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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. ....and we helped them out, restructuring the Baker deal to ease their cashflow!! Maybe we shouldn’t have bothered!
  2. The problem we have is Football v Football Business v Business. It appears there are loopholes in each bit. Where you have legitimate business practices finding loopholes in FFP, e.g. sell and lease-back of your ground, and no consistent valuation method, it’s never gonna hit the mark. I don’t have the answer though.
  3. And the initial CVA would not have stood had they known this. I’m beginning to think Steve Dale is a piece of shit....have t known the facts up to now....and they are starting to look dodgy. This Carla chap has just told Sky what he thinks.
  4. So in layman’s someone close to Dale has bought the debt of £7m for £70k because under the CVA they’d be due a quarter £1.75m?
  5. Andy Holt - Accrington Stanley owner:
  6. Still a bit of mis-information out there. So CVA has been agreed, so the club can continue...but is it the EFL seeking assurances that they can carry on fit the season? Is Dale saying he doesn’t want to carry on ownership? So he can’t commit??? But he’s being choosy about who he sells to, because he wants £x back?
  7. We aren’t in FFP trouble because we aren’t spending all of the transfer income / profit we make. Some basic figures, approx figs: - Income £25.0m minus - Wages £25.0m (think it’s likely to be nearer £30.0m) - Operations Costs £10.0m - Amortisation of Player contracts £11.0m Profit...cough....loss: - £21.0m take off £5.0m for ffp allowances means our starting position is about £16.0m loss. “Little” Income streams, e.g. loaning players out, or Freeman sell-on money all help. Now, some of that £11.0m amortisation is because we have bought players, so a bit chicken and egg. £21.0m spent on recruitment is costing us £5.5m in Amortisation for those new players. Of course had we spent nothing on improving our squad, we’d be in a fantastic financial position, but we’d probably be heading towards League 1 ?
  8. Thanks for sharing. Very frustrating interview because I think both TalkSport and Steve Dale were asking and answering different Qs. Dale adamant that PFA are paying 50% of the wages to players under the agreement that Dale pays them back. The question that wasn't asked was is anyone paying the other 50%. I suspect that is a large proportion of people in this country who would "go under" if they were only paid half their wages for 6 months. Footballers down in Lg1/2 are not earning stupid amounts, some are and they drag the average up. A good percentage won't be and they'll have large commitments, e.g. mortgages etc. Its quite possible in Dawson's case that he's already defaulted on mortgage, loan, lease payments. The lack of empathy and belief by Dale is shocking. I appreciate he's been stitched up when buying the club, but to keep going on about whether Dawson has been paid, but not specifically whether Dawson has been paid in full, shows him in a very poor light. Whilst in some ways the odd club needs to go bust to make other clubs rein in their spending, the likes of Bury, serving a community, is not the club to made others think harder. It's a mess, same with Bolton and others....and the EFL are not doing anyone any favours.
  9. Thanks for posting! Have you read my DM yet? ?
  10. Still £40k per week....£2m per annum. SL - you need to get better lawyers, Morris is using every loophole!!!
  11. Gilmartin’s on more ??? You would think that any contract including a playing role, would have to count towards FFP.
  12. @DerbyFan re Bielik post, looks like you are getting your house in order.
  13. @Mr Popodopolous Derby buying Bielik for £10m, loaning Clarke. They’ve trimmed their squad but how do you think this looks from their FFP perspective?
  14. Sir Les now weighing in. QPR have put a complaint into EFL.
  15. I know, it really needs a Prem club to go bust.
  16. Feel sad for their fans, but I actually think we need to see a historical “big club” go. They have been mis-managed for a good few years now, mis-spent whilst in the Prem, and promotion in 17/18 in effect depriving another club a promotion. It’s harsh, but football and the EFL (and PFA) need to get a serious grip. There’s more than a football club at stake here, lots of creditors, who might also go to the wall because of Bolton too. Suspect they did business with Bolton in good faith.
  17. Kelly into 18/19 definitely....along with Reid, Flint and Bryan. 18/19 is gonna look healthy. Eisa into 19/20 definitely. Surprised Price Of Football putting out a table like that, knowing it’s not accurate. There are one or two clubs where we don’t know whether their owners are backing them for the full £13m or just working on £5m losses.
  18. Looking increasingly likely. https://www.theboltonnews.co.uk/sport/17783753.amp/?__twitter_impression=true Magennis and Otzuner handed in their notice, but not accepted by Administrators. How does that work? We all moan that footballers have it easy, but in situations like this, they appear to be stuck.
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