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Oh Louie louie

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Everything posted by Oh Louie louie

  1. Boring long winded and a massive goal post mover above
  2. Dave fevs has just given a lowdown on the 2019 seasons signings, be interesting to see what Italian Dave says about this, talking about the past is not on as he has clearly stated
  3. Yep, to say niges patience been, tested is being kind, this probably won't surprise you sleepy, but it wouldn't surprise me to see another prodigy sold, and nobody in
  4. Some optimism at last mozo, nige commented the other day, different mentality at the club now, by that I think he means all the wasters been shown the door, I think things could click
  5. Well said superjack, no contact offer for nige concerns me, he has predicted top six this year, bold, but brave, maybe we will see about that by December, I fear you could be right though
  6. Well you were happy to discuss how many games they played and what good servants they were,
  7. Blimey Dave jay and Kasey 250 appearance's apparentl seems a awful lot, are you suggesting they were value for money?
  8. Was just agreeing with you they were good tbh, wasn't any criticism one of those days here, I see
  9. Im glad we agree dave all good players, saw more hunger from them in pre season than I saw from two of the Chelsea signings who didn't want to be here ftom Day one in two years! Hopefully come good
  10. Dave its August they haven't even played five games, both have the potential to be that level, thats the aim this year after all
  11. Agree I think dickie knight and Roberts are all good players,
  12. We had a Aussie frontline ago and seal, seal came very close to getting John ward the sack that day at Northampton, recall at the time being amazed he let him play, people were not happy after the game
  13. Like a lot here, I'll use twentymen or Latham as a yardstick, ask a honest question with no agenda, people Will respond
  14. To be a local journalist you got to get a element of trust from managers, nige isnt known for his love of this lot, gregor didn't act very savvy at all, trying to trip him up in interviews all the time,
  15. Anyone recall Jonathan Pearce the commentator, giving a interview about his car being surrounded, and a mob trying to turn it over, pretty sure it happened to him before he was famous
  16. Harold bishop on magic mushrooms was a good episode
  17. The polizia, had read the intelligence report on the bloke ftom bath, thats why he got the easy route home on the plane, they were impressed to find out he was a Romans fan .
  18. When mrs red goes through port Talbot on the train, im sure that will cheer her up! Good luck red!
  19. Incidentally I don't want to think im being unfair but did anyone here get bought 300 football shirts from I dunno 9 to 16? If so I bet your washing line was big as the Chinese wall? Mathmatics tells me thats at least one every other week,
  20. Yes Marcus I've told you how naive you are in the past, you might be able to wander around your village in a different shirt daily and expect not to be pulled up, love to see you do that on west street, and as for sbb buying his son 300, shirts no not crass at all, we can all relate to that right
  21. Job for the Guinness book of records this
  22. My nans scarf is above my TV, in the living room, as I say if you said put that in the loft, in a box, over my dead body, if say, I actually value what my family did for me 250 300, shirts, ffs
  23. , Me, too, the more I read the crassness of this thread, I honestly don't think some people got a clue, how bad they sound glad im from a different generation tbh, to say spoilt I think many would agree
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