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Everything posted by BCFCGav

  1. That'd be good to see. If the other three freebies from the summer are anything to go by I'm excited to see what Bajic can bring. I've never seen him play but I'm hoping for a penalty box commander.
  2. Great away win on Saturday and all the subs looked tactical to me so no new injuries to worry about (unless I missed something others saw?). The oddity I did notice was George Tanner losing his place on the bench to Andy King, and given we had Williams and HNM on the bench it seems unlikely it was because Pearson wanted another CM available. Especially when you factor in Tanner's ability to play RCB. I'll leave him off the injured list for now but I strongly suspect a knock. Bajic Kalas Klose Benarous So far, so excellent from this squad. Keep it up reds
  3. This might be less speculative soon! Leicester behind despite leading after 50 seconds. Not sure how secure Rodger’s job is!
  4. Getting Kasey’s wages off the books was one part of a very impressive summer for us. I’ll say this though, there’s a dangerous player in there somewhere. It’ll show one day.
  5. I’m sure all the coaches help in all areas but if his primary role is coaching attack, give our Jase a raise.
  6. Bloody hypocrite aren’t I!
  7. Wouldn’t have it any other way mate. I’d be doing the same but got some driving to do tonight so have to behave! Have a glass for me.
  8. Given you’ve posted this in the transfer forum and referred to your next tipple as ‘red wide’, I’d maybe call it a might mate ?
  9. Vyner was defensively sound today too. Lost count of tackles and blocks. Just a shame we managed to ship two, even when playing so well! Gotta shake that lads.
  10. That’s two points profit today, with our home form a draw would have been a really solid result. Fantastic to go one better. GET INNNNNNN ?️?️??
  11. I love this years homer, like you say the white sleeves gives something a bit different. I love a black away kit though. That’ll be my hope for next seasons.
  12. Ah I talked myself out of it being JET! Shoulda gone with my gut.
  13. Well 14-15 is the obvious recent answer. Wilbs, Agard, Flint and… a 4th ? Freeman maybe? I might be wrong here.
  14. I renewed my membership so I had unlimited reactions, as I had none left today to like this post. ? (And to help keep our brilliant forum ad-free).
  15. Amen. 25mil and add ons and we’ll listen. The 10 supposedly offered by Bournemouth borders on derisory.
  16. Not sure man, it's kind of at the back of my mind to be honest, I just keep assuming long term then it's a bonus when he's back.
  17. 7 unbeaten, a 3rd successive 2-0 home win and 7th in the league. And CCR3. Good time to be red! And no new injuries tonight, always a lovely bonus. Bajic Kalas Klose Benarous As per Fevs above, Klose sounds very nearly good to go - cheers Dave ? onto Ewood Park for Pearson’s Cider Army ?️?
  18. Nothing to report from the lineup regarding injuries. Sykes return to the squad sees King miss out, Klose not ready in time. As you were then: Bajic Klose Kalas Benarous Let’s roar them to three home points tonight everyone. COYR.
  19. We still are I believe. It’s a fine competition.
  20. Still annoyed they allowed youth teams into the tournament. Completely discredits the tournament and disrespects the actual teams in it. If you want ‘mens’ football for your youth, loan them out or play them your damn self. Don’t dump them into ‘lesser’ cup competitions that don’t have your precious big 6. I’m actually in a really good mood but needed to get that out.
  21. I mean look at that team. Boils my piss. Literally a back 3 and then 7 front men. And he’s being paid to write this!!
  22. I really like the re-designed badge, but the coat-of-arms feels more City to me. But it's a win-win, they're both nice.
  23. Slight knee injury for Klose as confirmed by Nige - but not ruled out completely for Huddersfield so we’ll see. Bajic Klose Kalas Beanrous
  24. Slightly frustrating to lose two points so very unnecessarily, but it’s a draw on the road and extends our unbeaten run to 6 (all comps). Huddersfield at AG feels like one we could and maybe should take maximum points from, bring it on ??️ Bajic Kalas Benarous No new injuries from Bloomfield Road. I found Klose’s absence a little odd, anyone know anything about it?
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