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Oh Louie louie

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Everything posted by Oh Louie louie

  1. Yep lived off North Street, the two pick up points in those days were Ashton gate school and the house that jack built, hartcliffe had the best team managed by a great guy called Bobby Berkshire or a similar sounding surname
  2. Played for Raleigh in 86, Dave lea was manager, am I right in thinking grantley went on to captain bath city?
  3. I agree ed. Jet had his strengths and limitations, we were a very different team when cotts, dropped him, very very different
  4. He wouldn't make my top twenty forwards here, was missing most of the play off season under gj. Amount of good games count on one hand
  5. If not some debate some more analogys, these are great, they sound even better now, after the current quote speculation, anybody got any storys about living in Burnley?
  6. And I'm truly glad, speculation is worthy of debate's Marco! If everybody didn't agree why bother posting! If I did one thread on speculation in the evening post for example, I'd expect people to think I'm not wired up right!
  7. No but as others have explained it must have affected his time here, how do you think he will find Burnley culture wise, compared to Monaco? Come on major be the first to give me a lecture how cosmopolitan Burnley is
  8. So after the great stories about homesickness and culture shocks, he's now going to Burnley .. you couldn't make this up,!
  9. Yep none of them are lacking in confidence thats for sure, others have noted vyner looks a very different player now,
  10. I'd go out on a limb here, with vyner, id have a five pound charity bet he makes, the pfa team next season
  11. Vyners improvement is clear, I wouldn't be surprised to see a bid for him, agree nige has handled the youngster's exceptionally well
  12. Ossie's dream best final song ever
  13. Yep we think we got it tough, with Man it'd shirts here, all the clubs in London and you see as many man utd tops as the big four I'd say! Even back in the 70s they had a big following in the capital
  14. Yep, that is true, sglosbcfc, John shaw was probably on three hundred a week top whack, but wont be remembered like Philips, John could handle competition, and was worthy of a testimonial
  15. Flapper got more at clevedon, talk about a travesty
  16. England 2 Romania 3, proper horror show
  17. One of the worst performances ive ever seen from a England player, Phil Neville euro 2000, absolutely shocking
  18. Think the lowest gate ive ever been at sadly was another goalies testimonial from that era, John Shaw vs west brom, around 1800, he saved a pen that night
  19. I mean no rush but a country would be something too work with
  20. I mean in the real world not many 18 year old move abroad for work! I don't wish to judge so im interested now
  21. You're absolutely right a totally different challenge alex would not have been in a position wages wise to bring family member's over to live with him like han or yourself at 18, may i ask if you moved abroad at 18 for work?
  22. From Monaco to South Bristol, I mean what was he expecting here? If I was him id sack his agent tomorrow
  23. If we are going too use being out your comfort zone as a excuse for signing young players we may as well give up, I would a culture shock would have been coming from somewhere like a real small place rather like Alex Scott, this is getting silly now
  24. Beryl gave me a three match ban for drinking on the coaches, reduced to 2 on appeal, I really miss her, straight soeaker
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