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Everything posted by TonyTonyTony

  1. Real Madrid - biggest bunch of whining pussies going. Absolute cheats. Just play the ******* game. Cannot stand them
  2. Whining los wancos. Wonderful
  3. Carvajal - what a massive ***
  4. Los Wancos one nil up after doing **** all. All is normal
  5. Amazing bit of engineering
  6. Im very excited about the transfer window this summer. I hope we do our business early. NP has turned us around without really spending anything - just imagine what we could do if he had a few quid to spend? Reflecting on the season - aside from the frustrating period before Christmas, and all the late goals conceded we have played much better football than previous seasons and the emergence of players from the youth teams is great to see. Finally, nice to see Rovers STILL a whole division below us. Coming for us ?
  7. Going to 4 at the back saved our season. No doubt.
  8. Tony Mowbray take a bow. Reckon they will win it now - so much momentum
  9. Amazing day out going to a Celtic game. Been there twice in my life and it’s a fantastic experience. Superb support.
  10. Agree. Not watched much this year tbh. All the rules / constant safety cars and sprint race bollocks is tiresome
  11. Been in several of those sheds over the years. Wonderful bits of old machinery , lathes etc. I remember thinking with all the oil about if there ever was a fire it would be unstoppable. Do we know if it was the building with the cafe in? Very sad news
  12. …not unless he led the charge to our promotion. Hardly a disaster
  13. Portishead is expensive. Great place to live though - seaside / marina and lots of nature. Good schools too
  14. More to the point: how can RM afford him given their debt? Another “loan” from the Spanish government? **** off
  15. Arrogant *****. Putting himself up there with managers that have won at the highest level. Dream on.
  16. Frank Lampard must have the worst managers record of all time.
  17. The worlds oldest profession. How is handjob inflation at the moment?
  18. Had Sunday lunch today at Murray’s Clevedon. Never disappoints tbh
  19. NP spoke of him very highly in the pre-match interview. Just because a player isn’t starting doesn’t mean there has been a falling out. We have a lot of fine players up top - they can’t all play.
  20. Hopefully, and be knackered for the final. Both of them bore me stupid
  21. If Si wins he will become so famous. The Chinese love snooker
  22. Bet he was more mobile than Andy Carroll
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