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Everything posted by TonyTonyTony

  1. 5 minutes ago he was a prize plum. Which one is it? Allegedly he was offered 250 Million to join LIV and he turned it down out of principle. How many top sportsman have ever done that? In no way an idiot. Christ
  2. Its what they do. West Ham need to be streetwise here and they dont have the experience. Worrying
  3. I suppose contribution doesnt just include performance on the pitch - which was not bad. Perhaps he was a good trainer, followed instructions well and was a good lad around the place. That's how i interpreted it.
  4. I suspect poor Louise is going to get quite a few fictitious emails
  5. Player power will force the PGA leader Monahan to resign. Somebody has to be thrown under the bus, and it's not Tiger or Rory
  6. Always like listening to Pearson. There is never any Bull Shit - its all very open, honest and straightforward. I can really see why some of the young lads have make leaps and bounds under him. Clear, direct and probably very loyal and honest. He also looks more relaxed and less spikey than he was a year or so ago so that bodes well too.
  7. I have to say that is a bargain. He is a very very good player
  8. I promised myself i wouldnt watch it. Either of them winning it is horrible. The Indians will be unbearable, and the Australians will be ungracious and unbearable. Lets hope for rain ? EDIT: Rain day 4/5 ?
  9. There will be a lot of high profile Midfielders move this summer. The two MF's from Brighton, The Leicester boys, Ward Prowse, Declan Rice. I wonder if they will happen first before it cascades down to to Champ players?
  10. Your probably typed that on a laptop or phone made in a sweatshop in China. Its a hypocritical world and we are all guilty of it. In regards to Rory - its and odd take to say he is a prize plum. A lot of what he said was highly principled, and if anything he has been stitched up. It will be interesting what he says, along with Tiger who was also anti LIV. He could have an extra 500 M in the bank
  11. Losing Josh Brownhill in that January window killed off LJ. Selling off his best players every year combined with poor recruitment would kill any manager, particularly in the Championship where there is a massive gap in finances from the haves (parachute payment receivers) and the have nots.
  12. Christ. The bloke is allowed to have a personal life. I very much doubt your offence is high on his list of priorities
  13. I bet those that didnt join are absolutely gutted now
  14. Even if it was about money, i wouldnt blame him. A footballers career is short
  15. On balance he is is clearly the best option. Hence why Ben Stokes spoke to him….
  16. ***** sake. Why feed him? The most attention he gets is here
  17. Not a bad shout ? Losing Leach is a body blow no doubt, but bringing back a player active on the international scene, albeit in the short form game, that is the 3rd highest wicket taker for spinners in England is a no brainer. And he can bat. And is another leader on the field Struggling to see how its bad???
  18. He is a better batsman than Jack Leach. Any comments on his 195 test match wickets?
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