs to say “well we sold him eventually” you might as well not have rules. What is deal fell through, no guarantees. We sold Kelly in May to not just let Bournemouth get it done before further interest, but to improve our accounts. Clubs need to think smarter!! Will be interesting to see how this one pans out.
  2. I might be wrong then. I thought when the EFL and PL aligned, some doughnut in the EFL forgot to take out the stadium sale rules, hence PL restricts it, EFL allows it. So I thought the EFL would need to change their rules by removing them?
  3. Won’t it be the EFL re-aligning back to the PL?
  4. Ta. Makes me wonder even more what is gonna come out, if the above is so, yet EFL still pressing ahead with their charge. As I said, it’s an all or nothing situation. You’re either innocent, egg on EFL’s face or guilty, book thrown at you.
  5. We will find out shortly. ? Interestingly, Andy Holt (ASFC) stated he’d never had the opportunity to review and vote on those changes.
  6. One of the things a couple of us have questioned is “Sean Harvey”. By that I mean we wonder whether club owners have spoken to him about their plans, he’s said “yes, that’s fine”, but not formally agreed by the EFL. There have been a few quotes from Villa, Derby, etc (interestingly all the clubs now being questioned officially, in Villa’s case the PL) saying the EFL agreed it, but never (to my understanding) being able to get the actual EFL to confirm in writing. Hence our thinking that Sean said it was ok, but that he may have been operating out of his jurisdiction and therefore giving a bum steer. If that’s the case, it’s probably a bigger mess. Think on either side it’s all or nothing.
  7. I’m no accountant, but I believe if you buy something that is over a number of years, then you have to apportion into each year’s accounts.
  8. Indeed. Good for immediate cashflow....perhaps they have cashflow issues on top?
  9. @Mr Popodopolous not sure if you’re on Twitter but follow this bloke if so.
  10. Especially if certain players proviso on signing contracts with them are that they have no relegation clause.
  11. Think Blues Trust are being careful with the wording. They are digging, and I suspect for good reason!!!
  12. Here we go MrP ??? https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2020/01/06/exclusive-birmingham-city-threat-second-points-deduction-breaching/?WT.mc_id=tmg_share_tw
  13. I read something last week, that their plans to buy themselves out of trouble this window have been met with a realisation that if it fails they are severely shafted, and that plan has been curtailed. Looks like a re-plan judging by £4m Randolph rumoured today.
  14. Their tv income will make it difficult to make a big enough loss....unless as you say the ground valuation is significantly out.
  15. (Kevin Keegan voice) - I’d love it Seriously though, they may have spent £100m, but it will be over several years amortisation, so I think the issues will be next season and beyond, not this one....unfortunately
  16. Yes, it’s £35m for a Prem season, £13m for a Champ season. So if they come straight back down it will be £61m (35+13+13) plus the further issue that they only get 2 years PPs.
  17. Think Brum’s sale of Adams might get them through.
  18. Derby failed to pay their players at the end of Dec.
  19. Yes, MacAnthony at Boro suggested something similar, albeit clubs able to help other clubs, by putting money in a fund that could then be dished out, albeit on agreement that the current owners would give up ownership if the right bid from outside came in.
  20. @Coppello is the man for this. I used to think it was 40%, but learned that they often sign two contracts, one for each division.
  21. @Mr Popodopolous https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2019/12/17/stoke-city-boss-michael-oneill-ready-offload-clubs-big-earners/?WT.mc_id=tmg_share_tw
  22. Their projected accounts for 19/20 will be interesting indeed! Might just scrape in, but be massively hamstrung next season.
  23. Normally a relegated club don’t lose money in their relegation season, so have a big buffer when they come down - and that’s without PPs! So if Stoke lost £30m in 17/18, then they have £31m to play with last season and this. £35m + £13m + £13m They’ve really hamstring themselves with that loss during relegation season.
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