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Everything posted by TonyTonyTony

  1. Never trust a man that wears a cardigan. Ruled out for that alone
  2. ? A farmers league? You sure about that? Christ
  3. This will be shithousery to the max by the Italians the next 45 mins
  4. Classic Italian team performance. Basically
  5. The Aussies are a very good team, but they have not faced bazball. We should go for the jugular from day one, foot down on accelarate and blitz them. Its gonna be an amazing test series
  6. I reckon Italia 90 is held in high regard by England fans due to Gazza and our performance. Ask any other country there would not be the same love in as it still is the lowest scoring WC. Lots of 0-0 and 1-0’s
  7. What a moment for David Moyes. Fantastic
  8. He has not been made to look silly at all. How do you conclude that? He has been stitched up yes but his principles meant he left a quarter of a billion on the table. I cant think of anyone that would do that. As you say its not that complex
  9. This is shithouse final part II after last week. I hope Saturday will be better
  10. 5 minutes ago he was a prize plum. Which one is it? Allegedly he was offered 250 Million to join LIV and he turned it down out of principle. How many top sportsman have ever done that? In no way an idiot. Christ
  11. Its what they do. West Ham need to be streetwise here and they dont have the experience. Worrying
  12. I suppose contribution doesnt just include performance on the pitch - which was not bad. Perhaps he was a good trainer, followed instructions well and was a good lad around the place. That's how i interpreted it.
  13. I suspect poor Louise is going to get quite a few fictitious emails
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