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Everything posted by BCFCGav

  1. Haha respect that. I’d have gone if I’d known I could sit with them two ?
  2. Yea I agree, with a flat midfield 3 of Kadji, Kingy and Massengo-ey. They usually use the layout to represent the formation.
  3. Bajic Kalas Benarous Bell That seems to be our injury list looking at the team news for tonight, with Semenyo and Matty James fit (for the bench). 4 is a good injury list! Not as good as 0, but pretty damn good. I’m assuming it’s just a well earned night off for Williams and Weimann.
  4. VIVA SEMENYOOOOOOOOO Matty James on the bench too. Good night already!
  5. That would work if it was just ineptitude but with him I think it’s just bias!
  6. I actually think he hates City. He’s bizarre in our games. Thank God we’ve only got him in the Cup.
  7. I'm gonna have a cursory look for a stream tonight but I'm not holding out any expectations. I'll probably watch the Sky game (Newcastle I think?) and follow City on Twitter/here.
  8. Rightly so imo. Liverpool will have prepared and travelled, can't just move it because United fans don't fancy it tonight. This isn't bad weather or a sickness outbreak, it's totally avoidable.
  9. Ah ok I hadn't heard that. I think if he's not involved at all against Wycombe he's likely injured.
  10. Few better weeks I can remember in my time supporting City! Great Sunday. Again, work tomorrow though, so tame celebrations ? Bajic Kalas James Benarous Semenyo No new injuries that we know of, but Atkinson’s mention of needing work at Half-Time and a tireless full on Williams performance make me a little nervous. We’ll assume all is well til we know otherwise. Beautiful today, well done players, management and support ?️?️
  11. I would absolutely ring the changes and get the ‘main’ lads a rest pre Blackpool away. I’d stick to our usual formation though so players can continue to familiarise. O’Leary Wilson Vyner Klose Towler Pring King Kadji Weimann Martin Bell I don’t think we will do this, but I’d love to see it. It’s a free hit in my book.
  12. The academy production line has been absolutely incredible this last few years. It’s always been decent but it’s just getting silly now. Take a bow all involved. Tommy is wonderful.
  13. That’s what I’ve been wrestling with. I have a decent grasp of stats from uni and they’re screaming ‘not a coincidence’, especially the 8.5 standard deviations from the mean thing pointed out on Twitter (though I admit I’ve not broken those numbers down for myself, but the maths looked solid at a glance). That just leaves us with it’s actually a fix, which we all shout about from the stands in anger but I can’t believe is actually true. So it must just be a coincidence of absolutely astronomical proportions? Both ‘solutions’ just seem ridiculous. Really is a bizarre little saga this. Edit: this reads a bit know-it-all. I’m decent with numbers but thick in many other areas ?
  14. BCFCGav


    Cov United, not Cov City.
  15. I get so angry looking at his team of the week every Monday. He just picks 10 players that scored, and shoehorns them into the most ridiculous XI imaginable. If a centre-half scores, then proceeds to do nothing in defense for 90 minutes, he's in.
  16. Let people on TalkSport or in the pub say what they want. We know what we’ve seen. I’m wholeheartedly with Pearson on this.
  17. He was brilliant yesterday. I need to see it a few more times though. Don’t think he’s been bringing enough to the party of late - but I know he’s a talented lad and he’s got it in him.
  18. Good question. I think with a fully fit squad I'd go; Bentley; Sykes, Kalas, Naismith, Atkinson, Pring; Scott, Williams; Weimann; Semenyo, Conway. But this does prove your point. Feels harsh leaving out Matty James, Chris Martin. On last nights showing HNM and Wells have loud shouts. And I really like the look of Kane Wilson. It's a very tidy squad we have currently.
  19. Muppet pundits with no actual knowledge of the matches we've been involved in this season protecting muppet refs with no actual knowledge of how to use their eyes.
  20. Fuming I have work tomorrow. I currently have enough adrenaline to fight a Mongol hoard single handedly so sleeping will be a challenge. Bajic Kalas James Benarous Semenyo Atkinson and Massengo both fine and dandy, and imperious on what was a wonderful night. I can’t recall many City performances I’ve enjoyed more or been prouder of. No new injuries to mention.
  21. https://www.football-observatory.com/IMG/sites/b5wp/2021/wp364/en/ Link to prove I’m not spouting rubbish. Yea I agree, I’m pro-VAR because of this nonsense.
  22. Exactly this. Plus, how poor would it look to their bosses if it seems they’re punishing us for Nige’s comments? And to EFL pundits etc? He’s taken away their anonymity. Feels like we’ve won twice tonight now.
  23. Maybe my favourite Wells performance for us. If we do lose Antoine, Wells made a point tonight.
  24. Martin functioned well as an out ball and I’m pretty sure Conway and Wells were blowing. So happy enough with that. Agree regarding the right backs, think Tanner might’ve been the man as he likes getting stuck in and defending aggressively. But hard to be glum tonight, so no complaints from me!
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