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Everything posted by TonyTonyTony

  1. Pant could have done some serious damage - first ball from Root too !
  2. They are really in the shit now ? Relegation and a custodial sentence to look forward too. It’s almost too much material : My son is in pieces
  3. Maybe but the umpires have been appalling.
  4. Tell that to the crowd and Ravi Ashwin
  5. Do you know who owned the car park? Was it the zoo, or was it the council?
  6. The probability of that is <5%. We have enough runs
  7. England could be blowing this game right now. Get them in ffs
  8. The emergence of Semenyo, Vyner, Bakinson etc has been the highlight of an otherwise Depressing season
  9. Trying to score points, after a team performance that was terrible just makes you sound even more pathetic.
  10. I was under the assumption you couldn't read to be honest.
  11. England "only" have to beat India 3-0 to get into the Test Championship final, after SA-AUS called off EasyPeasy
  12. You need to work harder at speaking. GCSE fail coming up son...
  13. Some of you are so quick to trash young players. Do you write off all young people so quickly? Lets hope you dont work in education Have a word with yourself
  14. Ok mate. You don’t look silly at all in this thread btw. You have lots of people agreeing with you ?
  15. I agree with the first part. Its also about game experience, and developing a calmness about finishing which only comes with match experience and time on the pitch
  16. What utter nonsense. Semenyo is probably our most creative spark at the moment. You can see him growing every game - it wouldnt surprise me to see him banging them in once his confidence is up and he has hit the back of the net a few times. At the beginning of his career Marcus Rashford was criticized for not scoring and labelled a winger. Semenyo is so young it is absurd to label him as you are doing. Its almost like you want him to fail, so you can say "i told you so". Pathetic really
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