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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. I know it’s very different, but a week before 7/7, I was heading back from meetings in London and had just boarded my train (still a few minutes til it left) at Paddington when the alarms went off and we were all told over the tannoy to evacuate. Not one of us moved, expecting a false alarm and likelihood of losing your seat. It was only when the guard came onboard and told us to move that we did. Within 5 yards of getting off the train a few people said “it will be a false alarm” and now out of the guard’s eye, turned around and got back on the train. Like sheep we all followed them. It was a false alarm, but none if us knew that at the time.
  2. ...and probably something we don’t really need to worry ourselves about ?
  3. I very much suspect there’s a trigger point in the contract that says the option has to be exercised by 31st January, or else the player is eligible to start talking to other clubs re being a free-agent in the summer. Also, not sure how we deal with contracts til 30th June annually, but our accounts up to 31st May. Would we amortise 11/12ths in the accounts?
  4. In which case, can you answer a Q re amortisation, topical as if yesterday’s contract announcements. Would O’Dowda’s 3+1 contract have been amortised over 3 or 4 years? Iscthere any subtlety in a contract “extension” versus “new deal”....terms we hear banded around. What would happen if COD signed a “new contract” in the summer? Answer may defend on above answer. I remember seeing this. I guess they could maje their valuations work for them, but they would have to be careful to be consistent it they’ll have big swings each year.
  5. You can probably transfer a player whenever you like in theory....it is only being the registration that that passes in the window. Whoever buys Grealish in this example, could make a downpayment? @downendcity 100%
  6. Payment terms could be whatever they want. £1.00 on 31/5, £29,999,999.00 sometime after....they would include the £30,000,000.00 in this year’s player sales.
  7. This is the problem with the season finishing before the financial year. Villa could easily argue / include the sale of Grealish for £30m in early summer in their projected accounts to bring them within FFP for example.
  8. http://www.financialfairplay.co.uk/scmp.php
  9. There are allowances, such as Academy costs. MrP will give you a fuller answer.
  10. Think Villa are fine until they submit their predicted accounts in a couple of months. By that time Birmingham will have had their hearing, and if the EFL think they want to come down hard on Villa, they need to set a precedent with Brum to leave Villa’s lawyers with no wriggle room. Great 1st post MP.
  11. Just watching Boro v Derby...jeez, Boro are leaving one on a Derby player every tackle. Nothing sinister just a bit late every time, or a bit put on the challenge.
  12. 1,2...3,4,5....6,7,8,9...Tottenham
  13. Bit sad when people want to make themselves sound all important and ITK.
  14. Better start than last season p5 w1 d3 l1 last season.
  15. Yeah, good, controlled half. Swansea got the ball into their midfield nicely, but not into the final third. Kelly having a great battle with Asoro down their right, Kelly on top. This was the guy who kept running at Bryan in the Sunderlsnd 3-3 isn’t it? Pack and Brownhill doing well both with and without the ball. Weimann and Taylor working really hard and doing god jobs. Our biggest threat, Eliasson who has the better of his RB...Good cross for goal and other chances created. edit; just to add COD looking confident since replacing Watkins.
  16. Neat and tidy, need to ensure we don’t give him time to stroke it around.
  17. Yeah, I always like a balance, but the starting eleven is the main thing.
  18. Why not? The opposition line-up / selection might mean something you’ve discussed pre-game might need to be put into action.
  19. Nice to see today that the moaning is reserved for the choice of subs.
  20. Me too, but he’ll get his chance at some point. Squad looking stronger and we said that there are gonna be times when some players aren’t gonna get in the 18.
  21. with Celina, Asoro and McKay, they have a few dribblers in their team.
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