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Everything posted by BCFCGav

  1. This might need to be renamed the Semenyo and Scott thread, it seems Bournemouth want a package deal!
  2. He’s literally a Bond villain. Everyone knows he’s corrupt yet no one can touch him.
  3. Yea I don't really back the idea this is an 'us' problem. When you factor in some of the football we've seen over the past 4 seasons, and the too-many-to-count last minute equalisers/winners we've conceded, I think we've done a pretty good job of backing the side. I can also see the counter point - we'll need to support the team well to ensure we end the season safely. Let's hope we see some performances that make it a little easier for us to do so.
  4. More interested in the teams below us. Hoping Wigan will take one relegation spot - Kolo Toure was a big gamble. Huddersfield and Blackpool are mud - Rotherham and Cardiff are little better but will scrap out results. Really disappointing we’re here again - the squad is better than this.
  5. No new injuries. Win a game fellas! Injured: Kalas Wilson Benarous
  6. One of my favourite Tanner performances today, played some nice stuff. With him, Sykes and eventually Kane Wilson it’s one of the areas I think we’re quite well stocked.
  7. He was very good today, just two mistakes that will stick in peoples minds. If we lose him in January, and don’t utilise the money VERY wisely, we’re in the poop.
  8. We’re gonna go over a month without a league win. I think we can be better than this. Some really good performances but it’s hard to be too pleased while our league position stays so precarious!
  9. Same 18 again - but Wells starts. Makes sense, we looked very dangerous when he came on against Millwall. Please win this City. Injured: Kalas Wilson Benarous
  10. Must win. I’m actually really nervy. We don’t want to spend 2 weeks mulling over our league position if we lose tomorrow (FA Cup next weekend).
  11. Hull’s late winner drops us to 19th…
  12. BCFCGav


    We are 4 points off the bottom. Not the relegation places, 4 points from 24th. You don't get there by chance!
  13. BCFCGav


    This is the key point. I cringe when I hear 'play like that and we'll win more than we lose' after a good performance but a draw/defeat. Because the table doesn't care how you performed. If we don't start converting good performances to wins we are in for a stressful 5 months here.
  14. Haha sounds like a hell of a game, wonderful scoreline too.
  15. No new injuries. We have to start turning performances like that into results, this is becoming a sore trend ? Injured: Kalas Wilson Benarous
  16. Heartbreaking not to win that. Final 3rd decision making and shooting was frankly a bit dreadful. Defence was a breath of fresh air though. Overall a very good performance, but one we’ve not turned into points ?
  17. Same 18 as Saturday, albeit a different XI, means King is ok. COYR ?️ Injured: Kalas Wilson Benarous
  18. No hard hats needed. I think some just need to get better at disagreeing with posters without being an arse about it! For example I do disagree with you. I think we need to make a change as I believe it will increase our survival chances and I think relegation would be a bigger setback than losing Pearson. But I respect your opinion and hope to god I’m in a great mood with Nigel Pearson come 21:45 ?
  19. Should be working in the UK no?
  20. I believe he made Pearson’s **** list after our dismal night against Lincoln and hasn’t made the squad since. It does feel like Nigel will ‘prove a point’ - even to the detriment of the team.
  21. Bentley Sykes Vyner Klose Kal Pring James Scott Weimann Semenyo Wells Little harsh on Max but with Naismith back we don’t rely so much on his kicking (which hasn’t been great of late). DB the better stopper. Klose gives me more confidence in our rear guard personally. Sykes better up the line than Tanner. Semenyo’s due to explode agains soon - and he will. This wont be close to the team we see ?
  22. Well that was easy! Sounds a really good appointment based on experience and the character of the man. Welcome to the club Mr. Alexander!
  23. I'd have loved this even three months ago, but I feel Pearson's ship has sailed now. Football is fickle though, say we beat Millwall and Coventry (big ask), maybe that'll buy time that allows Pearson to bring in a new coach. I dunno. Gut says Pearson's tenure is all but up.
  24. Just looking at Dean Smith’s wiki page - his first managerial role was Walsall and he oversaw their EFL Trophy final defeat to us in 2014/15. He’s loved the City for years, get him in ?
  25. That’s what it looked like. Good bit of defending that kept us in it at the time.
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