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Oh Louie louie

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Everything posted by Oh Louie louie

  1. When goater left, it was reported ward wanted beadle,
  2. The clowns john ward played Infront of him, good grief
  3. Never shirked a tackle or a header, I saw him in a curry house once, and im pretty sure he had a vindaloo, that's everything i like in a person
  4. Best sticker ever was from that era, support Bristol city now or never, they were everywhere, can recall buying one of them of beryl around then
  5. This was the second record I bought, the guy who had the record stall at the Sunday market in the car park at the ground, a month earlier I had bought Tarzan boy by baltimora, and it was 59p!
  6. To be a fly on the walk to hear TCS words to another redknapp man, Ian Leigh's, wager that wasn't pretty,
  7. What redknapp did to Darren bent publicly, missed one chance,and was getting compared to Sandra redknapp, then was so desperate to unload him, sky sports reported a plane wouldn't leave Till bent was transferred,
  8. Alex Ferguson threw everybody under the bus in-house, as for outhouse, shirt makers coach drivers, he always went for the throat in the press on the opposing teams main man pre match chucking in a few verbals
  9. GJ, publicly shamed byfield worse, think it was against Cardiff took him off in the first half, when asked why said he was running around too much..
  10. I agree phant, but this Vincent bloke seems to plump for inexperienced bosses, don't think it would take too long for cotts to upset him
  11. The chairman clearly isn't a football man, cotts would stabilise them in a few months, out of him and lj, both bound to be mentioned hes clearly mad enough to pick the latter, cotts is to good for that rabble in my opinion
  12. The best chicken in east street was the stuff they used to have roasting in the window in the Atlantic, when the Spanish brothers ran it, opposite asda
  13. My mrs said she would treat me to a McDonald's after the game, if I could spell it, kfc would be better for me i said..
  14. Remember being told at school a plane came down in ww2, behind the angel in long Ashton and the pilot was polish
  15. I'm sure, he went or was something to do with Christmas steps chippy, in that era too
  16. A polish guy ran the wimpy in east street I recall in the 80s for years I recall, can't remember his name
  17. Les and des employed a few apprentices with mathematics issues as turnstile operaters, again I can forgive them for that, at least we laughed at that sort of storyline!
  18. Around four years ago harry Findlay a big gambler said in a interview watch Brentford and Brighton go from strength to strength in that league, he's a friend of both chairman and he called it spot on
  19. Also bloom followed them from a child, he clearly cares and certainly ain't no mug
  20. Tony bloom has hand picked managers for the job, I daresay hes never picked a bad one
  21. Agree with above, clearly too much backbiting and meddling has gone on too be forgotten in my book, emphasis on the ability to employ the right people over the last 20 or so years, grim reading
  22. I can forgive tgh for that, but steve was making bad football decisions before tgh was even born,
  23. When you think about it les and des clearly made us quote self sufficient in a few years, it didn't take them two decades to decide that!
  24. Les and des would sign anybody who was playing above thier station in This division, and every other one seemed to be for 30k! Most teams in division three couldn't spend 10k! Then they gave joe a Very big budget, and he signed half the leeds team!
  25. The chairman is guilty of inexperience, and indiscretion in his manager pick's, sounds like his salad days!
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