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Everything posted by BCFCGav

  1. Well if you're calling a straight person gay using a phrase like 'queer' or others which I wont list but we all know, you're (almost certainly) doing so derogatorily. You're calling them gay as an insult, therefore being homophobic. To clarify, I'm saying 'you' here as in the person in question, not you the poster ? It's so straightforward - don't be racist, sexist or homophobic and you're probably fine. As for the whole 'yOu CaN't SaY AnYtHiNg ThEsE dAYs Cuz EverYOnE's A SnoWflAKE' - get yer head out yer arse. No, you can't be a dick to people without consequence anymore - get over it.
  2. Bloody FA Cup. Shoulda fielded S82. Team against Birmingham will be so interesting. There was already the potential switch from 532 to 433 or 4231 even. Now Weimann whose started so much over the last two years and Conway whose been well involved this season are absent, it's anybody's guess how we'll look. Maybe a 433 of O'Leary; Tanner, Vyner, Atkinson, Pring; Scott, James, Williams; Semenyo, Wells, Naismith. Moving Naismith to his old LW position means we can sacrifice him from his CB role to allow for 2 rather than 3, but not lose him from the pitch altogether?
  3. I was thinking the same Graham. They have to pay a loan fee or help out with wages, or we're literally just strengthening a rival with no incentive for us. I like to think 'likely to contribute to his wages' should read 'WILL contribute to his wages', or I'd tell them to sod off.
  4. I like him I can't lie. His villainy over the years has always been good for a laugh and he seems a good bloke.
  5. I'm just taking some solace in the fact it's garnered a story on the BBC site. At least it's being noticed (and not just on OTIB!). 2 penalties against Birmingham please!
  6. Let’s just focus on noisy support. Channel the anger into the cheers! If it goes tits up we can moan on the final whistle but until then we’ve all got a role to play.
  7. Phenomenal player. The Bale Benzema CR7 front three is timeless.
  8. I wish more refs were on Twitter. I want to send Craig Pawson my thoughts on his performance Saturday - and the BBC article about his performance Saturday.
  9. Naismith seen hobbling post game so may be a knock there - will add him to the list if he’s absent Saturday. Whatever XI goes out Saturday, be it patched up or full strength, need to find a way to win. 3 tricky but winnable league games this month - let’s start climbing. COYR ?️
  10. Add Pawson to the list then. What on Earth is going on. 5 shouts, but the two in the first half are so so clear. EFL and FA need to be asked the question, something is clearly playing on refs minds at this point and it's causing an uneven playing field where 91 teams get penalties and one don't. One in 2+ years isn't coincidence.
  11. I’m not sure how others would’ve reacted to a defeat - but I wrote on this thread yesterday I’d take a loss here for a league win. We know how much injuries can harm a team - and I’m pretty fearful for the remainder of this season. As for penalties; that’s a lost cause I’m afraid! The club should make a compilation of not-givens since our last pen and post it on Twitter for a laugh. Tag the EFL and everything.
  12. Trust me I wish I was easier to please - better for my blood pressure ?
  13. I promise I take no pleasure in it - but injuries to Conway and Weimann when we’re in a relegation battle just to get us a third round replay against the Jacks? I can’t fathom how that’s a good day. A defeat and no injuries would’ve been absolutely fine, it’s just a cup we won’t win!
  14. It’s not good news I’m afraid. Conway and Weimann - both looked like hamstrings. Pring limping too apparently? Shoulda played the b’s. Injured: Kalas Wilson Benarous Weimann Conway Pring stayed on so we’ll wait and see.
  15. Conway and Weimann hamstrings and a replay we don’t need… god this club grinds me down.
  16. Really trying to get up for this. A win and an exciting next round would be really fun. But I’d take a thumping tomorrow and a win against Brum next Saturday in a heartbeat.
  17. Christ I never get all 7. Proud day in the Gav household.
  18. This might need to be renamed the Semenyo and Scott thread, it seems Bournemouth want a package deal!
  19. He’s literally a Bond villain. Everyone knows he’s corrupt yet no one can touch him.
  20. Yea I don't really back the idea this is an 'us' problem. When you factor in some of the football we've seen over the past 4 seasons, and the too-many-to-count last minute equalisers/winners we've conceded, I think we've done a pretty good job of backing the side. I can also see the counter point - we'll need to support the team well to ensure we end the season safely. Let's hope we see some performances that make it a little easier for us to do so.
  21. More interested in the teams below us. Hoping Wigan will take one relegation spot - Kolo Toure was a big gamble. Huddersfield and Blackpool are mud - Rotherham and Cardiff are little better but will scrap out results. Really disappointing we’re here again - the squad is better than this.
  22. No new injuries. Win a game fellas! Injured: Kalas Wilson Benarous
  23. One of my favourite Tanner performances today, played some nice stuff. With him, Sykes and eventually Kane Wilson it’s one of the areas I think we’re quite well stocked.
  24. He was very good today, just two mistakes that will stick in peoples minds. If we lose him in January, and don’t utilise the money VERY wisely, we’re in the poop.
  25. We’re gonna go over a month without a league win. I think we can be better than this. Some really good performances but it’s hard to be too pleased while our league position stays so precarious!
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