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Everything posted by Ivorguy

  1. This is nail biting stuff for those of us following at a distance I am in a time warp for number of points for a win ! Can I stay in a time warp and encourage Big John to score!! COYR
  2. Can't wait for end of match interview " We were the better side; the referee did us no favours; we are still learning at this level; I have faith in my boys, they are all young you know"
  3. What a pity we wouldn't stand a chance of signing Preston's second goal scorer. Even if he was willing to come to us his fee would probably even be beyond SL's deep pockets Hey, hang on a minute surely this can't be the same Cunningham not good enough for SC who we purportedly let go on a free, surely not ?!!!!!!!
  4. However much we would like to believe in the team and club, we are constantly disappointed. I still believe the team is good enough but the squad is now worse than threadbare The manager continues in the second half of the season to keep making same mistakes: same formation same result, same team, no substitution policy, poor coaching and now added to this inability to attract new players ( Carey implied as much pre match on Radio Bristol that SC may be the problem and not wages). Robinson more circumspect also seemed to be critical,of manager. When asked why City didn't announce new goalie yesterday, SC made a rather snide remark about keeping the local Press out of it. If the booing adds anything it will be to send SC spiralling downwards in the matter of holding it together. SL won't sack SC as I believe he should have done months ago. Hope therefore the captain can inspire team in second half even if the manager is in a big sulk
  5. SC needs to shake it up for second half Burns and Agard? Reid or El Abd?
  6. Suffering from lack of squad depth. Preston were able to make 6 outfield changes for tonight, we couldn't make 1
  7. Well at least a full bench And the possibility of El Abd coming on to shore up the defence Always believe whatever the evidence
  8. Criticised by some on otib before ko for being a pessimist, I answered that I, and others, were in fact realists It gives me little satisfaction to say I was right SC must go. If he has any decency he will resign, but sadly I guess he will have to be sacked Yet I despair of our Board, of whom I have been consistently critical, for their deafening silence, this season. But now they MUST act I really fear that, again as I have been saying for a long time, I think SL and The Board are happy with third division football I haven't felt like this since we hurtled down from first to fourth division in successive seasons Please someone, anyone, cheer me up but please don't mention the January window; Even if we identify the right players and make an acceptable bid, who would want to come and join this sinking ship ?
  9. As I said some time ago we are divided between optimists and pessimists and who will turn out to be the realists we will have to,wait and see
  10. Last word in Burnley dressing room: Well, as we told you, Bristol City have same team, same formation so just do what we practised on the training ground and you should be ok
  11. Cotterill lose his job? Pigs have more chance of flying
  12. So little moving of the Titanic's deck chairs then So more in hope than expectation COYR
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