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Everything posted by TonyTonyTony

  1. This Twitter account is pretty good updating what’s being filmed / where around bristol
  2. Im assuming you got your words mixed up, because any fan that attacks a player is a complete tool
  3. Ill add horrible fans to the team being shithouses
  4. Probably selling him and want to protect him. They will be having a mass clear out
  5. I watch enough to know that Luton are a shithouse of a side, and not good to watch. If i wanted to watch blokes grabbing onto each other constantly id rather put on WWE.
  6. Diallo dives loads, and rolls about - no doubt about that, but to deny that Luton don't cheat themselves is bizarre. They constantly hold, block, pull shirts. Shithouse of a team basically. There a rumours that Sunderland might replace Mowbray - madness if true
  7. Grow up - huh ? You celebrated an utter shithouse and a major player for the sags in recent years. Wrong forum mate
  8. You must not be a city fan to celebrate that shithouse scoring.
  9. Aussies will be targeting Crawley big time. I agree with @And Its Smith - Foakes is a better batsman than Crawley. Bairstow should open with Duckett, with Foakes in at 7. Not good for JA - got to worry for his career now
  10. Should not have got rid of Rodgers. Bad mistake
  11. Arteta has done an amazing job. Beating Liverpool, the money of Chelsea and ManUre. I’m sure Arsenal fans are feeling low tonight but they have had a brilliant season. Odergaard and Saka are in the PL teams of the season without doubt and probably Ben White too. If they recruit well in the summer I wouldn’t be surprised if they pushed again, but the blue Mancs are just too good.
  12. A fair few probably, looking at the comments on this thread
  13. Nope. Beaten by the best team on the planet. A fantastic season for Arsenal considering their recent history. What game are you watching?
  14. This Sunderland team are resilient. I really like Tony Mowbray teams. If it all goes tits up with Nige get him in.
  15. Marlon Pack playing also I believe. Also Matty Taylor (if you fancy a day out at Tent village) Good cause
  16. Plus as a bonus I don’t have to watch it as he will be elsewhere. Win win
  17. Not sure tapas is compatible with buffets. Small dishes made to order and served immediately
  18. Probably a bit OTT with all the coverage but don’t forget it should be in the Ukraine, so that gives it an extra dimension
  19. Very popular with the kids, for some reason. My son's off to a Eurovision party on saturday dressed like David Bowie.
  20. Real Madrid - biggest bunch of whining pussies going. Absolute cheats. Just play the ******* game. Cannot stand them
  21. Whining los wancos. Wonderful
  22. Carvajal - what a massive ***
  23. Los Wancos one nil up after doing **** all. All is normal
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