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Everything posted by TonyTonyTony

  1. How would training next to experienced international players, in a world class training facility, with one of the best coaches in the world be bad for his development?
  2. The formation change was the game changer.
  3. stick another 2M on the price tag
  4. Personally don't buy the Liverpool story, but if a team of that size is interested the price goes up
  5. Loved his performance today. He is Class with the ball at his feet. If he does leave, which seems likely, hope the kid goes on to have a great career
  6. Up their with one of the best games of the season, and ..without Alex Scott. Great game
  7. Agree. Also considering we don’t have much to play for our energy is outstanding
  8. He is constantly whining about something. That linesman wasn’t taking any shit - I agree with you.
  9. It’s a common misconception from people. They take Mowbrays image and assume his teams will play like Mick McCarthy’s teams. In actual fact his teams play attacking fast touch football.
  10. Recruitment will be more crucial than ever. If the Alex Scott money is spent wisely then we have every chance.
  11. Crap football? You clearly don’t watch much football if you think that.
  12. Very talented this sunderland team. Dark horses next year if they recruit well
  13. Amir Khan certainly isnt the sharpest tool (being polite)
  14. A club that got big thanks to the money from a Russian oligarch, and now a club with a transfer policy that buys any player available. If that’s not a basket case I don’t know what is
  15. I’d say Rodgers to Spurs and Nagelsman to Chelsea
  16. It’s an impossible job for anyone. The club is a basket case
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