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Everything posted by BCFCGav

  1. No ins and no outs today injury wise. Good point all things considered, performance a bit off though. Injured: Naismith Kalas Atkinson - sick Wilson Benarous Building fitness: Bajic
  2. Strange old game football. Performance dipped again today but we get something from the game, polar opposite of Tuesday. O’Leary and Pring more than taking their chance, not sure why Pring was ever bombed out.
  3. Didn’t get booked. Ref missed it. Yellow was for the chap who dragged Antoine down. I want VAR.
  4. We were really good tonight, although I do think Sheff U’s style helped us a little. But regardless, we totally outplayed a promotion favourite and were so unlucky, between there offside goal and our Scott/Semenyo/Tanner close misses. The latter did then nearly kill a man, @Davefevs what’s protocol for a straight red? 3 matches? And can he play Carabao still (next Wednesday)? No new injuries, Weimann and Klose recover from flu. Injured: Naismith Kalas Atkinson - sick. Wilson Benarous Building fitness: Bajic
  5. I was looking for his pod yesterday and today, though I’m behind on so many of my footie podcasts it was a bit of a blessing. OSIB is my favourite though.
  6. Agree with everything you’ve said, we were very good tonight (though Sheff U’s lack of pressing did suit our game). I hate only being 3 points clear of the drop though, these (excellent) performances need to become points sharpish.
  7. Can only assume it’s an animal kingdom type reaction to an unknown environment. A functional bathroom to a person from Swansea must be a confusing site.
  8. I probably wouldn’t have booed but no issue with it. The question I always ask is, what did they win/help win while at the club. Potter established them as a prem club and traded well and that’s very good, but didn’t win them anything (was it Hughton who won the Championship with them?). Cotts won us two trophies and is therefore immortal in my eyes. LJ did a grand job of establishing us and play-off pushing but never truly achieved anything - like Potter. So if LJ rocked up with a new team, I wouldn’t judge if people booed.
  9. And another. Plague rips through the squad as Atkinson also ruled out before kick off. Thankfully no new injuries on the pitch and a very tidy point! Injured: Naismith Kalas Atkinson - sick. Klose - sick? Wilson Benarous Weimann - sick? Building fitness: Bajic
  10. Great point against a form team with 4 central defenders ill for injured. Pring very good.
  11. Not a good time for a sickness bug as we begin our last stretch of 5 matches before the WC. Based on the squad, and please help me out if I’ve missed anything: Injured: Naismith Kalas Klose - sick? Wilson Benarous Weimann - sick? Building fitness: Bajic
  12. Ah ok, well hopefully nothing serious for Andi. He may be out of form but we’ll need him soon. Smart re Kalas. Swansea team could be interesting, surely Naismith will be in contention for the bench at least.
  13. It doesn’t compare to what LJ got that’s for sure! Atkinson 1.6m, Tanner under 1m and I thought Wilson was a freebie (maybe a little comp)? For context Johnson spent 13.3m on two players; Fam and Kalas. Fam who had to leave and Kalas who hasn’t been fit too much under Pearson. And while I agree that most the players we lost were ok to lose, he’s still lost a lot of players and had comparative pennies to rebuild a Championship ready squad. Our lack of depth this season is testament to the constraints we’re working under: we’ve frequently had 3 fit centre-halves for 3 positions this year. I enjoyed Johnson’s tenure and don’t begrudge him spending money he was offered, but factoring in the very different circumstances Pearson has worked under I think he’s in credit.
  14. Really quite upset with the players after yesterday. A win would’ve had us bothering the play-offs, which makes the disinterest all the stranger. I’d make a compilation of all the 50-50 balls we completely bottled but It’d just make me sad! Injured: Naismith Wilson Benarous Building fitness: Bajic Kalas absent, we’ll keep an eye. Think all players came through yesterday unscathed. No shock, they didn’t challenge for anything! Ugh. Onto Swansea. COYR.
  15. The long and short of it is he’s taken us from relegation fodder to mid table without any money. So pretty good. And yesterday… the players just weren’t fighting. I’m frustrated with them. His subs were odd but no, we shouldn’t sack him.
  16. Lots of good points on this thread, it’s two problems in one. We’re all too happy to concede corners, you’ll see players not busting their ass to stop the corner for example. And then the defending from said corners is shameful. Even the ones we don’t concede from are often won by the opposition, we just get lucky. Surely time to go man to man. It could hardly do worse.
  17. BCFCGav


    Very frequent of City in recent times. If they say short term or 10 days or anything of the like, just assume 6 months.
  18. Tomorrow morning for Stevie I suspect. I like the bloke. Think we were linked post LJ weren’t we?
  19. Ah fair enough then, I guess they're fighting the good fight. I still think they're a different breed of football fan in their sheer-bloody-singlemindedness but it's good to see someone taking PSG to task I suppose. Especially seeing as La Liga are pursuing also, there clearly is a case to be answered. Thanks for clarifying Pop.
  20. I'll tell ya, we've all had a good laugh at some of the UK fanbases over the years, and every fan base is bound to have a few whoppers just by the law of averages. But Barcelona's fans are just... I can't find the word. Their obsessed, but not in a fun 'I love my football club' kind of way, in a 'if you insult a player who played 3 games for us in 03/04 I'll burn your house down' way. They think Barcelona is a beacon of light the whole footballing world should aspire to be, run by angels and saints. What I'm saying is, it's very them to make a legal claim against one of the richest football clubs in the world over a transfer they don't like from 14 months ago. Surely the fact Barcelona's lawyers aren't bothering is indication enough they're fishing in an empty pond.
  21. I go to matches with my dad and we have an absolute blast, I usually watch an opponents vlog and have a chuckle at their misery but I like these two.
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