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Everything posted by TonyTonyTony

  1. FAM getting injured and having to play Reid upfront was my take on it. Then it clicked. Unfortunately they all got knackered after Xmas. 6 years ago now !
  2. I only watch snooker when Ronnie or Judd play. Guys like Selby send me to sleep. Literally bore his was to victory with his anti-snooker
  3. It wouldnt surprise me if they lost their remaining games. In total free fall. Absolute basket case of a club Ah well, Frank knows the club...
  4. Interesting that. Both have been streaky this year. They can't splash too much to improve if they are in their final year. Next season could be a very level playing field (and im not talking about the pitch at AG)
  5. Yes agreed, with Magnússon behind him, but he was more of a traditional LM rather than a Left forward. We played 4411 in that team under LJ. Like i said i dont see Joe fitting into a very forward role. I dont reckon he is coming anyway!
  6. We have finally settled on 4231 formation, and it seems to be working for us. I don't see JB fitting into that other than at LB. He wouldn't fit into the front 3 IMO. For me he is an attacking fullback, and you just accept his defensive weakness.
  7. To be fair they are more of a PL side than a team like Bournemouth
  8. I think they have the momentum as well. Not sure who they have to play in their final games, but i can see a Middlesborough - Sunderland final. As for City, its really only 3 or 4 extra wins and we'd be up there in with a shout. I can easily think of 3 or 4 games we "should" have won
  9. There is that, and i think the feeling that he probably knows he has taken us as far as he can. Considering his age, and probably knowing he will have to dig into his pockets again. If you look at the losses each club made in the championship per week - its not exactly an attractive proposition. This is from the post link, no idea of its accuracy Championship operational losses 2021/22 (per week) Fulham - £1.3m Bournemouth - £1.1m Nottingham Forest - £981,000 Birmingham City - £577,000 Stoke City - £548,000 Bristol City - £532,000 Reading - £487,000 QPR - £468,000 Cardiff - £463,000 Preston - £450,000 Blackburn Rovers - £418,000 Middlesbrough - £410,000 Milwall - £240,000 West Brom - £227,000 Hull City - £151,000 Luton - £144,000 Barnsley - £122,000 Coventry - £110,000 Blackpool - £75,000
  10. Is that 240 M just on Bristol City, or is it for the Rugby, the flyers, the training grounds etc etc?
  11. I thought it was a red card too.
  12. Not helped, apparently by LJ taking the piss. Comments such as “no bids for you yet Joe”. His mental health problems have been well documented since he left city. Not so sure LJ motivated him that well I the period he was obviously leaving!
  13. He is certainly up there. An awesome player Arsenal wilting here. It could easily be 6 or 7
  14. I despise Chelsea. Bloody false club if ever there was one. They are in serious shit. Hilarious. Fwank playing a blinder P5 L5
  15. I went to see the Pixies at Cardiff last month. Blew my mind how good they were. I’ve not listened to anything else since. A legendary band with such an amazing back catalogue. You know when you have bands that keep going and going and you think nah - you should probably stop now. Not the Pixies. Still cool as ****. Even my kids like them
  16. Not under rated by me. If you look at our transfers out in the last 5 years, the one that ****** us the most was losing JB.
  17. Webster for me. Rolls Royce of a player. Bobby / Joe for the memories and Tammy was just a class above even at the age he was. @Silvio Dante Luke Ayling is probably the best shout yes. Thanks.
  18. Just imagine if we had kept our best players. Top half PL team easily. Not sure who is right back though..
  19. I think this season has been the worst ive seen for bad refereeing. You would have thought the standard of training and teaching referee's would have only improved over the years. Perhaps there are now too many things to think about for a Ref, which leads to mixed thinking and as a result inconsistency. VAR is the biggest pile of shit going in its current form. I do agree we could learn a bit from Rugby and cricket, that do the live talk through of any major offences. I would also give Managers 3 VAR checks a game - just as they do in Cricket for DRS. That would make it fairer and Iron out the big mistakes.
  20. Wasted career? All time England top scorer and may well take Shearers all time PL scoring record as well. I kind of admire players that stay loyal to their own club. Gerrard, Shearer could have all moved to clubs and won medals but they stayed at the club they support. Hardly wasted
  21. What an amazing achievement for the lad. Brilliant player and I can’t wait to see how far he goes. Adds another 5 M to the price
  22. You get the feeling that it’s this summer or never. Levy will make it as hard as possible, however. Spurs are dogshite
  23. Bollocks to Wrexham I say tbh. They should be spunking that league easily with the money floating about. It’s not a romantic story at all.
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