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Oh Louie louie

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Everything posted by Oh Louie louie

  1. At a guess, I reckon the season after we had almost double figures in penalties, only way to stop that frontline! I'm sure I saw Smith score two pens at Springfield park?
  2. Our record for scoring pens, was terrible in those days, we seemed to miss more than score
  3. Another bad signing in that era, cost a few Bob in old third division money. Tony Caldwell from bolton
  4. If you got a spare five minutes, watch, how david Smith played for the gills at ours that season, our defence couldn't get near him
  5. Max has come back a far better goalie after Nigel took him out the team last year, he didn't drop his head, and full credit to him, just seen the goals Dracula let in last night, dear oh dear, nige had him well sussed out
  6. On the subject of dead kings how many years ago did they find Richard the third under a car park in Leicester, they still haven't found his car I assume
  7. Classy advertising too from the day, hi tec Tennant's extra, and for some reason a board for the London dungeon
  8. Recall it took about two hours after reading that day, traffic was terrible
  9. I went to wembley in a city dart bus against Bolton, hired from winterstoke road, and we won a bus!
  10. I think the last time I saw us play Leicester we had another james playing... gave away a shocking penalty then redeemed himself saving it, Clarkson scored one of the best goals ive seen at the gate, in that game
  11. Give Nigel a contact now, buy yourself some breathing space, and just for once do something sensible
  12. I think roughly six months ago, there was a excellent thread on sl which sadly got closed, anyway I Reckon support for SL was 50, 50 then, reading this forum the last few weeks I Reckon its 80/20 who have clearly had enough.
  13. Sacked or resigned doesn't matter to me, clearly another bad judgement call, I can't wait to hear the whopper of a reason why
  14. Total lack of support from above on and off the pitch, its getting beyond a joke now
  15. Fining ballboys lord i hope sl is not reading this..
  16. Wonder if Billy butlin ever went to watch us? Recall reading he lived in Bristol for a few years
  17. Not sure tbh, I do recall it was tipping down though,
  18. I liked Scott, never forget that when he confronted the ref after a Benny game,
  19. We have a mobile phone mast as a neighbour and a stream, that runs alongside the ground that has been suffering from pollution all my life,
  20. I wonder how many punters this will add to the gate on Saturday, winning this prestigious award, 0?
  21. Our owner's building on greenbelt and travels to game by private jet, we are well deserving of this award I must say
  22. Was that you on the pitch, headhunter when tony robinson got hold of the mic, and told the gas you can hear me allright don't worry about that, in a more forthright fashion! Now that was funny!
  23. I know thats why I said it was he first time back, he was brought on the pitch to say hello
  24. Ex boss sponsored the game that night, jacki was said to have said they wont remember me here, by the time he got back to the tunnel, such was the reception he had a tear in his eye
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