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Everything posted by Ivorguy

  1. The problem lies with the manager and has always lain with the manager this season Given the inability of the owner (the chairman and Board seem conspicuous by their absence) to replace the manager then - SC should fall on his sword, before all is lost But I can only foresee continuing downward spiral I pray to god we can stabilise in third division next season, but, as said before, I am nervous of falling further 4 wins in 23 must give even the blind optimists on otib to have doubts
  2. Please remember the stadium is not City's it but Bristol Sport's To make the stadium work as a business will not require City above third division I don't believe the high million bids were serious - just window dressing If they were serious it was even worse
  3. My point about Lansdown is that he has to up his game and accept that modern football at this level requires additional investors -plus use of expert football consultant
  4. Oh dear another two points lost Again faults in coaching (missed penalty). Again complete ignorance of use of subs AgaIn inability to defend a lead at home Again inability to use possession No good arguing for new manager, obvious two months ago, as owner won't move on that It is time for Lansdown to consider his position if he won't address that of the manager It is clear, as I have been saying for months, that the club is happy with third division football and have based their business plan for the stadium whatever they say on that Suppprting City is so so frustrating Sad to say our club is badly run
  5. Only agenda - can't bear the thought of third division football yet again and maybe at 70 for the rest of my natural
  6. A sub at last ! Jet on to get us three points - oh hang on a moment delete that Jet goal
  7. COYR As I said character and subs No subs but now character. Come on the captain show the manager you don't need him - just character
  8. Manager's lack of understanding about use of subs costing us again Come on SC. If you will only think your job could be on the line, then give our international goalscorer a chance. You have nothing to lose
  9. When will some of our fans realise that in the modern game possession isn't the issue it's using that possession. We don't secondly while on a rant can we stop blaming the ref
  10. The Post thread says Kodjia not being brought into game, we need Cox or Burns NOW
  11. Oh for goodness sake bring at least one of Cox or Burns off the bench I despair of SC's. Intransigence
  12. Here we go again wasting possession in first half and crumbling in second Rotherham two up now against Hull to rub salt into the wound Now we need both character and substitutions
  13. Fielding again nearly gives goal away through sloppy clearing Oh for Gerken or Heaton on the bench We really do,have to get a goalie whatever the cost in January - or a new goalkeeping coach
  14. With teams around us doing badly we desperately need to do better in front of goal early in second half Time for Burns to.do for us what he does for Wales u21s
  15. Burns on bench and no Agard Is this a selection choice (if so full marks from me) or is Agard injured ? If Burns does come on he's only likely to have a short time to fight for a permanent place though
  16. If we can keep out of the bottom three with a bit more of a gap than at the moment by January transfer window then we stand a chance of staying in this division. But, and a rather big but, the club then need a sensible and realistic loan and transfer policy. Today's result was good but given the lack of home points this season it's another 2 points dropped. We need 3 pointers at home at a far higher rate than so far for remainder of the season to feel safe.
  17. Cotterill said it was Pack's error that led to goal and then the back three taking up wrong position. Agree Also agree with comment above and manager earlier this week - we need at least one new midfielder to give us a bit of quality a la Bennett and Baker
  18. Freeman is now becoming a liability with unforced errors and fouls
  19. Please bring Reid on Freeman is losing it,just as he did at start of last season
  20. Agreed, Pack is playing his last few games for us - hopefully
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