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Everything posted by TonyTonyTony

  1. Where are Chelsea getting all this money from? Spent an absolute fortune and still shite
  2. Indeed - thanks to Vincent. Arrogant enough to think he can chop/change managers on a whim. Quote from Vincent : "I hear talk that we have no plan. Do you honestly think I would have put in so much of my money if I had no plan? Do you think we are idiots?" he said firmly. "Do you think I would be putting in money every month, particularly during the pandemic, if I didn't want success?" "My plan is to take us up to the Premier League and stay there for at least ten years." ?
  3. Next man in will be their 5th Manager in 2 seasons, and they've flip-flopped from dinosaurs lumping it forward, to managers like Hudson who at least tried to pass it around, but they cant score for shit. Lowest scorers in the division, and they are right in the brown stuff. Glorious
  4. Christ. Imagine getting giddy about being 8th in Lg 1. That is about as good as its going to get @Ashton Hero
  5. You dont see many kids in tesco bags nowadays anyway. I think they will eradicate themselves at some point. A successful city would only speed that up, which is even more of a motivation to get our club firing properly. As you say, a merger is all gain on their side offering nothing for us except for a few fans with gills and webbed hands
  6. Great info both and thanks, but also rather sobering. However you look at it we are a bit hamstrung. Either with an owner who is hanging on to the promise and wealth of the PL to get some decent ROI, yet at the same time not a very attractive proposition to potential buyers.
  7. Thanks @ExiledAjax. On the assumption that the club is worth 50 Million, how much of a return is that to SL, if indeed there is one? Ive not tracked his investment over the years
  8. What is a realistic valuation of the club? Including AG and the training centre, which i presume is part of BCFC holdings as well
  9. Purely about money wasnt it? 2/3 million for a player that was slowing down. Understandable, but as you say in hindsight the wrong thing to do
  10. Agree with this. We were so naive to agree such a low fee for the country’s up and coming striker, bearing in mind he was our record signing at the time. Seems like a millions years ago now mind
  11. Be careful what you wish for. Out of all the departures from BCFC, the one that did us a lot of damage was Josh Brownhill. At the time, he was a bit of an unsung hero for us but still a key player. For those saying Scott is still a bit streaky, just imagine our Midfield without him. I hope Pearson crawls over broken glass to keep him, or its a long hard finish to the season. Semenyo i view as a bit different - i think we have enough upfront in Nahki, Tommy and AW to recover, but make damn sure we get every penny we can for him.
  12. What about if the MEM offered their services? The Pele Memorial ground in Horfield is surely attractive for sponsors?
  13. A point away from home is never a bad result. Just need to find a couple of back to back wins to get us up the table. Table is still so tight
  14. What are you on about? He was an amazing player and played for Man U at a club that loved him. He bullshitted and engineered his way out of the club for money. All his BS about wanting Champions league. He is full of shyte
  15. They are in the mix for Top 4 this year. If he had the bollocks, he would have stayed and tried to respect the coach and helped the team reach the CL. All his whining about wanting top level football has made him look ridiculous now. im 100 percent sure the experience of playing for Man U beats dust bowl FC every time. Money money money but just be honest. Like I said - an arrogant *****
  16. If he wants to chase the coin I can’t blame him. What is important in life, however, is how you go about things. He has been whining about wanting out of Man U - a club where he is a legend and the fans adored him - because they were stuck in time and not in the CL. They paid him a fortune. His conduct to leave the club was atrocious and now he signs for a shit league chasing the coin. Just be honest. What a *****
  17. Hard to criticise that performance. Well done lads
  18. It was a sensational night. I lost my son after the winning goal. He was several rows down in the Dolman. Peak city in recent memory by some distance.
  19. Desperate as usual. Go change your Tena pads cuntbubble
  20. I also told you what you are and you know it ?? Time for bed Grandad. Shake your walking stick on the way upstairs you utter manual manipulator
  21. Horseshit. It was a 51:49 game. Ref was shit and had Kane scored the penalty we would have won.
  22. Compare and contrast that with Messi running over to his goalkeeper yesterday while the rest of his team went crazy.
  23. It’s amazing the metric that some people use to gauge a poor World Cup is that the traditional big teams are out. I think it’s been a great World Cup.
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