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Everything posted by BasSavage88

  1. Started well and faded away. This Lewes women's keeper is cheering me up though ?
  2. What a start to the game ? can you lot stop posting spoilers my IPTV is about 45 seconds behind
  3. Anti vaxxers are ******* idiots. That's it. Young millionaire footballers who think they are untouchable anyway and on social media all day are easy prey for misinformation
  4. Went in to get a bobble hat on Saturday but they only had the kids ones out. I asked a girl in there if they had any adults and she just said probably not ? Left with nothing
  5. How much have they both left on their contracts?
  6. So that was a penalty. But the our one wasn't because it would ruin football ? This commentator really hates us
  7. The depression I feel when I see it's him running for the ball ?
  8. Yep. As soon as a player is anywhere near him he starts going down
  9. Yep. Tuesday night city games under the lights are one of my favourite things to do usually. I just couldn't be ****** to rush home get ready and go after work. 8 other season ticket holders I go with also couldn't be bothered
  10. Couldn't be bothered to go down tonight so take away and making everyone miserable on here instead. 2.1 stoke
  11. Yep was mental at times. There was a bright orange one and I coudnt see anything happening in the box
  12. Where were they supposed to put it? The midfield completely changed its positioning at half time and were too close to them
  13. I'm not calling the players cowardly. You can tell they were told to set up differently from the start of the 2nd half.
  14. I don't buy it, we set up in the 2nd half immediately defensive. The only player that would have an excuse for fading would be Alex Scott after being away with England. It's not a ******* play ground you belter ? I found that 2nd half display cowardly
  15. How was that 2nd half performance not one of cowardice? We reverted to a defensive set up inviting pressure
  16. It seemed it to me. You automatically saw the wing backs sit alot deeper and there was no desire to bomb forward
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