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Everything posted by Davefevs

  1. Yeah, I always like a balance, but the starting eleven is the main thing.
  2. Why not? The opposition line-up / selection might mean something you’ve discussed pre-game might need to be put into action.
  3. Nice to see today that the moaning is reserved for the choice of subs.
  4. Me too, but he’ll get his chance at some point. Squad looking stronger and we said that there are gonna be times when some players aren’t gonna get in the 18.
  5. with Celina, Asoro and McKay, they have a few dribblers in their team.
  6. Saw Baker and Kalas get off bus...didn’t see Moore, and not sure about Walsh.
  7. Looking forward to seeing Matty Taylor today. Thought he looked sluggish v Boro, and despite his goal and hard work v QPR I thought he still didn’t look sharp. LJ mentioned in his presser that he thought MT had got the rustiness out of his legs on Tuesday, so i’m Hoping to see more from him today.
  8. Scotty Murray tweeted that couldn’t where red shirts and white shorts, because of Rangers white shorts. We couldn’t use the black shorts because they have a different badge. So there you have it. Hes also said we will be wearing same kit v Swansea.
  9. One of us care! ? We haven’t got the ball over the top, in behind them enough imho. Too many balls chipped / driven at head height. They are pedestrian at the back.
  10. Pisano certainly played more at CB than LB in his career. Maybe Kelly and Eliasson having a go at Rangel?
  11. Could be rotation. Eliasson didn’t start Saturday, back tonight.
  12. I might have an opinion on a starting line-up, might not agree with one, might’ve done something differently myself....but I’ve learned that deciding the outcome of the match and individual player performances normally comes back to bite you on the bum. This is the team picked, every player has the chance to stake their claim. Good luck to the 11 (or 14) who take part tonight. Go prove OTIB wrong, especially Matty Taylor.
  13. QPR Leistner signed from a Union Berlin looked ****** awful v West Brom. Bidwell - always thought he was a decent LB. Not over tall, so Watkins might have an advantage at back stick from Eliasson crosses. Scowen - competitive little midfielder Freeman - no idea who he is!
  14. Let’s see how he performs in his Natural wide position first....assuming he is playing wide ?
  15. Huge chance for him. Thought he was poor Saturday, but wish him all the best tonight. City career changer / season changer? Assuming will line-up as; Mäenpää | Hunt Webster Kelly Pisano | Watkins Pack Brownhill Eliasson | Taylor Weimann Watkins / Eliasson interchangeable. Taylor Moore back on bench.
  16. It may be we’ll go back in for Steffen in the winter window...the money might still be needed. I couldn’t believe it. Who was he ‘challenging’? Assombolonga? Who did it hit on the back. I think his lack of attempting to head the ball cost us the goal...I feel for Hunt because he had to react and was at full stretch.
  17. Be interested to see what the xG post-match ratings are for City’s chances.
  18. Always rated Friend, good at both ends of the pitch.
  19. It’s a better name than one that involves a part of a motorway
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