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Oh Louie louie

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Everything posted by Oh Louie louie

  1. Absolutely silv all the leauges hes played in I bet he has no interesting storys most people here Will no this podcast, and they go on interesting storys not medals.
  2. Just watched the latest episode, they mentioned Colin's due on, Reckon hes got a story to tell!
  3. Cotts had a proper slanging match with pack in one game I recall
  4. Dr Dre is actually a real doctor, he does hip op erations
  5. When tins was coming to the end, the post reported, sl had sounded out Graham Taylor, who was out of work at the time about coming in, in a role,
  6. I'm think I'm right in saying five and a half, the deva stadium Chester?
  7. Tbh, at the end of Ashton vale, in the bungalows, many people are disabled or hard of sight, where I live, we had a mob of Thirty on the street protesting, the other day, we Will not go quietly on this
  8. As regards to the racecourse hosting wales games, maybe one meaningless friendly a year, Swansea don't take much business of the millennium do they,
  9. Too many big clubs close by, to make it pay.weekly, agree with Simon knowing local councils showbiz's rubbed off, you don't see many chairman having selfies with players tbf, screams publicity
  10. Well I must say what a unpleasant start to the day to find phil in France has accused me and a few others of persecution,I feel you have crossed a line accusing me of this, from 4 non personal posts speaking purely football, legally speaking this does not amount to persecution, that's a very heinous crime Phil, be more wise with your ps and we is my advice
  11. Let's have it right port vales board got rid, cause he was going to take them down, doesn't take a genius to see that, any manager in the bottom half doesn't get a result in 7, what do you expect,
  12. Good luck getting another job i say then, lets see who comes in for him, probably Grimsby or someone like that. That's the best he can hope for
  13. Pete with all due respect I think the 7 game winless run may have been the point
  14. When you go down hill from rovers, there is no way back
  15. Well he made a pigs ear at Walsall now hes been found out at port vale, not understanding the love in here
  16. One of my fave John sitton stories, 3 games into his Chelsea career he kicked Frank Worthington, who turned around and said, you been in the game 5 minutes and you fing kick me? John then called him a long haired northern so and so, at the next corner Frank hit him in the temple with his elbow and John was out cold for ten minutes!
  17. Problem being half the team aint even started shaving yet!
  18. Can recall Graham Roberts tackling Charlie Nicholas so hard, he flew over his shoulder into the stand
  19. Andy jones of port vale, signed on loan by JJ, the post reported tc was interested in him, after he scored four one week and then I think it was five in the next game or two
  20. Yes, steve Walsh of Leicester said bergkamp, was very very tough, and pulled allsorts of stunts on him, I wish I never kicked him tbh he said!
  21. Toni Schumacher, what he did at that world cup by far one of the worst challenges ever, but a very good goalie
  22. Off the players mentioned John fashs challenge on gary mabbut made as many front page storys as back,
  23. The best by far at dark arts in a city shirt joe Jordan, refs even thought twice about booking him, I can't say that about many players,
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