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Everything posted by BCFCGav

  1. The era of ruined plans this. We’ll just have to royally make up for it when we can ?
  2. EFL and Prem will have to be strict this year if we’re going to complete all the competitions. As will UEFA with European matches. If you can play, you play. Beats the hell out of another league suspension.
  3. I just can’t see money coming in for any of them bar Massengo. And if whispers are true we really need incoming cash. Buyers will know their situation and tell us to sod off if we start chasing fees. I think it’s a good idea! Still we like a debate on here, so I don’t mind a few funky emojis coming my way ?
  4. Bit of an ‘out there’ shout but with Andi being on course for an 18 goal season (9 at the half way point), still with a relentless work rate and having a few years left in him at 30, is there a chance we can cash in in January? We all know we need some incoming cash from transfers but naturally we don’t want to lose Scott, Massengo, Benarous, Semenyo as they could all have a big say in our (potential) future successes. Further, I’m sure that Martin, Wells, Semenyo and Conway is enough firepower to see us safe. Could a top 6 Championship club or a team abroad be tempted? How much could we get? Side note, I’m a big fan of Weimann, just thinking about what’s best for the club.
  5. Ah great minds! My gut feeling is Nige will stick not twist, some of our best results this season have been with the back 5. Boxing Day will tell all. If we’ve got a game to watch, I won’t complain too much regardless of formation!
  6. I wonder if we’ll revert to traditional full backs in a back 4 after yesterday, with width coming from wide midfielders. Something like…: Bentley: Tanner, Kalas, Atkinson, Dasilva: Scott, King, James, Semenyo: Weimann, Martin. Very speculative XI but not one I’d be unhappy to see on Boxing Day.
  7. Disappointing result, though maybe our best display in attack? Unpopular opinion perhaps. Defence was a shambles mind. Baker - career threatening. All the best Bakes. Cundy - soon. King - soon. Williams O’Dowda So the new addition in O’Dowda. Surely Pring is a ready made replacement? Thought the Benarous call odd yesterday. Onto Luton away, Covid permitting. COYR.
  8. Really disappointed to see Atkinson getting the chop before Vyner does. Am I missing something? We were defensively poor as a unit today but Atkinson is our best CB quite often imo.
  9. So embarrassing. Underdeveloped coked up brains I suspect.
  10. See I'll go if it's on because I can't stand missing matches, and have no contact with anyone vulnerable. But if it was a viable option on Robin's TV without having to bother with a VPN, I'd do that as I think that's for the greater good. I don't think it'll be long before we're back on Robins TV anyway, so let's just start now.
  11. Exactly. And I don't know about other posters but I already know far more people who are positive this time around then I did in waves 1 and 2. Honestly feels like if we continue the way we are it's an inevitability about half of us end up with it. The only good is I feel confident that the many vaccines that have been given out will keep hospitilisations and deaths low, so I guess it's a balancing act now of how many people are we happy to put 'in harms way' considering their chances of being fine are very high. Though what consolation is that to those who aren't fine. Tricky calls to be made, but what we're doing now feels like no decisions have really been made at all.
  12. Needs to go behind closed doors now sadly. We’ve clearly not got a handle on it so allowing 20,000+ to gather and mingle is insanity. Back to Robins TV for a bit. Sadly Boris will pussy foot around it for a month first to make sure we’re really in the shit, then act.
  13. Isn't that the definition of cover ? I think we've seen enough of Max to know he's a solid enough back up should Bents get a knock, and we don't know much about Wiles-Richards because we haven't needed to. But if he didn't have it he'd have been released by now. Not a problem area at all for me.
  14. Thinking about depth of positions in our now preferred 5-3-2: GK: Bentley, O'Leary, Wiles-Richards ? CB: 3 from Atkinson, Kalas, Baker, Vyner, Cundy. Given injury records of Bakes and Cundy I think we need one more ? RWB: Simpson, Tanner. Maybe one light ? LWB: O'Dowda, Pring, Dasilva ? CM: 3 from James, King, Williams, Bakinson, HNM, Scott, Benarous, Palmer ? Striker: 2 from Weimann, Martin, Wells, Semenyo, Conway ? Obviously I've put players in their 'natural' positions but many cover multiple roles. I think what this shows is we are manned well enough in all positions, barring the two I've marked orange where we could possibly do with one more. So no 'emergency' positions, which means we can think about areas we just want to improve. I see the need for a consistent goal scorer but generally we're scoring at an ok rate this season, but defensively leaky. I'd like to see us sign another consistent CB who could form a reliable back 3 with Atkinson and Kalas, with Baker, Cundy and Vyner covering. Then if Cundy is up to doing that covering, let Vyner go.
  15. I really hope it's incompetence and not something altogether shadier (which is quite a depressing thing to have to write).
  16. Tanner’s fit again which is very good, but on James’ second game back was he looking a bit tentative at the end? Well he scored regardless! Hopefully just fatigue and nothing to worry about. Scott similarly is hopefully just a knock and will be back next Saturday, fingers crossed. Which leaves us with: Cundy Baker King Williams So pretty good overall! No shock Nige’s trusted medics are doing a world better than Ashton’s mates (I know, I know, let it go).
  17. Covid bad. Vaccine good. Ashton Gate safe(r). Easy.
  18. Injuries not looking to bad for our trip to Hull tomorrow. Info on returns taken from Nige's 20 odd minute press conference. Cundy - Being careful with a knee injury, may be a bit more time. Baker - Seeing consultants next week, following all protocol with head injury. No time frame. Tanner - Next week or two. King - Next week or two. Full training. Williams - Not much info but I don't personally think we're seeing him until January at earliest. I noticed O'Dowda moving very gingerly prior to being subbed against Derby, hopefully nothing serious there. COYR!
  19. I think it said January 22nd, but it will refresh every time I log in on the NHS website, so effectively it will be valid indefinitely.
  20. Just sorted one out on the NHS website, painless enough. Looking forward to returning to fortress Ashton Gate!
  21. This plus maybe 1 sale (though I'm not sure who...) would allow Nige to get one or two more faces in. Considering his current acquisitions are Atkinson, Simpson, Tanner, James and King that's good news (I realise Simpson is contentious but if nothing more than a mentor for Tanner he'll have use).
  22. Is that 7 red cards they’ve had this season? Always great to see a team that really take onboard their managers style.
  23. Man of the match had to go to Scott for me, but this post is bang on. I really think we’ve picked up a gem in big Rob.
  24. Didn’t realise that was an option, yea works for me!
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