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Oh Louie louie

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Everything posted by Oh Louie louie

  1. And 1988 was even worse at the euros, van basten what a player
  2. Thinking that Stewart and bridges would terrorise teams,
  3. Bad haircuts run in the savage family I see
  4. Mr wilks joined another Yorkshire club, the woolpack..
  5. We started the season with basso and weale out, Henderson played I recall
  6. A knees up there is five People sharing a half in the Moonraker I expect, if it wasn't a bad enough night for them, then a ex invents a great chant
  7. Tc was there for that Swindon game I recall, and he gave a great interview before the match
  8. Glyn Riley always had a snazzy leather jacket, and was a cool customer, he was born to play the fonze Oops wrong thread
  9. He nutmeged John bailey then chucked in a few verbals, John hit him so hard he stayed off training for days, bailey also said he Will either end up a all time great or washed up at 30, something along those lines
  10. In gazzas excellent autobiography, there's a quote from doctor, I find it amazing gazza wasn't given help, when he burst into tears on the field,
  11. Where I used to sit in the dolman, Scott mcgarvey used to get dogs, and that was with the junior reds!
  12. Hes got demons, anybody knows that, and everyday is probably a battle, but he still showed
  13. On the subject of defender's Bobby Moore could have played in slippers and a blindfold, and still would have been better than harry m,
  14. There was a quiz question few weeks ago which ex Barnet Milan and spurs player won over seventy international caps. Thought it had to be Jimmy, was egdar davids
  15. I see woodwoods on the list, he scored a few, more often than not bet it was the equaliser..
  16. Got to feel for lampard, he should be on 30, that one in South Africa against Germany was about a foot over the line
  17. Andre the giant a well known face in the us sports scene was so big he wouldn't fit on the toilet, he had to Go in the bath, and his room mate jake the snake said it could take hours for a giants turd to wash away,
  18. One of the shortest but straight to the point calls on radio Bristol ever, any manager who lets tins go in goal in a game, should not be managing, I think he had a point
  19. Anybody who watched that team would say it wasn't a good chemistry
  20. For every good player sod signed, he signed a bad one tbf, looking at that list.
  21. Shorey and harewood to say their legs had gone would be kind
  22. One his best performances was as player manager at Walsall, it was a terrible Day merson was playing for them, he came on put two goals on a plate in about fifteen minutes and nobody could get near him
  23. Who was worse pulis or Osman, thats a thread in itself! Both signed some of the worst player's I ever saw, I would say certainly Osman took more stick from the terraces,
  24. Howard Keith Pritchard driving school, and yes it's him
  25. Never been to selhurst park the same way twice, followed a bloke with a palace sticker in his car window once and ended up outside his house, he laugher and directed us
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